Civil Servants Law
Course title | Civil Servants Law |
Chair of Labour and Social Security Law Sciences and Social Work | |
Number of ECTS credits | 5 |
Lecturer | Mario Vinković |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 73 |
Telephone | +385 31 224 573 | | |
Lecturer | Mario Vinković |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 73 |
Telephone | +385 31 224 573 | | |
Associate | Helga Špadina |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 |
Telephone | | | |
Associate | Helga Špadina |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 |
Telephone | | |
Course content |
Through the content of the course, students will have the opportunity to: recognize, explain and apply the differences between a classic employment relationship and an official relationship; interpret models of human resource management in public administration; interpret the concept of official law and official; describe the regulation of the legal position of state and local officials; recognize and interpret sources of civil service law, standards of European civil service law (EU, Council of Europe, SIGMA), and the constitutional principle of the availability of jobs in public services. The content of the course is particularly focused on the legal conditions for establishing an official relationship, obstacles to admission to civil service, ways of filling positions, rights and duties of civil servants (right to work in appropriate conditions, salary and material income, equal treatment and equal opportunities for advancement, petitions, union association, right to strike, obligation to act in accordance with the law, prohibition of abuse of authority, duty to provide information on administrative matters, efficient and timely execution of entrusted tasks, keeping official secrets and respect for privacy, subordination (duty to carry out orders), ethical behavior and behavior). Official status will also be analyzed through job classification models, transfer of employees, referral to work outside the civil service, performance evaluation, promotion, promotion in the service, professional training and development, making available, removal from service and termination of service. Light and serious violations of official duty, the procedure and system of sanctions, and the termination of civil service will be analyzed cause-and-effect. Special attention will be paid to official ethics and the Code of Ethics. |
Course learning outcomes |
Defining, identifying and interpreting the fundamental institutes of the civil service law system in the Republic of Croatia., Explanation of the functioning of official relations in state bodies and bodies of local and regional self-government units, both in national law and through the critical discourse of professionalization of the state (public) service and accepted international democratic standards., Interpretation of relevant national legislation in the field of official relations (rights, obligations, basic duties, promotion conditions and disciplinary (disciplinary) responsibilities of civil servants)., Demonstration of necessary knowledge in the civil service law system and applying them to simpler cases from practice (violations of the code of ethics, violations of official duties, discrimination, etc.)., Analysis of difficulties in achieving legal protection of civil servants in the context of performing tasks of state and regional (regional) service., Explanation of the legal nature of civil service and its peculiarities in relation to classic labor relations., Identifying and explaining models of human resource management in public administration., A critical comparison of the functioning of civil service relations in the Republic of Croatia in the context of the standards of European civil service law., |
☑ Lectures ☐ Seminars and workshops ☑ Exercises ☐ Independent tasks ☑ Multimedia and internet | ☐ Distance education ☐ Office hours ☐ Laboratory ☐ Field work ☐ Mentoring work ☐ Knowledge test |
☑ Oral exam ☑ Written exam ☑ Colloquium |
Other: |
Required reading |
Zoran Pičuljan; Sandra Pipunić. Službeničko pravo, Zbirka propisa 1. 2008. Novi informator, Zagreb |
Gordana Marčetić. Upravljanje ljudskim potencijalima u javnoj upravi, Suvremena javna uprava. 2007. Društveno učilište, Zagreb |
Željko Potočnjak. Radni odnosi državnih službenika. 2013. Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Studijski centar za javnu upravu i javne financije, Zagreb |
. Zakon o službenicima i namještenicima u područnoj (regionalnoj) samoupravi, NN. 86/08, 61/11, 04/18, 112/19. 0. |
. Zakon o državnim službenicima, NN. 92/05,142/06,77/07,107/07,27/08,49/11, 150/11,34/12,49/12,37/13,38/13, 1/15, 138/15, 61/17, 70/19, 98/19. 0. |
. Zakon o službenicima i namještenicima u područnoj (regionalnoj) samoupravi, NN. 86/08, 61/11, 04/18, 112/19. 0. |
. Etički kodeks državnih službenika NN 40/11,13/12. 0. |
Optional reading |
Cristoph Demmke. Civil Services in the EU of 27 – Reform Outcomes and the Future of the Civil service. 2010. EIPASCOPE 2/2010. Dostupno na |
Jasna Omejec. Državni službenici u praksi Europskog suda za ljudska prava, u: Upravno pravo – aktualnosti upravnog sudovanja i upravne prakse. 2007. Inžinjerski biro, Zagreb |
Mario Vinković, Blanka Benković. Uloga disciplinskoh sankcija u borbi protiv nezakonitog i neporfesionalnog ponašanja državnih službenika – slučaj Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine, 27 (2). 2011. Pravni vjesnik |
Snježana Vasiljević, Mario Vinković. Temeljna prava i zabrana diskriminacije u praksi europskih i nacionalnih sudova. 2019. Narodne novine, Zagreb |