Course title | Upravno pravo - odabrana poglavlja |
Number of ECTS credits | 8 |
Lecturer | Boris Ljubanović |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 |
Telephone | | | |
Lecturer | Ana Đanić Čeko |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 38 |
Telephone | +385 31 224 586 | |
Course content |
Within the scope of the subject, the problems of the establishment of Croatian administrative law - theoretical and legal-scientific foundation, on the legality of administrative action, on administrative act and administrative action will be pointed out. Errors in administrative acts are analyzed in particular, and the means and mechanisms of legal protection and the system of legal remedies in administrative proceedings and disputes are highlighted. On the nature, purpose and legal protection meaning of some administrative procedures. The importance of collecting and analyzing national administrative, administrative-judicial and constitutional-judicial practice will be emphasized - in the narrower field of the doctoral student's research profile. Likewise, comparative examples of the selected institutes will be presented in a narrower profile for the doctoral student according to the chosen topic. Special emphasis is placed on the administrative process part - selected institutes, proper formulation of research hypotheses and determination of the purpose of scientific research. Likewise, analyzing and critically arguing the factual substrate of the selected research problem within the framework of the selected administrative-legal institutes. |
Course learning outcomes |
Describe the course of the administrative procedure and administrative dispute and argue the problems in practice and propose possible normative changes, Systematically and meaningfully argue points of view on the given topic/area of discussion and create a scientific research paper on the chosen topic, Scientifically research issues related to issues of national administrative procedure, especially by synthesizing selected recent and current administrative and administrative-judicial practice and compare it with the regulation of European administrative procedure, Analyze and correctly interpret individual legal provisions for the corresponding special administrative areas, Analyze the appropriate judicial practice of the administrative courts of the Republic of Croatia and the practice of public law bodies, Collect and analyze and critically argue the factual substrate of the chosen research problem within the framework of individual research work, |
☑ Lectures ☐ Seminars and workshops ☐ Exercises ☑ Independent tasks ☑ Multimedia and internet | ☐ Distance education ☑ Office hours ☐ Laboratory ☐ Field work ☑ Mentoring work ☐ Knowledge test |
☑ Oral exam ☐ Written exam ☐ Colloquium |
Other: |
Students are obliged to attend classes and be active in classes, thereby contributing through the expression of a critical and reasoned attitude and reflection in discussions and debates on selected topics. Attendance and participation of 50% in classes are prerequisites for duly completed student obligations. Also, students can fulfill their obligations by creating a scientific-research paper with the proposal and consultation of the subject professor from the selected administrative area in order to carry out normative and empirical research. |
Required reading |
Babac, B.. Upravno pravo - odabrana poglavlja iz teorije i praxisa. 2004. Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Pravni fakultet u Osijeku, Osijek (osim gradiva pod toč. označenim 'Sažetak' te 'Zaključne prosudbe i rasčlambe', kao i gradiva pod toč. 2.5., 3.5., 7.) |
Đanić Čeko, A.. Specifičnosti uloge Visokog upravnog suda Republike Hrvatske u jednostupanjskom upravnom sporu na osnovi posebnih zakona (lex specialis) . 2018. HARMONIUS JOURNAL OF LEGAL AND SOCIAL STUDIES IN SOUTH AND EAST EUROPE, VII |
Đanić, Čeko, A; Kovač, P.. Comparative Analysis of an Administrative Appeal in Croatian, Slovenian, and EU Law. 2022. EU 2020 – LESSONS FROM THE PAST AND SOLUTIONS FOR THE FUTURE (ECLIC Vol. 4) |
Đerđa, D.. Opći upravni postupak u Republici Hrvatskoj. 2010. Inženjerski biro, Zagreb |
Ljubanović, B.; Petrović, I. . Stranka u hrvatskom upravnom postupku i upravnom sporu. 2015. Pravni vjesnik, Vol. 1, br. 4 |
Ljubanović, B.. Načelo traženja materijalne istine i upravni postupak . 2019. Hrvatska i komparativna javna uprava : časopis za teoriju i praksu javne uprave, Vol. 19 No. 4 |
Staničić, F.; Britvić Vetma, B.; Horvat, B.. Komentar Zakona o upravnim sporovima. 2017. Narodne novine, Zagreb |
Ustav Republike Hrvatske, . Narodne novine 56/90, 135/97, 113/00, 28/01, 41/01, 55/01, 76/10, 85/10, 5/14. 2022. |
Zakon o općem upravnom postupku, . Narodne novine 47/09, 110/21. 2022. |
Zakon o upravnim sporovima, . Narodne novine 20/10, 143/12, 152/14, 94/16, 29/17, 110/21. 2022. |
Zakon o sustavu državne uprave, . Narodne novine 66/19. 2022. |
Zakon o lokalnoj i područnoj (regionalnoj) samoupravi, . Narodne novine 33/01, 60/01, 106/03, 129/05, 109/07, 125/08, 36/09, 150/11, 144/12, 19/13, 137/15, 123/17, 98/19, 144/20. 2022. |
Zakon o ustrojstvu i djelokrugu tijela državne uprave, . Narodne novine 85/20. 2022. |
Zakon o Vladi Republike Hrvatske, . Narodne novine 150/11, 119/14, 93/16, 116/18, 80/22. 2022. |
Zakon o ustanovama, . Narodne novine 76/93, 29/97, 47/99, 35/08, 127/19. 2022. |
Zakon o koncesijama, . Narodne novine 69/17, 107/20. 2022. |
Zakon o hrvatskom državljanstvu, . Narodne novine 53/91, 70/91, 28/92, 113/93, 4/94, 130/11, 110/15, 102/19, 138/21. 2022. |
Zakon o izvlaštenju i određivanju naknade, . Narodne novine 74/14, 69/17, 98/19. 2022. |
Optional reading |
Đerđa, D.. Osnove upravnog prava Europske unije. 2012. Pravni fakultet, Rijeka |
Gagro, B., Jurić Knežević, D., Kasabašić, Š. [et al.]. ZUP-iskustva u praksi i primjeri. 2011. Novi informator, Zagreb |
Harlow, C., Rawlings, R. . Law and Administration. 2009. Cambridge University Press |
Koprić, I.,Musa A., Lalić Novak, G.. Europski upravni prostor. 2012. Institut za javnu upravu, Zagreb |
Koprić, I. (ur.), . Europeizacija upravnog sudovanja u Hrvatskoj. 2014. Institut za javnu upravu, Zagreb |
Schwarze, J.. European Administrative Law. 2006. Sweet and Maxwell |
Lilić, S.. Upravno pravo – Upravno procesno pravo. 2010. Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu, Beograd |
Medvedović, D. (ur.). Hrestomatija upravnog prava. 2003. Društveno veleučilište i Pravni fakultet, Zagreb |
Omejec, J. . Konvencija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda u praksi Europskog suda za ljudska prava - Strasbourški acquis. 2014. Novi informator, Zagreb |
Turčić, Z.. Komentar Zakona o općem upravnom postupku. 2012. Organizator, Zagreb |