Psychosocial Support for Social Workers

Course titlePsychosocial Support for Social Workers
Chair of Labour and Social Security Law Sciences and Social Work
Number of ECTS credits4 Daniela Šincek
Office AddressRadićeva 13
Telephone Anita Barišić
Office AddressRadićeva 13 Rektorat/ prizemlje
Telephone+385 31 224 526 Anita Barišić
Office AddressRadićeva 13 Rektorat/ prizemlje
Telephone+385 31 224 526
Course content

Mental health, well-being and quality of life of professionals. Resilience of professionals, prevention and self-help. Challenges: professional stress and burnout at work and coping strategies. Vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue. Psychosocial support for professionals in social activities. Supervision - approaches, types and role in the development of the social worker and maintaining the quality of his work and psychological well-being. Coaching, focused awareness and other approaches to improving the psychological well-being of professionals. Psychotherapy - work on yourself as a basis for mastering education for a psychotherapist and benefits for a social worker. Recognition of more serious threats to one's own mental health and professional responsibility, as well as the possibility of re-establishing optimal functioning through treatment. As part of the exercises, licensed experts - external collaborators (supervisor, psychotherapist...) will demonstrate some of the techniques in providing psychosocial support to professionals in social work.

Course learning outcomes

Recognize the characteristics of psychological well-being and quality of life of professionals in social work , Recognize the challenges to psychological well-being and the mechanisms of their occurrence and effects on work social worker , Differentiate between different forms of psychosocial support for social workers , Differentiate the types and roles of supervision and their characteristics. , Describe other forms of psychosocial support such as coaching or focused awareness, Explain the role of psychotherapy in the development of psychotherapist skills , Recognize serious threats to mental health ,

☑ Lectures
☐ Seminars and workshops
☑ Exercises
☑ Independent tasks
☑ Multimedia and internet
☐ Distance education
☐ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☐ Mentoring work
☐ Knowledge test
☐ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☐ Colloquium
The exercises must take place in groups of a maximum of 15, optimally 10 students (ideally 6-10), and due to the possibility of demonstrating different techniques and the nature of the exercises, which corresponds to clinical exercises.
Required reading
Ajduković, M. (2009, ur.), Refleksije o superviziji: međunarodna perspektiva. Zagreb, Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu i Društvo za psihološku pomoć Ajduković, M. . Kako pomoći pomagačima da sačuvaju svoje mentalno zdravlje U: Božičević, V., Brlas, S. i Gulin, M. (ur.): Psihologija u zaštiti mentalnog zdravlja; prijedlog smjernica za psihološku djelatnost u zaštiti i promicanju mentalnog zdravlja. Zavod za javno zdravstvo „Sveti Rok“ Virovitičko-podravske županije, Virovitica. 462-468. . 2012. Ajduković, M. (2009, ur.), Refleksije o superviziji: međunarodna perspektiva. Zagreb, Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu i Društvo za psihološku pomoć Zavod za javno zdravstvo „Sveti Rok“ Virovitičko-podravske županije, Virovitica.
Ajduković, M. . Refleksije o superviziji: međunarodna perspektiva. . 2009. Zagreb, Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu i Društvo za psihološku pomoć
Ajduković, M. i Ajduković, D. . Pomoć i samopomoć u skrbi za mentalno zdravlje pomagača. . 1996. Zagreb: Društvo za psihološku pomoć
Ajduković, M. i Cajvert. Lj. . Supervizija u psihosocijalnom radu. . 2004. Zagreb, Društvo za psihološku pomoć
Božićević, V. . Psihologija u zaštiti mentalnog zdravlja; prijedlog smjernica za psihološku djelatnost u zaštiti i promicanju mentalnog zdravlja. . 2012. Zavod za javno zdravstvo „Sveti Rok“ Virovitičko-podravske županije, Virovitica, 271-278
Družić Ljubotina, O. i Friščić, L. . Profesionalni stres kod socijalnih radnika: Izvori stresa i sagorijevanje na poslu. . 2014. DLjetopis socijalnog rada, 21(1)
Optional reading
Ajdukovic, M., Cajvert, L., Judy, M., Knopf, W., Kuhn, H., Madai, K., & Voogd, M. . ECVision. A European Glossary of Supervision and Coaching. ECVision. Supervision and Coaching in Europe: Concepts and Competences. Wien: Die Wiener Volkshochschule. . 2015. Retrieved from http://www. anse. at/ecvision/products. html.
Caspi, J. . Coaching and social work: Challenges and concerns. . 2005. Social work, 50 (4)
Hick, S. F. . Mindfulness and social work. . 2009. Lyceum Books.