Ilaria Queirolo
Ilaria Queirolo is the project coordinator, with extensive expertise in EU project management. Ilaria is full professor of International Law, specialized in EU PIL in family matters, on which she carries out activities co-funded by a number of European projects and publishes monographies and articles. She holds a PhD in International Law obtained at the University of Milan, and currently teaches Public International Law, and European Private International Law at the Department of Law, and of Political Science. She is member of editorial committees of top-ranked reviews (Rivista di diritto privato e processuale; Il diritto marittimo), and one of the founders of the series of essays “Scritti di diritto internazionale privato ed europeo”.
Laura Carpaneto
Laura Carpaneto is associate professor in European Union law at the University of Genoa. She is specialized in EU PIL in family matters and children rights. She has been member of the HCCH Group of Experts in the Parentage/Surrogacy Project. She has spent various periods of time abroad for research purposes (University of Leicester – UK, University of Valencia, Spain, , Max Planck Institute for Comparative Law and Private International Law of Hamburg, Germany). Since 2000, she has regularly participated in research projects financed by the European Commission, the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, and the University of Genoa.
Francesco Pesce
Francesco Pesce, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of International Law at the Department of Law. He is Member of the Scientific Committee of the CIELI (Centro Italiano di Eccellenza sulla Logistica Integrata). He is expert in EU PIL in family matters, on which he has wrote a monograph, he has edited publications and he also wrote scientific articles and book chapters. He is member of the team of many European and national research projects; he also participates to European projects in quality of coordinator and scientific responsible for the Italian partner Unit. He is member of the Editorial board of the scientific law collection Scritti di diritto privato europeo ed internazionale (Aracne Publisher, Roma).
Francesca Maoli
Francesca Maoli is researcher in International Law at the University of Genoa, specialized in EU PIL in family matters and children rights. She is the author of several articles and book chapters on the topic. She participated in research projects on the above mentioned topics, and she was a speaker in conferences and seminars at national and international level. She collaborates with Defence for Children International Italy for research and advocacy purposes.