Primjer ispita

Strani jezici

Ovdje možete naći po jedan ogledni primjerak pisanog ispita na redovitom roku iz Engleskoga jezika i jedan iz Njemačkoga jezika. Na redovitom roku prvi je zadatak za studenta uvijek prijevodom dokazati razumijevanje nepoznatog pravnog teksta. Zato se smije rabiti odgovarajući stručni rječnik.  Također traba znati ispravno postaviti pitanja uz sadržaj navedenog teksta. Ostali zadaci su gramatičkog karaktera.

Na pisanom kolokviju prvi je zadatak takođe prijevod, ali se prevodi dio teksta ili kompilacija 2 ili tri teksta obrađenih na nastavi, pa student nema pravo rabiti rječnik.



Generally, a contract operates to confer and impose duties only on the parties to the contract and no other parties. The principle that follows from this is that third parties have no rights and, as such, cannot enforce contractual provisions. This contractual relationship is summed up in the term privity of contract. In many jurisdictions there are two exceptions to this general rule: the first is when the original contract provides for rights to be conferred on a third party, and the second is when contractual rights and duties are  transferred to a third party at a later date. When speaking of the first type of situation, lawyers generally refer to third-party beneficiary contracts. The most common form of this type of contract is where party A enters into a valid contract with party B which stipulates that party B shall render performance for the benefit of party C, i.e. the third party beneficiary. In the second case mentioned above, rights and duties are transferred after the original contract has been signed. If  in the original contract the transferring party A is owed a right by the non-transferring party B, then A is known as the obligee and B is the obligor. However, if in the original contract A owes B a duty, then A is known as the obligor and B the obligee.

  1. Translate the text above into Croatian.
  2. Write four questions to cover the content of the text: two yes-no questions and two wh-questions.
  3. What do the underlined words refer to? Write their exact equivalents from the text.
  4. Find all the conditional clauses in the text and write them down.
  5. Determine the type of the conditional clauses under 4 and rewrite them in the remaining two types.




Um wenigstens in “Kerneuropa” freie Fahrt zu ermöglichen, haben die Regierungen Deutschlands, der Niederlande, Frankreichs, Belgiens und Luxemburgs 1985 ein Abkommen unterzeichnet. Inzwischen sind auch Italien, Portugal und Spanien dem Abkommen beigetreten. Sie vereinbarten: “Die Binnengrenzen dürfen an jeder Stelle ohne Personenkontrollen überschritten werden”. (...) Das sollte ursprünglich ab 1990 gelten.

Die mit freien Grenzen verbundenen Fragen der inneren Sicherheit konnten aber nicht rechtzeitig geklärt werden. Nach langen Verhandlungen wurde am 19. 06. 1990 ein Durchführungsübereinkommen unterzeichnet, das diese Probleme berücksichtigt und Ausgleichungsma3nahmen zur Gewährleistung der inneren Sicherheit enthält. Dieses Abkommen ist 1994 in Kraft getreten, nachdem es von den fünf “Gründerstaaten” ratifiziert worden ist.


  1. Übersetzen Sie den obigen Text.
  2. Stellen Sie fünf (5) Fragen zum Text.
  3. Worauf beziehen sich die unterstrichenen Wörter? Schreiben Sie die entsprechenden Wörter/Wortgruppen.
  4. Finden Sie alle Nominalisierungen im Text, die von den Verben abgeleitet sind.
  5. Finden Sie alle Sätze im Passiv und bestimmen sie ihre Zeitformen (Präsens Passiv, Präteritum Passiv, Perfekt Passiv…)