Europeization of Croatian Administration
Course title | Europeization of Croatian Administration |
Chair of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences | |
Number of ECTS credits | 4 |
Lecturer | Boris Ljubanović |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 |
Telephone | | | |
Lecturer | Ana Đanić Čeko |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 38 |
Telephone | +385 31 224 586 | |
Course content |
1. Introduction Processes: Globalization, transition, European integration, Europeanization, modernization. Growth of administrative complexity. Changes in the public administration system and the impact of EU accession. 2. Fundamental issues of state administration Territorial administrative system. State administration as a system - elements and internal relationships in the system. Contemporary administrative developments: independent executive agencies, independent regulatory bodies, and other institutional innovations. Forms of privatization of parts of state administration. Changes in relations in administrative systems: strengthening of institutions for shaping public policies (policy institutions), independence of executive parts, strengthening of coordination, shift of emphasis from structures to programs. Coordination instruments (government, regulations, financial, organizational, personnel, supervisory and others). Classification of administrative tasks. Scope and jurisdiction. Changes in the way administrative work is performed. Changes in administrative personnel: from personnel administration to human resources management. Relevant environment of state administration: political system, social environment, citizens, international organizations. Political influence on state administration and political supervision of state administration. Other forms of state administration supervision. Development of relations between citizens and administration. The influence of international organizations and administrative processes on changing national administrative systems. 3. State administration in the Republic of Croatia The influence of the Croatian Parliament on public administration. Powers of the President of the Republic in relation to the state administration. Government as the political and administrative leadership of the state administration. The center of government as a coordinating center of state administration: the government secretariat and other institutions of the center of government. State administration bodies. Relations in the state administration system. State administration jobs and ways of performing them. Horizontal and vertical coordination in the Croatian state administration system. The attitude of officials towards citizens. Supervision of the Croatian state administration (political supervision, ombudsman, administrative and inspection supervision, judicial supervision). Characteristics of the Croatian administration. The development of Croatian administration after 1990. 4. Administrative reforms Public administration and values: democratic political, legal, economic and social values. Changes in the ruling administrative doctrines in modern times. New public administration (new public administration). New public management (new public management). Good governance and administration. Concept and types of reforms. Causes of reforms. The traditional Weberian model of administration, the rule of law and contemporary administrative reforms. Crisis of the welfare state and contemporary administrative reforms. Criteria and success factors of administrative reforms. Changes in the position of citizens towards the administration. Managerial reforms: structural, functional, personnel and other measures and effects. Administrative reforms in certain European countries - similarities in approach, differences in implementation and effects, lessons for the Republic of Croatia. Functional review as the most common type of administrative reform in transition countries. 5. Modernization and Europeanization of Croatian public administration European administrative space and European administrative standards. The role and activity of SIGMA. Principles and orientations of the reform. Areas, components and measures of modernization reform. Implementation of the reform. Previous reform experiences. Incentives and constraints. |
Course learning outcomes |
define basic terms in the field of public administration (bodies, jobs, supervision, European administrative area, administrative reforms, Europeanization process), enumerate and explain the bodies and tasks of state administration, the basic principles of European public administration and the European administrative area, powers and acts of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, to compare the administrative systems of transition countries, to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the mentioned systems and to critically think independently about the problems in the public administration system, enumerate and describe the stages of development of administrative systems and explain the fundamental features of the relationship between citizens and the administration and present specific examples of the same, enumerate basic administrative values and administrative standards and explain the basic characteristics of administrative doctrines distinguish types of administrative reforms and explain the influence of the process of Europeanization and modernization on the reform of the public administration system in the Republic of Croatia, analyze the effects of administrative reforms in the Republic of Croatia and propose specific normative solutions, apply the acquired knowledge from the specified subject to concrete examples from practice with the interpretation of legal texts of the selected institutes, |
☑ Lectures ☐ Seminars and workshops ☐ Exercises ☑ Independent tasks ☑ Multimedia and internet | ☐ Distance education ☑ Office hours ☐ Laboratory ☐ Field work ☐ Mentoring work ☐ Knowledge test |
☑ Oral exam ☑ Written exam ☐ Colloquium |
Other: |
Students are obliged to regularly attend lectures with active participation in the discussion on the chosen topic and presenting their own points of view, opinions, critical argumentation and proposing concrete solutions related to the problematic issue. |
Required reading |
Ljubanović, Boris . Modernizacija hrvatske državne uprave – zahtjevi i ostvarenja,. 2005. Pravni vjesnik, br. 3-4, str. 269.-277. Pravni fakultet, Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera |
Koprić, Ivan; Pusić, Eugen, Ivanišević, Stjepan et. al.. Javna uprava – Nastavni materijali. 2006. _Suvremena javna uprava. str. 3-6, 19-43, 137-158, 161-168, 347-391_ |
Pusić, Eugen . Država i državna uprava. 1999. Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu |
Koprić, Ivan. Managing Public Administration Reform in Croatia. 2008. Hrvatska javna uprava, br. 3 |
Ustav Republike Hrvatske, . NN 56/90, 135/97, 8/98, 113/00, 124/00, 28/01, 41/01, 55/01, 76/10, 85/10, 5/14 . 2022. |
Zakon o Vladi Republike Hrvatske, . NN 150/11, 119/14, 93/16, 116/18, 80/22. 2022. |
Zakon o sustavu državne uprave, . NN 66/19. 2022. |
Zakon o ustrojstvu i djelokrugu tijela državne uprave, . NN 85/20. 2022. |
Nacionalni plan razvoja javne uprave za razdoblje od 2022. do 2027. godine.,%20planovi,%20izvje%C5%A1%C4%87a/Nacionalni%20plan%20razvoja%20javne%20uprave%20za%20razdoblje%20od%202022_2027.pdf. 2022. MINISTARSTVO PRAVOSUĐA I UPRAVE |
Optional reading |
Koprić, Ivan (prir.) . Modernizacija hrvatske uprave. . 2004. _Društveno veleučilište u Zagrebu_ |
Hayward, Jack, Anand Menon . Governing Europe. 2003. Oxford etc.; Oxford University Press |
Farnham, David, Sylvia Horton, John Barlow, Annie Hondeghem (eds.) . New Public Managers in Europe: Public Servants in Transition. . 1996. Basingstoke i London: MacMillan Press |