Jean Monnet projects – EUchild

EU kids’ Corner

Webinar and workshop

This workshop will be organised for the children in the elementary school where they will be introduced with foundation and development of the European Union.

In the framework of this workshop elementary school teachers will be introduced with the possibilities of the participation in the Erasmus+ programs.

This workshop is in line with general framework of this Chair, bearing in mind a fact that it motivates children of the youngest age to participate in EU mobility process and they are get familiar with European surrounding. Dunja Duić will be in charge for this workshop.

EU Kid’s Corner Workshop

Radionica EU kutak za djecu održana je 17. travnja 2018. godine u sklopu manifestacije Festival znanosti 2018. The EU Kids's Corner Workshop was held on 17 April 2018, within...

EU Kid’s Corner Workshop

The EU Kids's Corner Workshop was held on 9 May 2017, within the manifestation Europe Days. The pupils from the elementary school "Vladimir Becić" attended the...