Family Law

Course titleFamily Law
Number of ECTS credits7 Branka Rešetar
Office AddressRadićeva 13 58/13
Telephone+385 31 224 558 Nataša Lucić
Office AddressRadićeva 13 55/13
Telephone+385 31 224 555
Course content

Introduction to family law (Family law, Family, Family law relations, Legal sources of family law); Marriage law (Introduction, Introduction to the legal arrangement of marriage, Marriage, Personal rights and duties of spouses, Property relations of spouses, Termination of marriage); Extramarital union of a woman and a man; Same-sex unions; Legal protection against domestic violence; Legal relations between parents and children (Historical legal regulation of the relationship between parents and children, Determining the origin of the child from the mother and father, Children's rights, Parental care and exercise of parental care, Realization of personal relationships with the child, Family law measures to protect the personal and property rights of the child); Adoption (Introduction, Concept and goal of adoption, Assumptions for establishing adoption, Procedure for establishing adoption, Effects of adoption); Custody (General about custody, Custody for minors, Custody for adults, Custody for special cases); Maintenance (Introductory remarks, Legal nature of maintenance, Maintenance between individual entities, Termination of the right to maintenance, Exercising the right to maintenance); Out-of-court mechanisms for resolving family disputes (mandatory counseling and family mediation)

Course learning outcomes

Recognize and define individual institutes and legal sources of family law in Croatian and international law, including knowledge of their historical development, Explain the assumptions for the creation and termination of family law relationships, Mark and describe the rights and obligations of the participants in certain family law relationships, Analyze the content of family law relations, Explain and define the role of the competent state bodies regarding the decisions they make regarding family law relations, Compare and critically evaluate the legal effects of family law relationships, Choose and apply appropriate legal solutions to specific cases with arguments,

☑ Lectures
☐ Seminars and workshops
☐ Exercises
☐ Independent tasks
☐ Multimedia and internet
☐ Distance education
☐ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☐ Mentoring work
☐ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☑ Colloquium
Students are required to actively participate in classes (at least 70%) and pass the material through two colloquiums or the entire course through an exam
Required reading
Hrabar, D. (ur.). Obiteljsko pravo. 2021. Narodne novine
Rešetar, B. Komentar Obiteljskog zakona (Knjiga I.). 2022. Organizator d.o.o.
Aras Kramar, S. Komentar Obiteljskog zakona (Knjiga II.). 2022. Organizator d.o.o.
Rešetar, B.; Aras Kramar, S.; Lucić, N.; Medić, I.; Šago, D.; Tucak, I.; Mioč, P. Suvremeno obiteljsko pravo i postupak (odabrani dijelovi). 2017. Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku
. Obiteljski zakon. 2015. Narodne novine, br. 103/15, 98/19, 47/20, 49/23, 156/23
. Zakon o pravobranitelju za djecu. 2017. Narodne novine, br. 73/17
. Zakon o zaštiti od nasilja u obitelji. 2017. Narodne novine, br. 70/17, 126/19, 84/21, 114/22, 36/24
. Zakon o životnom partnerstvu osoba istog spola. 2014. Narodne novine, br. 92/14, 98/19
. Zakon o medicinski pomognutoj oplodnji. 2012. Narodne novine, br. 86/12
. Zakon o udomiteljstvu. 2018. Narodne novine, br. 115/18, 18/22
. Zakon o Centru za posebno skrbništvo. 2020. Narodne novine, br. 47/20
Optional reading
Lucić, N. Izvanbračna zajednica i pravna sigurnost. 2020. Narodne novine
Hrabar, D. Obiteljsko pravo u sustavu socijalne skrbi. 2019. Narodne novine
Hrabar, D.; Korać Graovac, A. Obiteljsko pravo i matičarstvo. 2019. Narodne novine