Academic Staff

Jura Golub, mag. iur.

  • Hrvatski
  • English

aktivni radni odnos

Ustrojstvena jedinica:
Katedra međunarodnog privatnog prava

Telefon :
+385 31 224 587

Ured (prostorija):
S. Radića 17

Termin konzultacija:
Petkom 11:00 - 12:00 h

  • Stipendija za istraživački boravak, British Scholarship Trust, 2022.
  • Stipendija za izvrsnost u akad. god. 2020./2021., Sveučilište u Osijeku, 2021.
  • Godišnja nagrada za najbolje studente Sveučilišta J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku, Lions Club Osijek, 2021.
  • Dekanove nagrade za uspjeh u studiranju, 2017.-2021.

Jura Golub diplomirao je na Pravnom fakultetu Osijek 2021. godine (summa cum laude). Tijekom studija višestruko je nagrađivan Dekanovim nagradama za uspjeh u studiranju, Stipendijom za izvrsnost Sveučilišta J. J. Strossmayera u Osijeku te Godišnjom nagradom za najbolje studente Lions Cluba Osijek.

U listopadu 2021. godine zapošljava se na Pravnom fakultetu Osijek na suradničkom radnom mjestu asistenta u okviru programa Hrvatske zaklade za znanost programa „Projekt razvoja karijera mladih istraživača – izobrazba novih doktora znanosti”, pod mentorstvom prof. dr. sc. Mirele Župan. Suradnik je na međunarodnom projektu "Time to Become Digital in Law" financiranog u okviru programa Erasmus+.

U veljači 2022. godine upisuje poslijediplomski sveučilišni (doktorski) studij Pravo na Pravnom fakultetu Osijek. Istraživački interes usmjeren je u području digitalizacije prava, odabrana pitanja s materijalnopravnog i procesnopravnog aspekta. Do sada izlagao na nekoliko međunarodnih znanstvenih konferencija, od kojih se izdvajaju one na Sveučilištu Radboud (Nizozemska), Sveučilištu u Milanu (Italija), Sveučilištu u Ferrari (Italija), Nacionalnom sveučilištu u Singapuru (Singapur), Royal Hollowayu, Sveučilište u Londonu (Ujedinjena Kraljevina) te INSOL Tokyo 2023 (Japan).

Dobitnik je stipendije British Scholarship Trusta za dvomjesečni istraživački boravak u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu, koji je proveo na King's Collegu London, The Dickson Poon School of Law (10/2022 - 12/2022).

Sveučilišni integrirani prijediplomski i diplomski studij Pravo

Sveučilišni prijediplomski studij Socijalni rad

  • Sveučilišni magistar prava (univ. mag. iur.)

Golub, J., "The Rights of Secured Creditors over Crypto Assets in the European Insolvency Proceedings", Journal of Business Law (J.B.L.), No. 8, 2024, pp. 686-701.

Golub, J., Digital Vulnerability of Consumers in the World of Smart Contracts – Is European Private International Law “Digitalised” Enough?, in: Crea, C., De Franceschi, A. (eds.), The New Shapes of Digital Vulnerability in European Private Law, Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2024, pp. 293-324.

Župan, M., Poretti, P., Golub, J., Strane javne isprave u digitalno doba, in: Barbić, J. (ed.), Međunarodno privatno pravo i globalni trendovi, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb, 2024, pp. 79-126.

Golub J, "Application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the assessment of the credibility of statements in the cross-border taking of evidence in civil and commercial matters", Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law (JIPITEC), Vol. 14, No. 3, 2023, pp. 376-390.

Golub J, “Contemporary Forms of Work with a Digital Feature in Private International Law”, EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges Series (ECLIC), Vol. 7, 2023, pp. 316-345.

Golub, J., Characterization of Cryptoassets as a Separate Category of Digital Assets, in: Kunda, I. et al (eds), Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law, Springer, Cham, 2023, pp. 191-216.

Župan, M., Drventić, M., Golub, J., Utjecaj moderne tehnologije na obrazovanje pravnika, in: Barbić, J., Župan, M. (eds), Rješavanje prekograničnih sporova i suvremene tehnologije, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb, 2023, pp. 129-153.

Employment Status:
active employee

Organizational unit:

Telephone :
+385 31 224 587

Office (room):
S. Radića 17

Office hours:
Friday 11:00 - 12:00 h

  • Scholarship for research stay, British Scholarship Trust, 2022
  • Academic Excellence Scholarship for the Academic Year 2020/2021, University of Osijek, 2021
  • Annual Award for the Best Students of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Lions Club Osijek, 2021
  • Dean's Awards for Academic Excellence, Faculty of Law Osijek, 2017-2021

In 2021, Jura Golub graduated at the Faculty of Law Osijek (summa cum laude). During his study, he was awarded multiple times with the Dean's Award for Academic Success, the Scholarship for Academic Excellence of the University of Osijek, and the Annual Award for the Best Students of the Lions Club Osijek.

In October 2021, he was employed at the Faculty of Law Osijek as a research assistant within the framework of the Croatian Science Foundation's program "Young researchers' career development project - training of new PhDs", under the mentorship of Prof Mirela Župan, PhD. Jura is a collaborator on the international project "Time to Become Digital in Law", funded under the Erasmus + program.

In February 2022, he enrolled in the postgraduate university (doctoral) study of Law at the Faculty of Law Osijek. The research interest is focused in the field of digitalisation of law, selected issues from the substantive and procedural aspects. He has presented at several international scientific conferences of which those at Radboud University (The Netherlands), University of Milan (Italy) and University of Ferrara (Italy) stand out.

Jura is the recipient of a scholarship from the British Scholarship Trust for a two-month research stay in the United Kingdom.

Research stay at King's College London, The Dickson Poon School of Law (10/2022 - /12/2022).

  • Master of Laws (univ. mag. iur.)

Golub, J., "The Rights of Secured Creditors over Crypto Assets in the European Insolvency Proceedings", Journal of Business Law (J.B.L.), No. 8, 2024, pp. 686-701.

Golub, J., Digital Vulnerability of Consumers in the World of Smart Contracts – Is European Private International Law “Digitalised” Enough?, in: Crea, C., De Franceschi, A. (eds.), The New Shapes of Digital Vulnerability in European Private Law, Nomos, Baden-Baden, 2024, pp. 293-324.

Župan, M., Poretti, P., Golub, J., Strane javne isprave u digitalno doba, in: Barbić, J. (ed.), Međunarodno privatno pravo i globalni trendovi, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb, 2024, pp. 79-126.

Golub J, "Application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the assessment of the credibility of statements in the cross-border taking of evidence in civil and commercial matters", Journal of Intellectual Property, Information Technology and E-Commerce Law (JIPITEC), Vol. 14, No. 3, 2023, pp. 376-390.

Golub J, “Contemporary Forms of Work with a Digital Feature in Private International Law”, EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges Series (ECLIC), Vol. 7, 2023, pp. 316-345.

Golub, J., Characterization of Cryptoassets as a Separate Category of Digital Assets, in: Kunda, I. et al (eds), Balkan Yearbook of European and International Law, Springer, Cham, 2023, pp. 191-216.

Župan, M., Drventić, M., Golub, J., Utjecaj moderne tehnologije na obrazovanje pravnika, in: Barbić, J., Župan, M. (eds), Rješavanje prekograničnih sporova i suvremene tehnologije, Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti, Zagreb, 2023, pp. 129-153.