Freedom of Movement for (Social) Workers and Protection of Human Rights in the EU

Course titleFreedom of Movement for (Social) Workers and Protection of Human Rights in the EU
Chair of Constitutional and European Law
Number of ECTS credits4 Dunja Duić
Office AddressRadićeva 13 48
Telephone+385 31 224 500 Tunjica Petrašević
Office AddressRadićeva 13 Kabinet br. 46
Telephone+385 31 224 535
Course content

Free movement of workers, as one of the four freedoms enjoyed by EU citizens, includes the right of social workers to work in another member state, the right of their family members to enter that country and reside there, and the right to treat them without discrimination. Within the scope of the subject Freedom of movement of (social) workers and protection of human rights in the EU, it is expected to acquire knowledge about the internal market, freedom of movement of workers and representation of human rights in the EU. After taking the course, students will understand their current and future rights, European judicial institutions for the protection of human rights, apply knowledge about freedom of movement and protection of human rights within the EU. The first goal of the course is to train students to move independently in order to work within the EU and to apply the acquired knowledge in the context of their future profession. The second goal of the course is to train students to understand the procedure before the EU Court related to the protection of human rights in order to get an answer to the question of whom and how people in social difficulties can turn to at the European (international) level in order to protect human rights. CONTENT: • Determination of basic terms of freedom of movement of social workers • Determining the basic concepts in the process of protecting human rights in the EU and the freedom of movement of social workers • Court practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union related to the protection of human rights

Course learning outcomes

Define the goals and effects of freedom of movement of workers and apply the rights to freedom of movement of social workers, Explain the process of human rights protection in the EU and apply the relevant EU legal regulations and in accordance with the principles of social work in order to represent human rights for all, Interpret the practice of the Court of Justice of the European Union and apply the legal rules of EU law when solving problems faced by users of the social welfare system, Apply knowledge from legal theory and practice of EU law in the process of supporting the realization of human and civil rights and the implementation of fair social policies, Represent human rights and the protection of fundamental human rights at the European level, and advocate fair social policies,

☑ Lectures
☐ Seminars and workshops
☐ Exercises
☑ Independent tasks
☐ Multimedia and internet
☐ Distance education
☐ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☐ Mentoring work
☐ Knowledge test
☐ Oral exam
☐ Written exam
☐ Colloquium
Other: Esej
Methods of quality monitoring that ensure the acquisition of output knowledge, skills and competences: • Internal evaluation at the level of J. J. Strossmayer University in Osijek. • Keeping records of student attendance at college lectures, completed obligations and results • Application of acquired knowledge within this course, through the creation and presentation of assignments Obligations of students: Students' obligations within the course relate to regular attendance, writing an essay in which they will present and apply the knowledge gained from the course, and the fulfillment of other tasks defined within the course.
Required reading
Goldner Lang, I.. Sloboda kretanja ljudi u EU: Kontekst sporazuma o pridruživanju (odabrana poglavlja). 2007. Školska knjiga, Zagreb
Petrašević, T.; Vuletić, I. (ur.) . Postupci pred Sudom EU // Procesno-pravni aspekti prava EU. 2016. Pravni fakultet Osijek, Osijek
Duić, D.. Analiza slučaja Lautsi v. Italy ( Europski sud za ljudska prava) . 2014. Pravni vjesnik PFO , broj 2
Petrašević, T.. Pravo na spajanje obitelji u EU-u u Prekogranično kretanje djece u Europskoj uniji / Župan, M. (ur.) . 2019. Pravni fakultet Osijek, Osijek
Duić, D.. Migracijsko pravo EU-a i prava djeteta u Prekogranično kretanje djece u Europskoj uniji / Župan, M. (ur.) . 2019. Pravni fakultet Osijek, Osijek
. Materijali distribuirani na nastavi. 2022.
Optional reading
Petrašević, T.. The relation of Human Rights and market freedoms in case law of the CJEU // Economic and Social Development - 16th International Scientific Conference on Economic and Social Development – “The Legal Challenges of Modern World” / Primorac, Z., Bussoli, C., Recker, N. (ur.). 2016. Split : Varazdin Development and Entrepreneurship Agency, Varazdin, Croatia Faculty of Law, University of Split, Croatia University North, Koprivnica, Croatia,
Petrašević, T.; Duić, D.. Opinion 2/13 on the EU accession to the ECHR // New Developments in the EU Labour, Equality and Human Rights Law / Mario Vinković (ur.) . 2015. Osijek : J J Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Law
Rodin, S.; Ćapeta, T.; Goldner Lang, I.. Izbor presuda Europskog suda – gradivo za nastavu prava EU, 2009. (odabrane presude). 2009. Novi informator, Zagreb
Duić, D.; Petrašević, T.; Buljan, E.. Recent issues of the right to family reunification within EU law - analysis of the case c-165/14 Alfredo Rendón Marín V. Administración del Estado. 2019. SEE Law Journal. 1/5