Course title | Pravo jednakosti u EU |
Number of ECTS credits | 8 |
Lecturer | Mario Vinković |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 73 |
Telephone | +385 31 224 573 | |
Course content |
The subject is focused on different concepts of discrimination and diversity, as well as the foundations of the prohibition of discrimination protected until now by primary and secondary legislation of the EU (race and ethnicity, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation), European public policy measures regarding equal treatment and recent dimensions of the problem in the context of the legal status of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU in the post-Lisbon era. In terms of content and teaching, the focus of the lecture is on several thematic units, which include the following: international agreements on the suppression of all forms of discrimination against women; the right to equality in the European Union; discrimination based on race, ethnicity, gender and gender reassignment, disability, religion, sexual orientation and age in the practice of the EU Court; policies of equal opportunities in the EU - reconciliation of work and family life, maternity and parental leave and childcare, and policies of equal opportunities in the EU regarding domestic violence, prostitution and trafficking in women. Gender diversity will also be analyzed, from gender equality to multiple forms of discrimination, problems of abuse and harassment in the workplace; Europeanization and the expansion of the influence of the European anti-discrimination policy on old and new member states, the role of regulatory bodies, legal means to combat discrimination and the implementation of the right to equality. |
Course learning outcomes |
Understanding the various causes, sources and consequences of discrimination, as well as social policy measures and their implications at the European and national level., Critical reflection on (anti)discrimination issues, with an emphasis on connecting theoretical concepts with examples from practice., Understanding and interpretation of the complex issue of equal treatment in the European community dimension, but also in relation to the practice of the European Court of Human Rights of the Council of Europe., Interpretation, summarization and critical evaluation of the phenomenon of discrimination, socially conditioned stereotypes and prejudices in the context of legal-philosophical debates on tolerance, equality and social stratification., Independent analysis, categorization and explanation of the complexity of the phenomenon of discrimination based on gender, age, disability, sexual orientation and racial/ethnic affiliation in the European and national environment, and to create new knowledge and profile new research problems in the aforementioned area, |
☑ Lectures ☑ Seminars and workshops ☐ Exercises ☑ Independent tasks ☐ Multimedia and internet | ☐ Distance education ☐ Office hours ☐ Laboratory ☐ Field work ☑ Mentoring work ☐ Knowledge test |
☐ Oral exam ☑ Written exam ☐ Colloquium |
Other: |
Teaching will be conducted in the form of lectures, which will require active participation and continuous preparation of tasks given during the implementation of the course. Additionally, during the duration of the course, participants will be required to write a written essay on the chosen topic. |
Required reading |
Vasiljević, S., Vinković, M.. Temeljna prava i zabrana diskriminacije u praksi europskih i nacionalnih sudova. 2019. Narodne novine, Zagreb |
Bell, M.. Anti-Discrimination Law and the European Union. 2009. Oxford University Press, Oxford |
Rodin, S. (ed.). Jednakost između muškaraca i žena: pravo i politika u Hrvatskoj i Europskoj uniji. 2003. Institut za međunarodne odnose, Zagreb |
Schiek, D., Waddington, L., Bell, M.. Non-Discrimination Law, Cases, Materials and Text on National, Supranational and International Non-Discrimination Law, (izabrani dijelovi). 2007. Hart Publishing, Oxford – Portland, Oregon |
Schiek, D., Lawson, A.. European Union Non-Discrimination Law and Intersectionality, Investigating the Triangle of Racial, Gender and Disability Discrimination, (izabrani dijelovi). 2011. Ashgate, Farnham – Burlington |
Vasiljević, S.. Višestruka diskriminacija, u I. Radačić (ur.) Žene i pravo: feminističke pravne teorije. 2009. Centar za ženske studije, Zagreb |
Vinković, M.. Prostitution as a Profession - Searchig for Answers between the Headlines (poglavlje u knjizi). 2012. u tisku kod Kubon&sagner, München – Berlin |
Vinković, M.. Spolna segregacija i tržište rada - hrvatski diskurs europskih trendova u: Radačić, I. , Vince Pallua, J. (ur.).: LJUDSKA PRAVA ŽENA Razvoj na međunarodnoj i nacionalnoj razini 30 godina nakon usvajanja Konvencije UN -a o uklanjanju svih oblika diskriminacije žena. 2011. Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, Ured za ravnopravnost spolova Vlade Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb |
Vinković, M.. New Croatian Anti-discrimination Legislation - Harmonisation with the Acquis or even more?, u: Klima, K. , Sander, G. G. (ur.), Grund- und Menschenrechte in Europa. 2010. Verlag Dr. Kovač, Hamburg |
Vinković, M.. Sexual orientation in the Croatian labour market. 2015. Pecsi Munkajogi Közlemények, VIII, I-II, October 2015.. VIII (2015), I-II |
Vinković, M.. HIV/AIDS and Workplace - European Challenges, Unsichtbare Minderheiten, Invisible Minorities / Bodiroga-Vukobrat, Nada ; Sander, G. Gerald ; Barić, Sanja (ur.). 2013. Verlag Dr. Kovač, Hamburg |
Vinković, M.. Spolna segregacija i tržište rada - hrvatski diskurs europskih trendova // LJUDSKA PRAVA ŽENA Razvoj na međunarodnoj i nacionalnoj razini 30 godina nakon usvajanja Konvencije UN -a o uklanjanju svih oblika diskriminacije žena / Radačić, Ivana ; Vince Pallua, Jelka (ur.).. 2011. Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, Ured za ravnopravnost spolova Vlade Republike Hrvatske, Zagreb |
Optional reading |
Bjelić, D.. Dobna diskriminacija u radnim odnosima. 2018. Veleučilište u Požegi, Požega |
Lulić, M.; Vinković, M.. Status and protection of the rights of persons with mental disorders in the Republic of Croatia and the problems with their social and labour integration. 2018. SGEM 5th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conference on Social Science and Arts, Conference Proceedings, 5 |
Bodiroga-Vukobrat, N.; Vinković, M.; Petričušić, A.. Legal Protection Against Discrimination in Croatia u: Legal Protection Against Discrimination in South East Europe / Liegl, Barbara (ur.). Skopje : South East European Law School Network (SEELS). 2016. ), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) i Ludwig Boltzmann Institute of Human Rights (BIM) |
Rees, T.. Reflections on the uneven development of gender mainstreaming in Europe, 7 (4). 2005. International Feminist Journal of Politics |
Verloo, M.. Multiple Inequalities, Intersectionality and the European Union, 13 (3). 2006. European Journal of Women’s Studies |
Vasiljevic, S. . Intersectional Discrimination: Difficulties in Interpretation of European Norm, in M. Thiel & E. Prugl (eds.), Diversity and European Integration. 2009. Macimillan-Palgrave, New York |
Vasiljevic, S.. European citizenship in the context of gender equality legislation in Eastern European Countries: The case of Croatia”, in I. Sulkunen, S.L. Nevala-Nurmi and P. Markkola (eds.) Suffrage, gender and citizenship – International perspectives on parliamentary reforms. 2009. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle |
Vasiljević, S.. Socijalna isključenost u svjetlu Lisabonskog ugovora, u S. Rodin, T. Ćapeta and I. Goldner Lang (ur.) Reforma Europske Unije: Ugovor iz Lisabona. 2009. Narodne novine, Zagreb |