
Chair EUchild

EU Child

International Doctoral Conference Osijek

 15-16 March, 2018


The international Doctoral Conference Osijek entitled ‘EU Child“  is organized by the J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek and held in Osijek on the 15-16 March 2018. The Conference is one of the events of the EU Child project „Jean Monnet Chair on Cross-Border Movement of a Child“ 575451-EPP-1-2016-1-HR-EPPJMO-CHAIR. EU Child is a three-year long project (1/9/2016-31/8/2019) performed at the J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek. The project is co-financed and supported by the European Union through the ERASMUS + Program of the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Agency, and by the participating Law faculty. EU Child project is operated as an intensive curricula activity in various interrelated legal areas and through various additional activities with legal aspects of corss-border child movement in its focus. Among the activities one can find enhancing existing teaching activity and intoduction of the new curricula, round table, webinars and workshops for wide range of affected audience (from elementary school children andteachers to law students, practitioners and interested public in general), research activities and a Moot Court in the closing year of the project.

Organizing the Doctoral conference ‘EU Child’ targets one of the project goals. EUChild Chair aims to encourage, advice and mentor young generation in EU studies to cross-border child movement. PhD candidates are encouraged to take part in conference, to conduct  / present a research / prepare a quality scientific paper, either alone or together with their supervisors.

To attract the widest possible audience who can benefit from the research results, the conference abstracts are collected and published here. Conference papers would be published in a separate conference proceedings, whild the top rated contributions would be published in a peer reviewed Law Journal of the Faculty of Law of Osijek.  The Faculty of Law, University of Osijek is much priviledged to host the conference and hopes that the cooperation will be continued.

Mirela Župan