Academic Staff Mario Vinković

  • Hrvatski
  • English

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Telefon :
+385 31 224 573

Ured (prostorija):

Termin konzultacija:
U vrijeme održavanja nastave, utorkom u 14.00 sati. Konzultacije se mogu održati i putem platformi za udaljeno komuniciranje. Preporučam prethodno se najaviti putem emali adrese:

  • Kao student bio je dobitnik Rektorove nagrade i Nagrade grada Osijeka za izvanredan uspjeh tijekom studija, a kao nastavnik dobitnik je institucionalnih nagrada za uspjeh u znanosti i znanstveno-istraživačkom radu, te nastavi i odnosu prema studentima.
  • Surađivao s više udruga civilnoga društva. Gotovo 20 godina intenzivno surađuje s Udrugom mobbing - za zaštitu žrtava mobbinga iz Zagreba s kojom je sudjelovao u realizaciji više uspješnih projekata.

Prof. dr. sc. Mario Vinković, redoviti profesor u trajnom izboru, bivši je dugogodišnji predsjednik Katedre radnopravnih i socijanih znanosti i socijalnog rada i trenutni predstojnik Zavoda za radno i socijalno zakonodavstvo, socijalni rad i strane jezike Pravnog fakulteta Osijek. Član je Europskog odbora za socijalna prava Vijeća Europe, a glasovima kolegica i kolega profesora pravnih fakulteta u Republici Hrvatskoj izabran je za člana Državnog sudbenog vijeća (u mandatu 2019. - 2023, i 2023. - 2027.). Bio je članom Upravnog vijeća Pravosudne akademije kao predstavnik sveučilišnih nastavnika pravnih znanosti (2010.-2014.), prodekan za znanost i međunarodnu suradnju Pravnog fakulteta Osijek (2009.-2014.), prorektor za nastavu i studente Sveučilišta u Osijeku (2014.-2017.), i voditelj Doktorske škole Sveučilišta u Osijeku (2014.-2019.). Dugi niz godina bio je voditelj Poslijediplomskog interdisciplinarnog sveučilišnog (doktorskog) studija - Europski studiji Doktorske škole Sveučilišta u Osijeku, a čiji je Elaborat o studijskom programu i izradio. Redoviti je član Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske i dobitnik prave Jean Monnet katedre osječkog sveučilišta - Jean Monnet katedre za europsko radno pravo, pravo jednakosti i pravo ljudskih prava (2013.-2016.). Održao je veći broj pozvanih predavanja u Republici Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu, uključujući i predavanja na polijediplomskim studijima. Izlagao je na preko 40 međunarodnih konferencija u Australiji, Bangladešu, Bosni i Hercegovini, Bugarskoj, Hrvatskoj, Mađarskoj, Njemačkoj, Turskoj i Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu (na preko 15 konferencija kao pozvani predavač). Usavršavao se na University of Manchester, University of Liverpool, Central European University i Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute u Budimpešti, te University of Illinois u Urbana-Champaign. Predaje na više poslijediplomskih studija u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu.

Stručni prijediplomski studij Upravni studij

Stručni diplomski studij Javna uprava

Sveučilišni diplomski studij Socijalni rad

  • Foksuiran na istraživanja u području nacionalnog i europskog radnog prava, posebno probleme diskriminacije u kontekstu rada i zapošljavanja, ravnopravnost spolova, transformaciju radnog prava i radnih odnosa, probleme dječjeg rada, socijalna motrišta trgovanja ljudima, nove izvore radnog prava i dr.

Vinković, Mario, Transformation of Employment Relations and Social Dumping in the European Union: The Struggle Between David and Goliath?, Sander, G. Gerald, Tomljenović, Vesna, Bodiroga Vukobrat, Nada (eds.) Transnational, European, and National Labour Relations: Flexicurity and New Economy, Springer, Cham, 2018.

Vinković, Mario, Tucak, Ivana, Human Resources Law – The Need for a New Legal Branch in Croatia, RED 2021- 10th International Scientific Symposium Region, Entrepreneurship, Development, Conference Proceedings, Leko Šimić, Mirna, Crnković, Boris (eds.), Osijek: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, 2021.

Vinković, Mario, Hunger as a Social Problem - the Right to Food in a Time of Crisis, Exploring the Social Dimension of Europe - Essays in Honour of Nada Bodiroga Vukobrat, Studien zur Rehtswissenschaft, Band 455, Sander, G.Gerald, Poščić, Ana, Martinović, Andrijana (eds.), Verlag Dr. Kovač, Hamburg, 2021.

Tucak, Ivana; Vinković, Mario, Arguments for and against the introduction of compulsory vaccination for health care workers, InterEULawEast, 9 (2022), 1; 1-32.

Vinković, Mario, Croatia: Reality of Labor Protection – At the Crossroads of Individual, and Collective Labor Law, u: Jakab, Nora (ed) Fundamentals of Labor Law in Central Europe, CEA and Ferenc Madl Institute of Comparative Law, Miskolc-Budapest, 2022.

Vinković, Mario, Leading or Breeding; Looking Ahead: Gender Segregation in the Labour Market and the Equal Distribution of Family Responsibilities, u: Carapezza Figlia, Gabriele, Kovačević, Ljubinka, Kristoffersson, Eleonor (eds.) Gender Perspectives in Private Law, Gender Perspectives in Law 4, Springer, Cham, 2023.

Employment Status:
active employee

Telephone :
+385 31 224 573

Office (room):

Office hours:
Every Tuesday.
Please make an appointment in advance via email

  • As a student, he was the winner of the Rector's Award and the City of Osijek Award for outstanding success during his studies, and as a teacher, he was the winner of institutional awards for success in science and scientific research, as well as in teaching and attitude towards students.
  • He cooperated with several civil society associations. For almost 20 years, he has been intensively cooperating with the Mobbing Association - for the protection of mobbing victims from Zagreb, with which he participated in the implementation of several successful projects.

Professor Mario Vinković, PhD, is a tenure full professor, former long-term head of the Department of Labour and Social Security Law and Social Work (2014-2022) and current head of the Institute for Labour and Social Legislation, Social Work and Foreign Languages at the Faculty of Law University of Osijek. Mario is a member of the European Committee of Social Rights of the Council of Europe, and was elected as a member of the State Judicial Council (for the term of office 2019 - 2023, and 2023 - 2027) by the votes of his colleagues and professors of law faculties in the Republic of Croatia. He was a member of the Governing Board of the Judicial Academy as a representative of university professors of legal sciences (2010-2014), Vice-Dean for Science and International Cooperation at the Faculty of Law in Osijek (2009-2014), Vice-Rector for Teaching and Students (2014-2017) and Head of Doctoral School at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (2014-2019). For many years, he was the head of the postgraduate interdisciplinary university (doctoral) study - European studies of the Doctoral School of the University of Osijek, for which he created the Elaborate on the study program. He is a full member of the Croatian Academy of Legal Sciences and the holder of the first Jean Monnet Chair of the University of Osijek - Jean Monnet Chair in EU Labour, Equality and Human Rights Law (2013-2016). Mario Vinković has given a number of invited lectures in the Republic of Croatia and abroad, including invited lectures at postgraduate studies and has presented at over 40 international conferences in Australia, Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, the Federal Republic of Germany, Turkey and the United Kingdom (of which at over 15 international conferences as an invited speaker). He has been on study research at the University of Manchester, the University of Liverpool, the Central European University and the Constitutional and Legislative Policy Institute in Budapest and the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. He teaches at several post-graduate studies in Croatia and abroad.

Professional Undergraduate Administrative Study Programme

Public Administration

  • Focused on research in the field of national and European labour law, especially problems of discrimination in the context of work and employment, gender equality, transformation of labour law and labour relations, problems of child labor, social aspects of human trafficking, new sources of labour law, etc.

Vinković, Mario, Transformation of Employment Relations and Social Dumping in the European Union: The Struggle Between David and Goliath?, Sander, G. Gerald, Tomljenović, Vesna, Bodiroga Vukobrat, Nada (eds.) Transnational, European, and National Labour Relations: Flexicurity and New Economy, Springer, Cham, 2018.

Vinković, Mario, Tucak, Ivana, Human Resources Law – The Need for a New Legal Branch in Croatia, RED 2021- 10th International Scientific Symposium Region, Entrepreneurship, Development, Conference Proceedings, Leko Šimić, Mirna, Crnković, Boris (eds.), Osijek: Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economics in Osijek, 2021.

Vinković, Mario, Hunger as a Social Problem - the Right to Food in a Time of Crisis, Exploring the Social Dimension of Europe - Essays in Honour of Nada Bodiroga Vukobrat, Studien zur Rehtswissenschaft, Band 455, Sander, G.Gerald, Poščić, Ana, Martinović, Andrijana (eds.), Verlag Dr. Kovač, Hamburg, 2021.

Tucak, Ivana; Vinković, Mario, Arguments for and against the introduction of compulsory vaccination for health care workers, InterEULawEast, 9 (2022), 1; 1-32.

Vinković, Mario, Croatia: Reality of Labor Protection – At the Crossroads of Individual, and Collective Labor Law, u: Jakab, Nora (ed) Fundamentals of Labor Law in Central Europe, CEA and Ferenc Madl Institute of Comparative Law, Miskolc-Budapest, 2022.

Vinković, Mario, Leading or Breeding; Looking Ahead: Gender Segregation in the Labour Market and the Equal Distribution of Family Responsibilities, u: Carapezza Figlia, Gabriele, Kovačević, Ljubinka, Kristoffersson, Eleonor (eds.) Gender Perspectives in Private Law, Gender Perspectives in Law 4, Springer, Cham, 2023.