Labour and Social Law

Course titleLabour and Social Law
Chair of Labour and Social Security Law Sciences and Social Work
Number of ECTS credits8 Mario Vinković
Office AddressRadićeva 13 73
Telephone+385 31 224 573
Course content

Within the framework of Labor law, the content of the general theoretical part of the subject is focused on determining the basic concepts of labor law, the definition, subject and names of labor law, relations with other legal branches, sources of labor law, and the criteria and method of periodization of the historical development of labor law. Within the general theoretical part, special attention is paid to the introduction to International labor and European labor law (EU and Council of Europe). The positive legal part of Labor law includes Individual labor law and Collective labor law. The content of Individual labor law focuses on the prohibition of discrimination in employment and work, conclusion of employment contracts, legal position of minor workers, protection of life, health, privacy and dignity of workers, education and training for work, working hours, vacations and leaves, night work, maternity protection, salary issues, protection of workers who are temporarily or permanently unable to work, inventions and technical improvements of workers, and the prohibition of competition with the employer, compensation for damages, termination of employment contracts and realization of rights and obligations from the employment relationship, temporary employment agencies. Collective labor law includes workers' participation in decision-making, trade unions and trade union associations, employers' associations, the importance of collective bargaining and collective agreements, strikes and the resolution of collective labor disputes. Social law includes an introduction and basic concepts and institutes of social law, the content of pension and health insurance, the significance and scope of health insurance and health care, and the content of social care in the Republic of Croatia.

Course learning outcomes

Demonstrating and differentiating knowledge necessary for the application of relevant institutes of labor and social law, Interpreting legal norms and institutes of labor and social law, Application of acquired knowledge in labor law and social law situations, Solving simpler labor law cases from practice, Drafting simpler contracts and decisions in the field of labor and social legislation (employment contract, decision on dismissal, decisions, etc.), Analysing and critically categorizing the quality of protection of economic and social rights (of workers),

☑ Lectures
☐ Seminars and workshops
☑ Exercises
☑ Independent tasks
☑ Multimedia and internet
☐ Distance education
☐ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☐ Mentoring work
☐ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☑ Colloquium
Obligations of students: Attendance with active participation in classes, taking colloquiums and written and oral exams. In case of application of special measures caused by the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, i.e. online classes, student activity will also be recorded and scored, and deadlines for sending solved tasks and fulfilling other obligations will be announced in a timely manner during online classes.
Required reading
Ravnić, Anton. Osnove radnog prava – domaćeg, usporednog i međunarodnog. 2004. Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb, str. 67-158, 207-252, 279-302, 459-659, 580-626 i 646-652.
Bejaković, Predrag, Crnkić, Tamara, Cvitanović, Irena et al.. Zakon o radu s komentarima i tumačenjima. 2014. Timpress, Zagreb
Vinković, Mario (ur.); Vasiljević, Snježana; Gović Penić, Iris. Priručnik o diskriminaciji i mobbingu na radnom mjestu. 2016. Udruga za pomoć i edukaciju žrtava mobbinga, Zagreb, dostupno na:čnik%20o%20diskriminaciji%20i%20mobbingu%20na%20radnom%20mjestu.pdf
Gović Penić, Iris; Koić, Elvira; Vasiljević, Snježana; Vinković, Mario. Priručnik o diskriminaciju i mobbingu na radnom mjestu (pravna i medicinska motrišta). 2018. Sindikat naftnaog gospodarstva i Udruga za pomoć i edukaciju žrtava mobbinga, Zagreb, dostupno na:čnik-o-diskriminaciji-i-mobingu-na-radnom-mjestu-BROŠURA-4.10.2018.pdf
. Zakon o radu, NN. ,br. 93/14, 127/17, 98/19. VAŽNA NAPOMENA: Najavljene izmjene i dopune Zakona o radu počet će se primjenjivati kao ispitna literatura u roku dva mjeseca od njihova stupanja na snagu.. 0.
. Zakon o reprezentativnosti udruga poslodavaca i sindikata, NN., br. 93/14, 26/15.. 0.
. Zakon o suzbijanju diskriminacije, NN., br. 85/08, 112/12.. 0.
. Zakon o rodiljnim i roditeljskim potporama, NN., br. 85/08, 110/08, 34/11, 54/13,152/14, 59/17, 37/20, 85/22. 0.
. Zakon o strancima, NN., br. 133/20 (čl. 88. – 149.). 0.
. Zakon o državljanima država članica Europskog gospodarskog prostora i članovima njihovih obitelji, NN., br. 66/19, 53/20, 144/20 (čl. 6., 13., 14., 15., 16. i 17.). 0.
. Zakon o tržištu rada, NN., br. 118/18, 32/20, 18/22. 0.
. Zakon o mirovinskom osiguranju NN., br. 157/13, 151/14, 33/15 93/15, 120/16,18/18, 62/18, 115/18, 102/19, 84/21 (članci 1.-140.). 0.
. Zakon o obveznom zdravstvenom osiguranju NN., br.80/13,137/13, 98/19, (članci 1.-86. I 119.-134.). 0.
. Zakon o dobrovoljnom zdravstvenom osiguranju NN., br. 85/06, 150/08, 71/10, 53/20, 120/21 (članci 1.-34.). 0.
. Zakon o socijalnoj skrbi, NN., br. 18/22, 46/22. 0.
. Zakon o doplatku za djecu, NN., br. 94/01, 138/06, 107/07, 37/08, 61/11, 112/12, 82/15, 58/18.. 0.
Optional reading
Potočnjak, Željko (ur.) et al.. Radni odnosi u Republici Hrvatskoj. 2007. Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu i Organizator, Zagreb, str. 1-527, 557-748. (u pripremi 2. izmijenjeno i dopunjeno izdanje)
Vinković, Mario. Horizontalna harmonizacija hrvatskog (radnog) zakonodavstva - kamo je nestala zabrana diskriminacije i zaštita majčinstva/roditeljstva ? u: Novi Zakon o radu - Detaljni komentar novih odredaba. 2010. Rosip doo, Zagreb
Potočnjak, Željko; Grgić, Andrea. Osnovni pojmovi i koncepcije o zabrani diskriminacije u radnom pravu, u: Potočnjak, Željko, Grgurev, Ivana, Grgić, Andrea (ur.) Perspektive antidiskriminacijskog prava. 2014. Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb
Vasiljević, Snježana; Vinković, Mario. Temeljna prava i zabrana diskriminacije u praksi europskih i nacionalnih sudova. 2019. Narodne novine, Zagreb
. Zakon o osiguranju radničkih tražbina, NN., br. 70/19.. 0.
. Zakon o blagdanima, spomendanima i neradnim danima u Republici Hrvatskoj, NN., br. 110/19.. 0.
. Zakon o doplatku za djecu, NN., br. 94/01, 138/06, 107/07, 37/08, 61/11, 112/12, 82/15, 58/18.. 0.
. Zakon o doživotnoj otpremnini odnosno dokupu mirovine, NN., br. 153/13.. 0.
. Zakon o europskim radničkim vijećima, NN., br. 93/14,127/17.. 0.
. Zakon o sudjelovanju radnika u odlučivanju u europskom društvu (SE) i u europskoj zadruzi (SCE), NN., br.93/14.. 0.
. Zakon o zdravstvenoj zaštiti, NN., br. 100/18, 125/19. 0.
. Zakon o obveznom zdravstvenom osiguranju i zdravstvenoj zaštiti stranaca u RH, NN., br. 80/13,15/18.. 0.
. Zakon o obveznim mirovinskim fondovima, NN., br.19/14, 93/15.,64/18, 115/18, 58/20.. 0.