Academic Staff Nataša Lucić

  • Hrvatski
  • English

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+385 31 224 555

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  • Nagrada za izvrsnost u nastavi i odnosu prema studentima, Pravni fakultet Osijek, 2019.
  • Dopredsjednica Hrvatske udruge za pravnu zaštitu obitelji

Izv. prof. dr. sc. Nataša Lucić (rođ. Soldan) rođena je 15. travnja 1979. godine u Slavonskom Brodu, gdje je završila osnovnu školu i opću gimnaziju. Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku upisala je 1998. godine, a diplomirala 2003. godine. Položila je državni stručni ispit te pravosudni ispit.

Na radnom mjestu znanstvenog novaka-asistenta na Pravnom fakultetu Osijek zaposlena je u prosincu 2008. godine. U srpnju 2015. obranila je doktorski rad na temu "Izvanbračna zajednica i pravna sigurnost" pod mentorstvom prof. dr. sc. Aleksandre Korać Graovac. Nakon stjecanja doktorata znanosti zaposlena je najprije kao viša asistentica-poslije doktorandica na Katedri za obiteljsko pravo Pravnog fakulteta Osijek, a od 2016. godine kao docentica na istoj katedri. Godine 2021. izabrana je u zvanje izvanredne profesorice. Predstojnica je Katedre obiteljskog prava Pravnog fakulteta Osijek.

Godine 2019. dodijeljena joj je nagrada i priznanje za izvrsnost u nastavi i odnosu prema studentima. Kao gost predavač nastavu je izvodila i na inozemnim sveučilištima, dok je od strane Programskog vijeća Pravosudne akademije, 2021. godine je izabrana za voditeljicu edukacije "Osnovno stručno usavršavanje za sve skupine pravosudnih dužnosnika koji rade s djecom u sudskim postupcima".

Objavila je dvije znanstvene knjige, te je autorica brojnih znanstvenih radova iz područja obiteljskog prava. Pisala je i dva nacionalna izvješća u području obiteljskog materijalnog i procesnog prava, od kojih jedno za potrebe izrade načela Komisije za europsko obiteljsko pravo. Aktivno je, kao izlagač, sudjelovala na brojnim domaćim i međunarodnim znanstvenim konferencijama, te stručnim skupovima.

Sudjelovala je kao istraživač na brojnim međunarodnim znanstvenim projektima, a znanstvenu djelatnost na Pravnom fakultetu Osijek od 2021. godine velikim dijelom veže uz interni projekt "Pravna zaštita obitelji i ranjivih skupina društva". Članica je organizacijskog odbora međunarodne konferencije i uredničkog odbora publikacije "EU and comparative law issues and challenges" (ECLIC), te Znanstvenog odbora studentskog časopisa "Pravnik", Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Dopredsjednica je Hrvatske udruge za pravnu zaštitu obitelji i članica Međunarodnog udruženja za obiteljsko pravo. Voditeljica je Interdisciplinarnog programa cjeloživotnog obrazovanja „Dijete u pravosuđu“.

Aktivno se u govoru i pismu služi engleskim, te pasivno njemačkim jezikom.

Stručni prijediplomski studij Upravni studij

Sveučilišni integrirani prijediplomski i diplomski studij Pravo

Sveučilišni diplomski studij Socijalni rad

Rešetar, B.; Lucić, N. (2024). Pravo djeteta na izražavanje mišljenja u pravu i socijalnom radu, Dijete i obitelj u suvremenom društvu, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 63-92.

Lucić, N.; Rešetar, B. (2024). Advance Directives in Legislative and Theoretical Frameworks of Family Law, Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp. 197-221.

Marošević, K.; Lucić, N. (2024). Institutions' Importance and Determination of Trust in Social Welfare System, Kyere, E., Marošević, K., Sugawara, C. L. (eds.), In This World Together: Global Social Work and Social Development, Faculty of Law Osijek (Pravni fakultet Osijek), Osijek, pp. 61-86.

Lucić, N.; Damjanović, A. (2023). Regional Challenges of Adult Foster Care from the Perspective of Foster Carers, in: Leko Šimić, M. (ed.), 12th International Scientific Symposium REGION, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, DEVELOPMENT (RED) 2023 - Proceedings, Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek, Osijek, pp. 123-136.

Rešetar, B.; Lucić, N. (2023). Plurality and Diversity in Law - National Report for Croatia, Heaton, J.; Kemelmajer, A. (eds.), Plurality and Diversity in Law, Intersentia, Cambridge-Antwerp-Chicago, pp. 211-226.

Lucić, N.; Guštin, M.; Filipović, S. (2022). What has the COVID-19 pandemic taught us about the (in)effectiveness of legal protection against domestic violence?, International journal Vallis Aurea, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 75-95.

Lucić, N. (2021). Zastupanje u vezi s bitnim osobnim pravima djeteta, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 815-840.

Rešetar, B.; Lucić, N. (2021). Child Participation in Family Law - Croatia, International Handbook on Child Participation in Family Law, Schrama, W.; Freeman, M.; Taylor, N.; Bruning, M. (eds.), Mortsel, Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 143-155.

Lucić, N. (2021). Child's Special Guardian - International and European Expectations and Croatian Reality, Balkan social science review, Vol. 17, pp. 97-117.

Lucić, N. (2020). Izvanbračna zajednica i pravna sigurnost. Zagreb: Narodne novine

Župan, M.; Medić, I.; Poretti, P.; Lucić, N.; Drventić, M. (2020). The Application of the EUFam’s Regulations in Croatia, Planning the Future of Cross Border Families: A Path Through Coordination, Viarengo, I.; Villata, F. (eds.), Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 429-460.

Lucić, N.; Duić, D.; Muhvić, D. (2020). Izvanbračna zajednica: analiza međunarodnih i europskih normi u svrhu stvaranja nacionalnih standarda, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu - Collection of papers, Faculty of Law, Niš, Vol. 59, No. 86, pp. 15-38.

Employment Status:
active employee

Organizational unit:

Telephone :
+385 31 224 555

Office (room):

Office hours:
by agreement via e-mail

  • Award for excellence in teaching and towards students, Faculty of Law Osijek, 2019.
  • Vice-president of the Croatian Society on Legal Protection of Family

Associate professor Nataša Lucić, Ph.D. (born Soldan) was born on April 15, 1979 in Slavonski Brod, where she completed elementary school and general high school. She entered the Faculty of Law of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek in 1998 and graduated in 2003. She passed the state professional exam and bar exam.

In December 2008, she was employed as a research assistant at the Faculty of Law in Osijek. In July 2015, she defended her doctoral thesis on the topic "Extramarital union and legal security" under the mentorship of full professor Aleksandra Korać Graovac, Ph.D. After obtaining her doctorate in science, she was employed first as a senior assistant-postdoctoral student at the Department of Family Law at the Faculty of Law in Osijek, and since 2016 as an assistant professor at the same Department. In 2021, she was elected to the position of associate professor. She is the head of the Department of Family Law at the Faculty of Law Osijek.

In 2019, she was awarded by the Osijek Faculty of Law for excellence in teaching and towards students. As a guest lecturer, she also taught at foreign universities, while by the Program Council of the Judicial Academy, in 2021, she was chosen as the head of the education course "Basic professional training for all groups of judicial officials who work with children in court proceedings". She has published two scientific books and is the author of numerous scientific works in the field of family law. She also wrote two national reports in the area of substantive and procedural family law, one of which was for the purposes of drafting the principles of the Commission for European Family Law. She actively participated in numerous national and international scientific conferences and professional gatherings.

She participated as a researcher in numerous international scientific projects, and since 2021, her scientific activity at the Faculty of Law in Osijek has largely been linked to an internal project „Legal protection of family and vulnerable groups of society“. She is a member of the organizing committee of the international conference and the editorial board of the publication "EU and comparative law issues and challenges" (ECLIC), and the Scientific Committee of the student journal "Pravnik", Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb. She is the vice-president of the Croatian Society for Legal Protection of the Family and a member of the International Association for Family Law. She is the leader of the Interdisciplinary lifelong education program "Child in Justice".

She speaks English actively and German passively.

Professional Undergraduate Administrative Study Programme

Social Work

Rešetar, B.; Lucić, N. (2024). Pravo djeteta na izražavanje mišljenja u pravu i socijalnom radu, Dijete i obitelj u suvremenom društvu, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 63-92.

Lucić, N.; Rešetar, B. (2024). Advance Directives in Legislative and Theoretical Frameworks of Family Law, Anali Pravnog fakulteta u Beogradu, Vol. 72, No. 2, pp. 197-221.

Marošević, K.; Lucić, N. (2024). Institutions' Importance and Determination of Trust in Social Welfare System, Kyere, E., Marošević, K., Sugawara, C. L. (eds.), In This World Together: Global Social Work and Social Development, Faculty of Law Osijek (Pravni fakultet Osijek), Osijek, pp. 61-86.

Lucić, N.; Damjanović, A. (2023). Regional Challenges of Adult Foster Care from the Perspective of Foster Carers, in: Leko Šimić, M. (ed.), 12th International Scientific Symposium REGION, ENTREPRENEURSHIP, DEVELOPMENT (RED) 2023 - Proceedings, Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek, Osijek, pp. 123-136.

Rešetar, B.; Lucić, N. (2023). Plurality and Diversity in Law - National Report for Croatia, Heaton, J.; Kemelmajer, A. (eds.), Plurality and Diversity in Law, Intersentia, Cambridge-Antwerp-Chicago, pp. 211-226.

Lucić, N.; Guštin, M.; Filipović, S. (2022). What has the COVID-19 pandemic taught us about the (in)effectiveness of legal protection against domestic violence?, International journal Vallis Aurea, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 75-95.

Lucić, N. (2021). Zastupanje u vezi s bitnim osobnim pravima djeteta, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu, Vol. 58, No. 3, pp. 815-840.

Rešetar, B.; Lucić, N. (2021). Child Participation in Family Law - Croatia, International Handbook on Child Participation in Family Law, Schrama, W.; Freeman, M.; Taylor, N.; Bruning, M. (eds.), Mortsel, Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 143-155.

Lucić, N. (2021). Child's Special Guardian - International and European Expectations and Croatian Reality, Balkan social science review, Vol. 17, pp. 97-117.

Lucić, N. (2020). Izvanbračna zajednica i pravna sigurnost. Zagreb: Narodne novine

Župan, M.; Medić, I.; Poretti, P.; Lucić, N.; Drventić, M. (2020). The Application of the EUFam’s Regulations in Croatia, Planning the Future of Cross Border Families: A Path Through Coordination, Viarengo, I.; Villata, F. (eds.), Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 429-460.

Lucić, N.; Duić, D.; Muhvić, D. (2020). Izvanbračna zajednica: analiza međunarodnih i europskih normi u svrhu stvaranja nacionalnih standarda, Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Nišu - Collection of papers, Faculty of Law, Niš, Vol. 59, No. 86, pp. 15-38.