Rights of the Child
Course title | Rights of the Child |
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Number of ECTS credits | 4 |
Lecturer | prof.dr.sc. Branka Rešetar |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 58/13 |
Telephone | +385 31 224 558 |
branka.resetar@pravos.hr | |
Lecturer | izv.prof.dr.sc. Nataša Lucić |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 55/13 |
Telephone | +385 31 224 555 |
natasa.lucic@pravos.hr | |
Associate | Matko Guštin |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 66/13 |
Telephone | +385 31 224 566 |
matko.gustin@pravos.hr |
Course content |
The child in the historical-theoretical context (the child in the Roman legal tradition, the child in the social teaching of the Church, the child as a holder of rights); Constitutional protection of children (Constitutional protection of children's rights); Legal capacity and legal responsibility of the child (About legal capacity, delict and testamentary capacity of the child, The right of the child patient to informed consent); Procedural position of the child in the family and civil procedural law (Procedural position of the child and representation of the child in court proceedings, Principle of hearing parties in family proceedings); Child in international and European law (Child in private international law, Child in European Union law); Convention on the Rights of the Child and individual rights from the Convention. |
Course learning outcomes |
Define the legal position of the child in the Roman legal tradition and legal theory, Explain the significance of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and enumerate and explain individual rights of the child, Explain the legal foundations and standards of constitutional protection of children, Describe and explain the legal, delict and testamentary capacity of the child, as well as the child patient's right to informed consent, Define and analyze the legal position of the child in private international law and the law of the European Union, |
☑ Lectures ☑ Seminars and workshops ☐ Exercises ☐ Independent tasks ☐ Multimedia and internet | ☐ Distance education ☐ Office hours ☐ Laboratory ☐ Field work ☐ Mentoring work ☐ Knowledge test |
☑ Oral exam ☑ Written exam ☑ Colloquium |
Other: |
Students are required to attend at least 70% of the classes, take part in the discussion and write a seminar paper. |
Required reading |
Rešetar, B. Komentar Obiteljskog zakona (Knjiga I.), str. 327-368.. 2022. Organizator d.o.o. |
. Konvencija UN-a o pravima djeteta. 1989. Službeni list SFRJ - Međunarodni ugovori, br. 15/90, Narodne novine - Međunarodni ugovori, br. 12/93, 20/97, 4/98, 13/98 |
Rešetar, B. Prava djece s invaliditetom - prava djece s poteškoćama mentalnog zdravlja. 2017. Socijalna psihijatrija, god. 45, br. 1, str. 4-15 |
Rešetar, B. Pravo djeteta na zdravlje - obveze roditelja i službi zdravstvene zaštite u zaštitu djetetova zdravlja. 2021. Liječničke novine, god. 21, br. 196, 2/2021, str. 81-83. |
Rešetar, B. Dijete pacijent i informirani pristanak na medicinske postupke. 2018. Liječničke novine, god. 18, br. 175, 12/2018, str. 104-107 |
Optional reading |
Hrabar, D. (ur.). Prava djece - multidisciplinarni pristup (drugo neizmijenjeno izdanje) (odabrani dijelovi). 2021. Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu |
Rešetar, B.; Aras Kramar, S.; Lucić, N.; Medić, I.; Šago, D.; Tucak, I.; Mioč, P. Suvremeno obiteljsko pravo i postupak (odabrani dijelovi). 2017. Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku |
Rešetar, B. (ur.). Dijete i pravo (odabrani dijelovi). 2009. Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku |
Rešetar, B.; Aras, S. (ur.). Represivne mjere za zaštitu osobnih prava i dobrobiti djeteta - interdisciplinarni, komparativni i međunarodni osvrti. 2014. Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku |
Rešetar, B. (ur.). Pravna zaštita prava na (zajedničku) roditeljsku skrb. 2012. Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku |
Kosher, H.; Ben-Arieh, A.; Hendelsman, Y. Children's Rights and Social Work. 2016. Springer |
FRA - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and Council of Europe. Handbook on European law relating to the rights of the child. 2022. Publications Office of the European Union |