• Razvoj zajedničkog i multidisciplinarnog e-modula izbjegličkog i migracijskog prava (sa 3 pod-modula).
  • Priprema i izvođenje dva intenzivna programa testiranja modula za 75 studenata u Litvi (ožujak 2018.) i Hrvatskoj (ožujak 2019.).
  • Priznavanje e-modula izbjegličkog i migracijskog prava kroz dodjelu ECTS bodova i uvođenje u nastavni plan svih pet partnerskih pravnih fakulteta.
  • Zajednički istraživački radovi studenata partnerskih institucija u području izbjegličkog i migracijskog prava (objavljeni na elektroničkoj platformi).
  • Zajednički istraživački radovi nastavnika partnerskih institucija objavljeni u elektroničkoj projektnoj knjizi (E-publikacija).

INSPIRED Joint and multidisciplinary E-Module on Refugee and Migration Oriented Education

Joint E-Module consists of 3 Sub-modules: (a) European Dimension of Freedom, (b) Migration and Refugee Law; (c) Justice and Security. The aim of Joint E-Module is to improve the quality and relevance of legal education in the field of refugee and migration law at five European Faculties of Law (Croatia, Hungary, Lithuania, the Netherlands and the UK). Creation of international specialized learning module that incorporates new methods of teaching in existing legal education was one of the goals of the project. Another goal was to harmonize legal education in five universities through a joint curriculum enabling further cooperation in joint programs among partner universities, enabling synergies and cross-fertilization of traditional legal education. INSPIRED introduced innovative learning methods in legal education such as virtual mobility, strategic use of Information and Communication Technologies and use of open educational resources.

Available at:

INSPIRED Joint student research papers in the area of Refugee and Migration Oriented Education

Project was also used for publishing the best student research papers in the area of refugee and migration education. The student papers were written under the supervision of teachers from all participating partner Universities. Publication consists of three chapters (asylum and migration, free movement and fundamental rights and combatting terrorism and organized crime) and 17 papers, 183 pages. The purpose of students' papers was to engage in joint research as majority of their papers were prepared in teams consisting of 42 students from all partner universities. The best student's paper was included in joint publication by teachers and as a resource in Joint E-Module on refugee and migration oriented education. INSPIRED Joint student research papers in the area of refugee and migration education is on-line publication.

Available at:

INSPIRED Joint lecturers’ research papers in the area of Refugee and Migration Oriented Education

Project book covers most relevant topics in the area of refugee and migration oriented education that were determined during the project implementation in order to respond to most current needs for such academic input in view of developing policies and practices at European and project country national level. The project book involved partners from all participating universities. Project book was compiled of all the project related research of lecturers from all participating Universities, under the overall leadership of University of Pecs. Lecturers used two intensive programs to identify areas of research that are the most topical in the area of refugee and migration related education. The publication contains nine papers, drafted by twelve authors and has 158 pages. It is expected that project book of joint lecturers papers will be used by practitioners and students among partner Universities and beyond them.

Available at:

 C 3 Intensive Program Access2justice4 refugees September 2019 Lithuania

IP provided knowledge and skills to participants on refugee rights, refugee law and technologies that could be developed and used to enhance refugee access to rights in the host country. Program included 24 students and 11 teachers from 3 Universities. Students learned: a) about practical legal problems that refugees encounter in partner countries; b) how technology could be used to solve legal problems and enhance refugee access to rights and justice. Students were introduced to mobile app development, chat-bots powered by AI and gamification principles and technologies. Students had intensive workshops, where they created useful technological tools for refugees. The outputs of the IP were: 1) creation of mobile apps for refugees that could serve as a tool for delivering relevant legal and practical information to refugees about the partner countries 2) creation of a chatbot for advising refugees on most pertinent questions related to their rights in the host country.

Poster presentation of project INSPIRED

Poster presentation of project INSPIRED was used throughout the project to increase visibility of EC funding and to promote project activities, results, objectives and impact. Poster presentation was very instrumental at various national and international conferences where INSPIRED project staff were presenting project using the poster. INSPIRED poster presentation was also used during Night of Researchers in Osijek, Croatia and Festival of Science at University of Osijek, Croatia to disseminate project results and promote all activities, including creation of e-module, publication of joint teachers' papers and publication of students' papers.


INSPIRED Project Outcomes Presentation

Project presentation was used to present the project at all multiplier events and at all national and international conferences where INSPIRED team had possibility to present the project objectives, activities, results and impact. This dissemination tool was particularly useful as it summarizes all project activities and gives good overview of project achievements.

 INSPIRED Project Outcomes Presentation

INSPIRED Press and Social Media Coverage

Project INSPIRED was widely covered by local press and media in all five partner countries (Lithuania, Croatia, UK, Holland, Hungary). Three project Intensive Programs were covered by social media which was also use to prepare students for participation and to coordinate them during IP programs. Multiplier events and transnational meetings were also covered by local media and social media of participating partner Universities and this ensured visibility and good dissemination of project outcomes and results.

INSPIRED Project visibility dissemination press coverage

C1 Intensive Program March 2018 Lithuania

Intensive programs were delivered in two parts: Part I (two sub-modules on European Dimension of Freedom and Migration and Refugee Law) were tested in e-learning form during intensive program in March 2018 in Vilnius. 89 students and 13 teachers from 6 Universities participated in first IP, selected using the same criteria, established by the Strategic Partnership Consortium. Particular attention was given to the inclusion of disadvantaged students and students with reduced mobility. The testing week in March 2018 focused on face-to face learning of participants and relied on materials, tools and interactive exercises available on e-learning platform that will have to be completed before the IP. This included materials developed for the Module, but also modern ICT techniques and tools.

 C2 Intensive Program March 2019 Croatia

Part II of e-learning module (sub-module on Justice and Security) were tested during intensive program in Osijek in March 2019, while previous two modules were delivered in already improved format. 63 students and 11 teachers from 4 Universities participated in second IP, selected using the same criteria, established by the Strategic Partnership Consortium. Particular attention was given to the inclusion of disadvantaged students and students with reduced mobility. The testing week in March 2019 focused on face to face learning of participants and relied on materials, tools and interactive exercises available on e-learning platform that were completed before the IP. This included materials developed for the Module, but also modern ICT techniques and tools.

Multiplier Events (Seminars) in Four Project Countries

Four seminars on Innovative Solutions for Practicality and Impact in Refugee and Migration Oriented Education took place in Hungary, Lithuania, Croatia and UK starting from March 2019 to September 2019. Each project partner organized a one-day event to gather over 70 participants from other Universities, as well as external partners and practitioners in the area of refugee and migration law. Events provided an overview of the newest developments in the EU in the areas covered by the specialized project E-Module and were used to promote joint student research papers. All events involved dissemination of Joint teachers' research papers publication among external stakeholders (e.g. NGOs, judges, police officers) and other external partners of participating Universities.

Six Project Transnational Meetings of Strategic Partnership Consortium

Strategic Partnership Consortium (SPC) meetings were envisaged during the implementation of the project allow the timely identification of gaps and prompt resolution of possible project risks, as identified at project inception or implementation. Given the complexity of the project implementation, the number of partners, changing priorities and possibly diverging academic schedules, we had six transnational meetings in all project partner countries, including associated partner University of Ulster that hosted one of the transnational meetings. The kick-off meeting of the SPC was held in Osijek, Croatia in October 2017. The second meeting was held in Rotterdam, Holland in February 2018, the third in June 2018 in London, UK, fourth in November 2018 in Belfast, UK, fifth in February 2019 in London, UK and project final meeting in June 2019 in Vilnius, Lithuania.

INSPIRED Transnational Meetings Photo

INSPIRED Project Fact Sheet

INSPIRED Project Fact Sheet was widely disseminated among external partners and media representatives as well as among direct and indirect beneficiaries of the project i.e. students of all five participating partner Universities (London South Bank University, UK; University of Pecs, Hungary; Mykolas Romeris University, Lithuania; Inholland University, Holland; University of Osijek, Croatia) and one associated partner - University of Ulster, UK.


INSPIRED Project Summary Sheet

INSPIRED Project Summary Sheet was widely disseminated among media representatives in all five participating partner countries UK, Hungary, Lithuania, Holland and Croatia. Project summary sheet was translated into local languages of partner institutions and served as dissemination tool to promote project activities and expected outcomes, as well as EC funding of the project.

INSPIRED Project Summary