Right to Food

Course titleRight to Food
Chair of Economic Sciences
Number of ECTS credits4
Lecturerprof.dr.sc. Rajko Odobaša
Office AddressRadićeva 13 soba 23/17
Telephone+385 91 2245 506
Lecturerprof.dr.sc. Rajko Odobaša
Office AddressRadićeva 13 soba 23/17
Telephone+385 91 2245 506
Course content

• introducing students to the definition and basic international acts related to the right to food ("right to food") as a fundamental human right; • familiarizing students with all relevant legal frameworks aimed at achieving the right to food, with special reference to the rights of vulnerable groups in society (the poor, children, persons the elderly, people with disabilities); • introducing students to social, economic, political, nutritional (food) and the health consequences of food insecurity ("food insecurity"), that is inability to exercise the right to food; • acquiring knowledge about the role of poverty and the risk of poverty on food insecurity through examples in the world (highly developed countries such as the USA or Great Britain) but also through the context Republic of Croatia (RO); • introducing students to good examples from the practice of countries with a strong social policy (Scandinavian countries) with a series of legal tools that reduce social inequalities and ensures the realization of the "right to food"; • acquiring knowledge for quality communication with the media (TV, newspapers, web portals) with a goal raising awareness of social inequalities that result in food insecurity.

Course learning outcomes

After completing the course, the student will be able to: Enumerate and distinguish the main international acts that ensure the right to food; Explain and interpret the significance of realizing the right to food; Identify institutions, that is, social services at the local, national and international level, to which citizens or groups of citizens can turn for help if they are prevented from exercising the right to food; Differentiate, recognize and valorize the social, economic, political, nutritional and health consequences of food insecurity, with special emphasis on vulnerable groups of society; Differentiate and review examples from practice (good and bad) and their applicability to the system in which they are located; Design and present a press release related to some of the aspects of non-realization of the right to food with the aim of raising awareness and offering possible solutions to the problem.,

☑ Lectures
☐ Seminars and workshops
☐ Exercises
☑ Independent tasks
☑ Multimedia and internet
☑ Distance education
☑ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☑ Mentoring work
☑ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☐ Written exam
☑ Colloquium
Other: Esej kao pristupni rad
Required reading
Bejaković P. . Siromaštvo, nejednakost i socijalna isključenost u EU i Hrvatskoj. Opća deklaracija o ljudskim pravima (rezolucija br. 217/III), 1948., Narodne novine, Međunarodni ugovori, br. 12/2009. Međunarodni pakt o ekonomskim, socijalnim i kulturnim pravima (rezolucija 2200A (XXII), 1966., Narodne novine, Međunarodni ugovori, br. 12/1993. Konvencija o pravima djeteta (rezolucija br. 44/25), 1989., Narodne novine, Međunarodni ugovori,, br. 12/1993., 20/1997., 4/1998. i 13/1998.. 2004. Institut za javne financije, Zagreb
Optional reading