This year’s Conference SRCE DEI 2022 will take place in Zagreb on 6th and 7th April 2022, as part of the national strategic project Croatian Scientific and Educational Cloud (HR-ZOO), co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund.
The DIGinLaw team is proud to announce that UNIOS members will be participating in the SRCE DEI 2022 Conference. Full professor Mirela Župan, PhD and research assistant Jura Golub will present a poster at the Conference with the aim of disseminating the DIGinLaw project.
An abstract in Croatian and English can be found below or on the Conference page.
Digitalizacija pravničkog obrazovanja u okviru projekta „Time to Become Digital in Law“
Mirela Župan, Jura Golub, Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Pravni fakultet Osijek
Potaknute utjecajem digitalizacije na znanost i prijenos znanja, sastavnice sveučilišta u Aberdeenu, Milanu i Zagrebu (SRCE), predvođene Pravnim fakultetom Sveučilišta u Osijeku , aplicirale su na javni poziv za financiranje projekta DIGinLaw kroz Erasmus + program. Povjereno im je dvogodišnje financiranje aktivnosti.
Opći je cilj DIGinLaw projekta unapređivanje korištenja digitalnih tehnologija u visokom obrazovanju u polju prava. Dva komplementarna aspekta projekta (razvijanje digitalnih kompetencija; istraživanje utjecaja digitalizacije na pravo) smjeraju ostvarenju četiri specifična cilja.
Razvijajući digitalne kompetencije nastavnika, Projekt pridonosi unapređenju uspješnosti izvođenja nastave na daljinu (online) u visokom obrazovanju u polju prava. Projekt odgovara i na izazove suvremenog tržišta rada u kontekstu pravničke profesije. Kroz treninge, ljetnu školu, knjižni klub za doktorande te visokostandardne online tečajeve razvija prenosive digitalne kompetencije studenata prava (razine 7 i 8 EQF). Uključivo i otvoreno obrazovanje ostvaruje se kroz 12 MOOC-ova tematski usmjerenih na digitalizaciju prava. Naposljetku, poticanjem istraživanja i publiciranja na temu pravnih fenomena razvijenih pod utjecajem informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija pridonosi društveno relevantnoj otvorenoj znanosti.
Provedba projekta ostvaruje izravni pozitivni učinak na nastavnike i studente pravnih fakulteta kao ciljane skupine, ali i neizravni pozitivni učinak na sudionike na tržištu rada pravnih usluga.
Digitalisation of legal education within the project “Time to Become Digital in Law”
Mirela Župan, Jura Golub, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Law Osijek
Encouraged by the impact of digitalisation on science and knowledge transfer, the Universities of Aberdeen, Milan and Zagreb (SRCE), led by the Faculty of Law of the University of Osijek, applied for a public call to fund the DIGinLaw project through the Erasmus + program. They were entrusted with two years of funding for the activities.
The overall goal of the DIGinLaw project is to improve the use of digital technologies in higher education in the field of law. Two complementary aspects of the project (development of digital competences; research on the impact of digitalization on law) aim to achieve four specific objectives.
By developing digital competencies of teachers, the Project contributes to improving the success of distance learning (online) in higher education in the field of law. The project also responds to the challenges of the modern labor market in the context of the legal profession. Through trainings, summer school, book club for doctoral students and high-standard online courses, it develops transferable digital competencies of law students (EQF levels 7 and 8). Inclusive and open education is achieved through 12 MOOC’s thematically focused on the digitalisation of law. Finally, by encouraging research and publishing on the topic of legal phenomena developed under the influence of information and communication technologies, it contributes to socially relevant open science.
The implementation of the project has a direct positive effect on teachers and students of law faculties as a target group, but also an indirect positive effect on participants in the labor market of legal services.