International Cooperation in the Welfare System

Course titleInternational Cooperation in the Welfare System
Number of ECTS credits4 Mirela Župan
Office AddressRadićeva 13 S. Radića 17
Telephone+385 31 224 500
Course content

The course envisages the study of the following issues: 1. Determination of the concept and content of the cross-border case, the role of social service and international administrative cooperation trough the central authorities, 1. Establishing and distinguishing applicable legal regimes (application of international, European and national law, especially the Act on private international law, the HCCH convention, EU regulations and acts on implementation), 3. Child protection proceedings (initiation and participation in proceedings with the cross-border element, socio economic report in decision making procedure on parental care / contacts, socio-economic report in child abduction cases, domestic violence in cross-border cases, initiation of the guarantees (incoming and outgoing cases), cross-border placement of a child, initiation of provisional and protective measures, child maintenance, child in succession proceedings - the protection of child's property interest, cooperation and requests of the central authorities. 4. Proceedings on the protection of vulnerable adults (mainly: initiation and participation in proceedings with the cross-border element, deprivation and restoration of the adults' legal capacity, representation and care in relocation cases, placement in the institution or under guardianship abroad, continuous supervision and monitoring in relocation cases, guarantees initiation (incoming and outgoing cases), the preliminary and protective measures. 5. The cross-border effects of decision providing the adults' protection abroad (proceedings in cases related to children and adults). 6. Case law of the CJEU and ECHR. Finally, the acquired knowledge is tested on hypotheticals examples from practice.

Course learning outcomes

To define the cross-border cases in which the social service experts perform the certain activities. , To list and interpret the hierarchy of legal sources of cross-border cooperation, protection of children and cross-border protection of vulnerable adults. , To describe the implementation of cross-border cooperation in social welfare system in cases of protection childrens right and rights of the vulnerable adults. , To critically analyze the actual functioning of international cooperation in the social welfare system. , To apply the basic principles and relevant legal regulations of cross-border protection of children or vulnerable adults in a specific dispute. , To identify institutions, i.e. social services at the local, national and international level, to which the citizens can address in order to get help in cross-border cases.,

☑ Lectures
☑ Seminars and workshops
☐ Exercises
☐ Independent tasks
☐ Multimedia and internet
☑ Distance education
☐ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☐ Mentoring work
☐ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☐ Colloquium
Other: pohađanje nastave, aktivnost na nastavi, seminarski rad
Required reading
Župan, M.. Bilješke s predavanja. 2022.
Župan, M. (ur.) . Prekogranično kretanje djece u Europskoj uniji (odabrana poglavlja). . 2019. Pravni fakultet Osijek,
Župan, M., . Chapter 10 Cooperation Between Central Authorities, u: Honorati, C., Jurisdiction in Matrimonial Matters, Parental Responsibility and International Abduction, A Handbook on the Application of Brussels IIa Regulation in National Courts. 2017. Peter Lang2017, str. 265.– 313.
Župan, M.; Drventić, M.. Sustav središnjih tijela kroz europski model naplate prekograničnog uzdržavanja. 2015. Društveni Ogledi 3
Župan, M., Hoehn, C., Kluth, U.. Central Auhority Cooperation under the Brussels II ter Regulation. 2021. Yearbook of Private International Law, Volume 22
Optional reading
Drventić, M.. The Protection of Adults in the European Union . 2019. ECLIC 3
Župan, M.. 50 godina europske pravosudne suradnje u građanskim stvarima – 5 godina hrvatske primjene. 2019. Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske, vol. X