Course titleOdabrane teme Kaznenog prava
Number of ECTS credits8 Barbara Herceg Pakšić
Office AddressRadićeva 13 64/13
Telephone+385 31 224 564 Igor Vuletić
Office AddressRadićeva 13 Radićeva 17, prizemlje
Telephone+385 31 224 500
Course content

The aim of the course is to address specific issues of the general and special part of criminal law, which include the context and content of recent changes and contemporary achievements. The course participant is given an insight into the challenges that the development of society poses to criminal law and ways to adapt it. The processing of the material takes place through the research approach of the participants with mentoring to critical thinking. The content of the course is focused on selected four areas of basic institutes of the general part as well as four selected chapters of the special part of criminal law, whereby ultimately the scope and content will be directed according to the wishes of students in terms of research. Under European and comparative legal influences, Croatian criminal law has been significantly innovated in the last decade. Therefore, attention is focused on the penetration and implementation of new ideas in traditionally shaped national understandings.The content thus formed includes the notion of a criminal offense, self-defence, necessity, guilt, concurrence, and continuing criminal offense from the general part. From the special part, the content from criminal cases is envisaged acts against sexual freedom, then criminal offenses of sexual abuse and exploitation of a child, crimes against human health and selected crimes in the context of artificial intelligence. The content of this course will be conditioned by current and recent issues within the selected ones areas that mainly relate to the new challenges of the criminal justice system, the achievement of purpose criminal law as the ultima ratio of means in the context of social functioning.

Course learning outcomes

After passing the exam in the course, the student will be able to: Critically analyze new ideas from selected criminal law issues, Evaluate the offered normative solutions on practical examples, Develop the possibility of their own contribution to the improvement of existing criminal law solutions., Collect and process scientific arguments pro et contra to the chosen point of view, Express and explain their views in writing and orally in scientific form., Recognize the social benefits of their own research and possible consequences,

☑ Lectures
☐ Seminars and workshops
☐ Exercises
☑ Independent tasks
☑ Multimedia and internet
☐ Distance education
☐ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☑ Mentoring work
☐ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☐ Written exam
☐ Colloquium
Other: Seminarski rad, esej, istraživanje
students are required to actively participate in a minimum of 55% of classes
Required reading
Barbara Herceg Pakšić. Isprika u kaznenom pravu : prekoračenje granica nužne obrane i krajnja nužda. 2021. Narodne novine d.d.
Barbara Herceg Pakšić. O preobražaju instituta krajnje nužde u kaznenom pravu- razvoj i (r)evolucija. 2019. Harmonius: Journal of legal and social studies in South East Europe, VIII (2019), 1
Barbara Herceg Pakšić. Ispričavajući razlozi u kaznenom pravu-novo lice prekoračenja granica nužne obrane. 2018. Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu, 25 (2018), 2
Barbara Herceg Pakšić . Kaznenopravni odnos prema počinitelju kaznenog djela iz savjesti ili uvjerenja. 2014. Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 64 (2014), 5-6
Barbara Herceg Pakšić. Pojmovno određenje i domet doktrine o nemogućnosti zahtijevanja drukčijeg ponašanja unutar sustava ispričavajućih razloga u kaznenom pravu. 2014. Pravni vjesnik, 14 (2014), 3-4
Barbara Herceg Pakšić . Virtualna komunikacija i izazovi kaznenog prava novog doba u Izazovi digitalnog svijeta. 2019. Tena Velki.; Krešimir Šoić (ur.).Osijek: Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti i Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku
Barbara Herceg Pakšić, Nikolina Kovač. Prekršajno pravo u službi suzbijanja zlouporabe droga u Republici Hrvatskoj:posjedovanje droge bez namjere stavljanja u promet. 2020. Pravni vjesnik, 1/2020
Marin Mrčela, Igor Vuletić, Goran Livazović . Negligent Rape in Croatian Criminal Law: Was Legal Reform Necessary?. 2020. Review of Central and East European Law 45 (1) 2020
Igor Vuletić, Petra Šprem. Materijalnopravni aspekti kaznenog djela silovanja u hrvatskoj sudskoj praksi . 2019. Policija i sigurnost 28 (2) 2019
Marin Mrčela, Igor Vuletić. Liječnik i kazneno pravo. 2019. Narodne novine d.d.
Igor Vuletić. Medical Malpractice as a Separate Criminal Offense: a Higher Degree of Patient Protection or Merely a Sword Above the Doctors' Heads? The Example of the Croatian Legislative Model and the Experiences of its Implementation. 2019. Medicine, Law & Society 12 (2) 2019.
Igor Vuletić. Položaj djeteta u hrvatskom kaznenom materijalnom pravu. 2019. u M. Župan (ur.), Prekogranično kretanje djece u EU, Pravni fakultet Osijek
Marin Mrčela, Igor Vuletić. Kazneno pravo pred izazovima robotike: tko je odgovoran za prometnu nesreću koju je prouzročilo neovisno vozilo. 2018. Zbornik pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu 68 (3-4) 2018
Optional reading
Željko Horvatić, Davor Derenčinović, Leo Cvitanović,. Kazneno pravo - opći dio II, Zagreb, 2017.. 2017. Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu
Leo Cvitanović,, Davor Derenčinović, Ksenija Turković, Maja Munivrana Vajda, Marta Dragičević Prtenjača, Aleksandar Maršavelski, Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička. Kazneno pravo, Posebni dio. 2018. Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Tomislav Ramljak, Barbara Herceg Pakšić, Ksenija Romstein, Tena Velki. Mapa puta borbe protiv seksualnog i drugih oblika nasilja nad djecom na internetu u Bosni i Hercegovini . 2017. Save the Children in North West Balkans