Civil Law and Technology

Course titleCivil Law and Technology
Chair of Civil Law and Family Law Sciences
Number of ECTS credits6 Dubravka Klasiček
Office AddressRadićeva 13 /
Telephone+385 31 224 500
Course content

Electronic signature as a way of expressing ones will in electronic communication Remote conclusion of a contract Adhesion contracts and mandatory conclusion of contracts E-commerce and liability for defective product Privacy and data protection on the Internet Inheritance of digital goods Wills in the 21st Century Protection of intellectual property and the Internet

Course learning outcomes

Identify civil law institutes relevant in digital technology, Explain the connection of these institutes with each other, Compare Croatian legal solutions with those in comparative law, Identify problems related to existing legal solutions and practices, Propose changes that could occur in the field of civil law institutes relevant in information technology,

☑ Lectures
☐ Seminars and workshops
☐ Exercises
☑ Independent tasks
☑ Multimedia and internet
☐ Distance education
☑ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☑ Mentoring work
☑ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☐ Colloquium
Students choose the topic they will research (which literature they will use will depend on the topic they chose). After studying the topic, their task is to present it in writing and orally.
Required reading
Klasiček, Dubravka. Sloboda volje ugovornih strana u kontekstu adhezijskih ugovora, s naglaskom na ugovore sklopljene putem informatičke mreže . 2022. Filozofska istraživanja
Klasiček, Dubravka. Declarations of will in the digital environment and wrap contracts . 2021. Pravni fakulet u Nišu
Klasiček, Dubravka. What happens to your Gmail and Facebook account after you die? . 2019. Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci
Klasiček, Dubravka. 21st Century Wills . 2019. Pravni fakultet u Osijeku
Klasiček, Dubravka. Wills in the digital era . 2016. Informatologia
Klasiček, Dubravka. Digital inheritance . 2018. Ekonomski fakultet u Osijeku
Darrow, J.J., Ferrera, G.R.. Who Owns a Descendant's E-mails: Inheritable Probate Assets or Property of the Network?. 2007. NYU Journal of Legislation & Public Policy
Dragičević, D., Gumzej, N.. Temeljna prava građana u kontekstu pravne zaštite intelektualnog vlasništa na internetu. 2014. Media, Culture and Public Relations
Gumzej, N.. Zaštita podataka u elektroničkim komunikacijama – doktorska disertacija. 2011. Pravni fakulet u Zagrebu
Klarić, P., Vedriš, M.. Gađansko pravo. 2014. Narodne novine Zagreb
Katulić, T.. Razvoj pravne regulacije elektroničkog potpisa, elektroničkog certifikata i elektroničke isprave u hrvatskom i poredbenom pravu. 2011. Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
Matic T.. Formularni ugovori u elektronickom obliku (Sklapanje ugovora klikom misa –elektronickim ocitovanjem volje putem Interneta na web stranici – clik wrap i browse wrap ugovori). 2008. Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
Matić, T. Osnove prava elektroničke trgovine. 2008. Zagreb : M.E.P. Consult
Nikšić, S.. Elektronički potpis u skladu sa smjernicom 1999/93/EC. 2000. Pravo u gospodrstvu,
Pichler, Davorin. Građansko-pravni aspekti opće Uredbe o zaštiti osobnih podataka (GDPR) u provođenju ljekarničke prakse. 2021. Zbornik radova Pravnog fakulteta u Splitu
Pichler, Davorin, Tomić, Dražen. Electronic signature in legal theory and practice - new regulation. 2019. Ekonomski fakultet u Rijeci
Savin A. EU Internet Law, 2nd ed., Elgar European Law. 2018. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Watkins, A. Digital Property and Death: What Will Your Heirs Have Access to After You Die?. 2014. Buffalo Law Rewiev
Optional reading
/. Uredba (EU) 2016/679 Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća od 27. travnja 2016. o zaštiti pojedinaca u vezi s obradom osobnih podataka i o slobodnom kretanju takvih podataka te o stavljanju izvan snage Direktive 95/46/EZ, (Opća uredba o zaštiti podataka), SL EU L119. 2018. /
/. Zakon o elektroničkoj trgovini, Narodne novine, 173/03, 67/08, 36/09, 130/11, 30/14, 32/19. 2019. /
/. Zakon o zaštiti potrošača, Narodne novine 19/22. 2022. /
Cummings, R. The Case Against Access to Decendents' E-mail: Password Protection as an Exercise of the Right to Destroy. 2014. Minnesota Journal of Law, Science and Technology
Edwards, L., Harbinja, E. Protecting Post-Mortem Privacy: Reconsidering the Privacy Interests of the Deceased in a Digital World. 2013. Cardozo Arts & Entertainment Law Journal
Eichler A.C.. Owning What You Buy: How iTunes Uses Federal Copyright Law to Limit Inheritability of Content, and the Need to Expand the First Sale Doctrine to Include Digital Assets. 2016. Houston Business and Tax Law Journal
Dragičević, D., Gumzej, N.. Obvezno zadržavanje podataka i privatnost. 2014. Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu
Harbinja, E.. Does the EU Data Protection Regime Protect Post-Mortem Privacy and What Could Be The Potential Alternatives?. 2013. A Journal of Law, Technology and Society
Kim N.S.. Wrap Contracting and the Online Environment: Causes and Cures, Research Handbook on Electronic Commerce Law. 2016. dward Elgar Publishing Limited
Kreiczer-Levy S.. Share, Own, Access. 2018. Yale Law & Policy Review
Popović, N., Ljubić Karanović, M., Šober Sošić, K.. Nepoštene odredbe u općim uvjetima poslovanja operatora na tržištu elektroničkih komunikacija. 2013. Hrvatska pravna revija
Tepeš, N.. Obvezno sklapanje ugovora. 2017. Pravo u gospodarstvu
Uzelac, J., Trbojević, G.. Adhezijsko sklapanje ugovora s posebnim osvrtom na tumačenje spornih odredbi. 2013. rvatski savez udruga pravnika u gospodarstvu