Legal education in the digital age – why do we need MOOCs?

Date / time: 8 March 2023; 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m

The DIGinLaw consortium invites you to the webinar “Legal education in the digital age – why do we need MOOCs?”, which is being held as part of Open Education Week 2023. The webinar is organized by the DIGinLaw project partners University Computing Centre (SRCE) and Faculty of Law Osijek (UNIOS).

The purpose of the webinar is to disseminate the international project “Time to Become Digital in Law” (DIGinLaw), financed under the Erasmus+ programme. The coordinator of the project is the Faculty of Law Osijek, and it is carried out in cooperation with project partners from the Universities of Aberdeen, Milan and Zagreb (SRCE). Within the framework of the DIGinLaw project, 12 MOOCs were developed in open access. The content of MOOCs is focused on attractive topics in the field of digitalization of law (cross-border dispute resolution in the digital age, consumer protection in the digital age, artificial intelligence, cryptocurrencies in private international law, etc.). In addition to the presentation of the DIGinLaw project and the purpose and goal of developing MOOCs, the webinar will discuss the potential of MOOCs for legal education at EQF level 7 and in the context of lifelong learning. One of the MOOCs developed as part of the DIGinLaw project will be presented to the webinar participants. Also, problems of a methodological nature that teachers encountered when creating MOOCs will be indicated.
Finally, the lecturers will be open to questions from the participants and for further discussion on the appropriateness of this form of teaching in higher education in the field of law.

Moderator: Tona Radobolja, University of Zagreb – University Computing Centre (SRCE)


  • Prof. Mirela Župan, PhD, University of Osijek – Faculty of Law Osijek
  • Assoc. Prof. Paula Poretti, PhD, University of Osijek – Faculty of Law Osijek
  • Martina Drventić Barišin, PhD, University of Osijek – Faculty of Law Osijek
  • Jura Golub, LLM, University of Osijek – Faculty of Law Osijek

No previous experience is required to participate in this webinar. The registration link will be published in due course.

The Webinar participation form is available here.