Criminal Law of the European Union

Course titleCriminal Law of the European Union
Number of ECTS credits3 Ante Novokmet
Office AddressRadićeva 13 57
Telephone+385 31 224 557
Course content

1. Introductory: Legal framework of the European Union and criminal law 2. Criminal law implementation of European Community law 3. Criminal law cooperation in the European Union

Course learning outcomes

After passing the exam from the course, the student will be able to: 1. Define the concept and basic principles of European Union criminal law , 2. Explain the reasons for the special position of criminal law within the legal system of the European Union, 3. To single out turning points and milestones in the historical development of EU criminal law, 4. Describe the mechanisms of influence of EU law on national criminal justice systems, 5. Interpret national criminal law in accordance with the fundamental principles of EU law, 6. Apply knowledge about the principles of EU criminal justice cooperation to the decisions of domestic courts on the European arrest warrant, 7. Distinguish the development of EU criminal law before and after the Lisbon Treaty, 8. Analyze the provisions of the Law on Criminal Justice Cooperation with EU Member States,

☑ Lectures
☐ Seminars and workshops
☐ Exercises
☐ Independent tasks
☐ Multimedia and internet
☐ Distance education
☐ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☐ Mentoring work
☐ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☐ Colloquium
Required reading
Novokmet Ante. The EPPO and judicial review of a decision not to prosecute: A slippery are or a final arrangement. 2020. Hrvatski ljetopis za kaznene znanosti i praksu, Vol. 27 No. 1
Novokmet Ante. The European public prosecutor’s office and judicial review of criminal procesution. 2017. New journal of European Criminal Law Vol 8. No. 3.
Burić Zoran. Europski uhidbeni nalog. 2007. Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu, Vol. 14 No. 1
Ćapeta Tamara, Rodin Siniša. Osnove prava Europske unije / Poglavlja I, II i IV. 2010. Narodne novine
Đurđević Zlata. Mehanizmi utjecaja prava Europske zajednice na kaznenopravne sustave država članica. 2004. Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu Vol. 54 No. 2
Đurđević Zlata. Europski sud pravde i legitimitet europskog uhidbenog naloga. 2007. Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu, Vol. 14 No. 2
Đurđević Zlata. Lisabonski ugovor: prekretnica u razvoju kaznenog prava u Europi / Reforma Europske unije - Lisabonski ugovor / Rodin Siniša, Ćapeta Tamara, Goldner Lang Iris (ur.).. 2009. Narodne Novine
Novokmet Ante. The European public prosecutor’s office and judicial review of criminal procesution. 2017. New Journal of European Criminal Law Vol. 8. No. 3.
Novokmet Ante. The EPPO and judicial review of a decision not to prosecute: A slippery are or a final arrangement. 2020. Hrvatski ljetopis za kaznene znanosti i praksu, Vol. 27 No. 1
. Zakon o pravosudnoj suradnji u kaznenim stvarima s državama članicama Europske unije, NN 91/2010, NN 81/2013 . 2013.
. Ugovor o funkcioniranju Europske unije: odredbe Dijela trećeg, Glave V, Poglavlja 4., Pravosudna suradnja u kaznenim predmetima, članci 82.-86. i Poglavlja 5. Policijska suradnja, članci 87.-89. . 2016.
. Okvirna odluka Vijeća Europske unije od 13. lipnja 2002. o Europskom uhidbenom nalogu i postupcima predaje između država članica. 2002.
. Roadmap with a view to fostering protection of suspected and accused persons in criminal proceedings, 1 July 2009, 11457/09 . 2009.
. Directive 2010/64/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 October 2010 on the right to interpretation and translation in criminal proceedings. 2010.
. Directive 2012/13/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2012 on the right to information in criminal proceedings . 2012.
. Directive 2013/48/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2013 on the right of access to a lawyer in criminal proceedings and in European arrest warrant proceedings, and on the right to have a third party informed upon deprivation of liberty and to communicate with third persons and with consular authorities while deprived of liberty . 2013.
. Directive 2014/41/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 3 April 2014 regarding the European Investigation Order in criminal matters. 2014.
. Zakon o kaznenom postupku Narodne Novine broj 152/08, 76/09, 80/11, 121/11, 143/12, 56/13, 145/13, 152/14, 70/17, 126/19, 130/20, 80/22. 2022.
Optional reading
Krapac Davor, Novoselec Petar (prijevod). Corpus juris 2000 . 2003. Hrvatska udruga za europsko kazneno pravo
Derenčinović,Davor. O usklađivanju hrvatdkog kaznenog zakonodavstva s pravnom stečevinom (acquis communautaire) Europske unije na području pravosuđa i unutarnjih poslova-korupcija i terorizam . 2003. Hrvatska pravna revija Vol. 3 No. 6.
Gluščić Stjepan. Kaznenopravni sustav pred izazovom organiziranog kriminaliteta - međunarodna kaznenopravna suradnja. 1998. Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu, Vol. 5 No. 2
Đurđević Zlata. Europsko pravno područje i zemlje kandidati: Predstavljanje rezultata Corpus Juris projekta. 2001. Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu, Vol. 8 No. 2
Đurđević Zlata. Kaznenopravna zaštita financijskih interesa Europske unije. 2003. Doktorska disertacija, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, str. 11-37, 129-135, 198-240, 420-441
Đurđević Zlata. urrent issues in European criminal law and the protection of EU financial interests : EU fraud : criminal liability of legal persons and heads of businesses : interaction of supranational and national criminal justice authorities . 2006. Austrian Association of European Criminal Law ; Croatian Association of European Criminal Law
Đurđević Zlata. Criminal Law Report for Croatia, u: Moore, Anthony (ur) Police and Judicial Co-operation in the European Union: FIDE 2004 National Reports. 2004. Cambridge University Press
Huber Barbara. Corpus Juris i Amsterdamski ugovor. 2000. Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu Vol 7. No. 2.
Ivičević Karas Elizabeta. Savjetovanje: Utjecaji prava Europske zajednice / Europske unije na nacionalno kazneno pravo država članica. 2003. Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu, Vol. 10 No. 1.
Krapac Davor. Europsko kazneno pravo: konvergencijom nacionalnog kaznenog prava prema kaznenom pravu za Europu?. 1999. Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu, Vol. 6 No. 1.
Łazowski Adam. Poland: Constitutional Tribunal on the Surrender of Polish Citizens under the European Arrest Warrant. Decision of 27 April 2005.. 2005. European Constitutional Law Review Vol. 1. No. 3.
Łazowski Adam. Accession Treaty – Polish Constitutional Tribunal Conformity of the Accession Treaty with the Polish Contitution. Decision of 11 May 2005.. 2007. European Constitutional Law Review Vol. 3. No. 1
Magno Teresa. The Pupino Case: Background in Italian Law and consequences for the national judge. 2023. ERA Forum Vol 8
Mitsilegas Valsamis. The constitutional implications of mutual recognition in criminal matters in the EU. 2006. Common Market Law Review Vol. 43 No. 5.
Mölders Simone. European Arrest Warrant Act is Void – The Decision of the German Federal Constitutional Court of 18 July 2005 . 2005. German Law Journal Vol. 7. No. 1.
Satzger Helmut. Utjecaji prava Europske zajednice / Europske unije na nacionalno kazneno pravo država članica. 2003. Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu, Vol. 10 No. 1
Vervaele John . Europsko kazneno pravo i opća načela prava Unije. 2005. Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu, Vol. 12 No. 2
Vervaele John. The Europeanisation of Criminal Law and the Criminal Law Dimension of European Integration. Research Papers in Law. 2005. Research Papers in Law Vol. 3.
van Ballegooij Wouter , Pfützner Peggy, Leaf Maris. The decisions in Poland, Germany and Belgium: Consequences for surrender based on a European arrest warrant. 2023.