Tomislav Nedić

Chair of Civil Law

Born on December 20, 1991 in Zagreb. After graduating from the Jesuit Classical Gymnasium with right of public in Osijek, in 2010 he enrolled at the Faculty of Law, J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek where he graduated in 2015. A year later, he completed the Professional Training Program for Legal Linguists at the same faculty. During his studies he participated in a large number of legal conferences, seminars, law schools and competitions (in Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Italy, Hungary, the Netherlands, Germany and Serbia) and as a student, independently and in co-authorship, published his first scientific papers. As a student he was a member of the tennis selection of the Faculty and University.

After graduating, he was engaged as Secretary General of the J.J. Strossmayer University Centre for Integrative Bioethics as a scientific unit of the Scientific Centre of Excellence for Integrative Bioethics, which, by definition, brings together the most internationally successful Croatian scientists in bioethics. He still performs the same function in the University Centre. At the end of 2019, he was employed as an assistant at the Academy of Arts and Culture (Department of Culture, Media and Management) where he participated in teaching subjects in scientific methodology and intellectual property (copyright of artists, with associate professor Dubravka Klasiček).

In December 2021, he was employed as an assistant at the Faculty of Law in Osijek at the Department of Civil Law and Family Law Sciences. His research interests include: bioethics and civil law aspects of (integrative) bioethics (especially biomedicine, animal science and sports), copyright, private law protection of personal rights and the history of civil law. He has published a total of thirty scientific papers, papers in proceedings and book chapters. Except in legal journals, he published papers in various philosophical, bioethical, political, anthropological / ethnological and sociological journals.

He was awarded with the "Award for Excellence in Scientific Research" of the Academy of Arts and Culture of the University of J.J. Strossmayer in Osijek (2021), Rector's Award (2013), twice Dean's Award for Success (2012 and 2011) and was twice winner of the University Scholarship for the most successful students of the University (2012 and 2011). He is a member of the Croatian Bioethical Society (member of the Governing Board), the Croatian Philosophical Society and the Matrix Croatica. He speaks English (actively) and German (passively) and in his scientific work he uses Latin (passed as the 1st foreign language of the State graduation exam, A level) and ancient Greek.