European Law of Regional Development

Course titleEuropean Law of Regional Development
Chair of Constitutional and European Law
Number of ECTS credits5 Mato Palić
Office AddressRadićeva 13 63
Telephone+385 31 224 563
Course content

1. Basic regional development terms, different approaches to regional development in various states and regional organisations, 2. The importance of regions in modern law and overall growth development; localism and regionalism, 3. Regional levels, statistical regions, modes of interregional cooperation, 4. International regional personhood, NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 regions, 5. Specific normative solutions for regional development in comparative law (Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Belgium, etc.), 6. Legal grounds, forms and the content of regional participation in international, cross-border and interregional relations, 7. EU law and regional development in the EU with special accent on cooperation with candidate states, 8. EU regional development politics and their implementation in member states, 9. Instruments of regional development in the EU, new programmes for the 2014-2020 period and their importance for member states, 10. Euroregions (forming, purpose, bodies, authorities, jurisdiction, legal foundation, international personhood, examples of successful euroregions), 11. Croatia and the activation of its regional units - legal foundation, importance, cooperation, representation, participation, 12. presenting and analysing successful regional models in order to determine the key factors to their success 13. Presenting successful project ideas and results, getting familiar with matrix, budget development modalities and other important elements of regional development projects

Course learning outcomes

Define the important elements of european regional development policy, Define and apply given knowledge on examples of regional development in the Republic of Croatia, Determine and explain the most optimal means of using appropriate EU regional development funds , Analysing specific problems occuring on the path to true decentralisation in the Republic of Croatia from the aspect of EU regional policy, Suggest the necessary legal framework to better the existing regional structure, aiming to provide for balanced regional development,

☑ Lectures
☐ Seminars and workshops
☐ Exercises
☐ Independent tasks
☑ Multimedia and internet
☑ Distance education
☐ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☐ Mentoring work
☐ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☐ Colloquium
Required reading
Andrassy, Juraj, Bakotić, Božidar, Seršić, Maja, Vukas, Budislav. Međunarodno pravo 1. 2010. Školska knjiga, Zagreb
Lauc, Zvonimir. Stanje i perspektive lokalne i regionalne samouprave u Republici Hrvatskoj, u Lokalna samouprava i decentralizacija, zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa. 2007. Zagreb
Malagurski, Branislav. Međunarodnopravni aspekti regija i regionalnih teritorijalnih jedinica. 2008. Pravni vjesnik, 24(2008), 1
Optional reading
Babac, Branko, Lauc, Zvonimir. Regija i regionalizacija u Hrvatskoj. 1989. Pravni fakultet Osijek
Frkić, Iva. Sposobnost korištenja sredstava pretpristupnih fondova EU: iskustva država kandidatkinja i osvrt na RH. 2004. Ministarstvo europskih integracija, Zagreb
Rašić Bakarić, Ivana, Sumpor, Marijana, Sisinački, Jelena. Governance Structures for Local Economic Development in Croatia, u Proceedings of the 45th European Regional Science Association Congress: Land Use and Water Management in a Sustainable Network Society. 2005. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Malagurski, Branislav. Decentralizacija i regionalizacija kao uvjet održivog razvoja lokalnih samouprava, u Lokalna samouprava i decentralizacija, Zbornik radova sa znanstvenog skupa. 2007. Zagreb
Frkić, Iva. Regionalna i kohezijska politika EU: Stanje, problemi i perspektive. 2004. Ministarstvo europskih integracija, Zagreb
Briffault, Richard. Localism and regionalism. 2000. Buffalo Law Review, 48(2000), 1
. Regional Development Capacity Building Facilities in Croatia ( 2007. Ecorys, Zagreb
MacLeod, Gordon. New Regionalism Reconsidered: Globalization and the Remaking of Political Economic Space. 2001. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 25(2001), 4
Dvorny, Dalibor, Frkić, Iva. Case of IPA in Croatia: Invitation to Strategic Thinking or ‘Business as Usual’?, u Using IPA and other EU Funds to Accelerate Convergence and Integration in the Western Balkans ( 2022. Center of EU Enlargement Studies (CEUENS), Budimpešta, 2008.