Children in Conflict with the Law

Course titleChildren in Conflict with the Law
Chair of Criminal Law Sciences
Number of ECTS credits4 Barbara Herceg Pakšić
Office AddressRadićeva 13 64/13
Telephone+385 31 224 564
Course content

The aim of this course is to present the basic terms related to the position of juveniles in criminal law by following the prescribed by law normative standards related to the response of the criminal justice system to juvenile delinquency and to present the basics of child protection when it comes to criminal justice. The position and role of a minor is emphatically important in society as well as in its legal system. Of particular interest for criminal law is the appropriate treatment of a minor as a perpetrator of criminal offenses while enabling diversity in educational measures. Special attention is paid to the protection of children at different levels. The content of this course includes an analysis of the following topics: Juvenile delinquency-basic terms concepts and formation of the term Peculiarities of juvenile delinquency in modern society - criminal offenses and misdemeanors Juvenile criminal liability Sanctions for minors and criteria for choosing sanctions Peculiarities in treatment of minors Younger adults Criminal protection of children Characteristics of certain types of criminal offenses against children and juveniles

Course learning outcomes

Upon completion of the course the student will be able to: Explain the concept of juvenile delinquency., Find and analyze basic indicators related to the movement of juvenile delinquency, Define the specifics of the criminal justice system for juveniles (basic principles, nstitutes, relevant laws and sanctions), Recognize and critically evaluate the importance of respecting the fundamental principles of criminal law legislation for minors and guaranteed human rights, Apply the acquired subject knowledge in the context of performing the tasks of a social worker, Involve in public debates related to juveniles in the context of criminal law and criminal protection of children,

☑ Lectures
☑ Seminars and workshops
☑ Exercises
☑ Independent tasks
☐ Multimedia and internet
☐ Distance education
☐ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☑ Mentoring work
☐ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☑ Colloquium
Students are required to attend a minimum of 70% of classes. Each student is free to choose the way of taking the exam: colloquia (continuous testing of knowledge), research work and his elaboration on one of the offered topics or final exam consisting of written and oral part.
Required reading
Ante Carić. Mlađe osobe u kaznenom pravu (počinitelji i žrtve), odabrana poglavlja. 2002. Pravni fakultet Osijek
. Maloljetni počinitelji kaznenih djela, prijave, optužbe i osude. 2020. Državni zavod za statistiku Republike Hrvatske
. Kazneni zakon. 2021. Narodne novine 125/11, 144/12, 56/15, 61/15, 101/17, 118/18, 126/19, 84/21
. Zakon o sudovima za mladež. 2019. Narodne novine 84/11, 143/12, 148/13, 56/15, 126/19
. Zakon o izvršavanju sankcija izrečenih maloljetnicima za kaznena djela i prekršaje. 2012. Narodne novine 133/12
Božića Cvjetko, Mladen Singer. Kaznenopravna zaštita djece. 2013. Nakladni zavod Globus
Optional reading
. Nastavnik će pravovremeno uputiti studente na recentnu i aktualnu literaturu koja prati suvremena pitanja odabrane materije.. 2022.