On 7 December 2022, the European Commission adopted a Proposal for a Regulation which aims to harmonize at the EU level the rules of private international law with regard to parenthood.
This proposal aims to provide legal certainty and predictability for families in cross-border situations.
The objective of the Proposal is to strengthen the protection of the fundamental rights and other rights of children in cross-border situations, including their right to an identity , to non-discrimination and to a private and family life , and to succession and maintenance rights in another Member State, taking the best interests of the child as a primary consideration. Consistent with this objective, the Council conclusions on the EU Strategy on the rights of the child underline that children’s rights are universal, that every child enjoys the same rights without discrimination of any kind and that the best interests of the child must be a primary consideration in all actions relating to children, whether taken by public authorities or by private institutions.
To address the problems with the recognition of parenthood for all purposes and close the existing gap in Union law, the Commission is proposing the adoption of Union rules on international jurisdiction on parenthood and applicable law, so as to then facilitate the recognition in a Member State of the parenthood established in another Member State. The Commission is also proposing the creation of a European Certificate of Parenthood that children (or their legal representatives) can request and use to provide evidence of their parenthood in another Member State.