The University of Genova (UniGe) was founded in 1933, but its history can be traced back several centuries (14th century). The University is nowadays a teaching and research institution organized in 22 departments within 5 schools, 13 interuniversity research centers and 1 center of excellence. Its educational offer is composed of 132 Bachelor and Master courses, 28 PhD courses divided into more than 90 curricula, 44 specialization schools, 27 I and II level University Masters, 5 Libraries. 

UNIGE has a strong participation both in EC Framework and in other important European and international research and cooperation programmes. In particular, within FP6 UNIGE was awarded 92 project, in FP7 115 contracts (18 MSCA projects) and, up to now, 94 Horizon 2020 contracts. Up to now, 40 contracts within Horizon Europe are funded, of which 4 ERC (3 ERC StG and 1 ERC AdG). Moreover, since 2014, UniGe was awarded 37 projects within other research EU Programmes