Law and Bioethics
Course title | Law and Bioethics |
Chair of Criminal Law Sciences | |
Number of ECTS credits | 6 |
Lecturer | Ivana Tucak |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 Potkrovlje- 54 |
Telephone | +385 31 224 5543 | | |
Lecturer | Barbara Herceg Pakšić |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 64/13 |
Telephone | +385 31 224 564 | |
Course content |
The aim of the course is to present the historical development of bioethics up to the latest knowledge by analyzing them on current socially relevant issues, to acquaint students with bioethical standards and achievements, focusing on human rights and their protection. By exchanging different teaching methods - lectures, seminars, group work and encouraging the study of real cases of Croatian and foreign courts on bioethical topics critically thinking about the possibility of protecting human rights in today's world from the dangers that threaten them due to the accelerated progress of biomedical sciences. The content of the course includes the analysis of the following topics: 1. What is bioethics and its content and distinguishing determinants from medical ethics. 2. Human dignity as an essentially contentious concept. 3. Basic bioethical principles: innocence, charity, autonomy, justice: limitations and conflicts. 4. Informed consent v. Principle of paternalism. 5. Prohibition of discrimination and stigmatization. 6. The relation between morals and rights: the appeal of conscience. 7. Bioethical considerations about the beginning and end of life. Three groups definition of death. Legal status of death and organ transplantation. 8. Specific bioethical topics: bioethics in the process of scientific research on humans, euthanasia and distancing (medical uselessness), prostitution, circumcision, and other socially relevant topics from the bioethical aspect. |
Course learning outcomes |
After completing and passing the course, students should be able to: Recognize, describe and classify basic methodology and principles of bioethics, Interpret bioethical principles in accordance with international achievements, Give examples of human rights in the focus of bioethics and assess the possibilities of their protection, Recognize bioethical dilemmas in problem issues, Analyze real cases and apply bioethical principles in them, Discuss, argue and represent opinions on given bioethical topics, |
☑ Lectures ☑ Seminars and workshops ☐ Exercises ☑ Independent tasks ☐ Multimedia and internet | ☑ Distance education ☐ Office hours ☐ Laboratory ☐ Field work ☑ Mentoring work ☐ Knowledge test |
☑ Oral exam ☑ Written exam ☑ Colloquium |
Other: |
Students are required to participate in a minimum of 70% of classes. The student is free to choose the method of taking the exam: colloquia (continuous assessment); preparation and elaboration of a paper on one of the topics in bioethics and law or a final exam consisting of an oral and a written part. |
Required reading |
Tom Lamar Beauchamp. Načela u bioetic. 1996. Društvena istraživanja, 5 (1996), 3/4(23/24) |
Barbara Herceg Pakšić. Kaznenopravni odnos prema počinitelju kaznenog djela iz savjesti ili uvjerenja. 2014. Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 64 (2014), 5-6 |
Ivana Tucak. Ograničenja autonomije u javnom zdravstvu: obavezno cijepljenje djece. 2016. Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Novom Sadu, L (2016) 2 |
UNESCO. Opća deklaracija o bioetici i ljudskim pravima. 2005. |
Vijeće Europe. . Konvencija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i dostojanstva ljudskog bića u svezi primjene biologije i medicine: Konvencija o ljudskim pravim u biomedicini . 2003. Narodne novine 13/2003 |
Optional reading |
Michele Aramini. Uvod u bioetiku. 2009. Kršćanska sadašnjost d.o.o. |
Tom Lamar Beauchamp, James Franklin Childress. Principles of biomedical ethics. 2013. 7th ed., New York, Oxford, Oxford University Press |
Barbara Herceg Pakšić, Eugen Jakopović. Sakaćenje ženskih spolnih organa: pojavni oblici, medicinska obilježja I kaznenopravna regulacija. 2015. Pravni vjesnik, 31(2015), 2 |
Ivana Tucak. egal and Ethical Justification of Compensation Regarding Compulsory Vaccination Injuries. 2017. Facta Universitatis, Series Law and Politics, 15 (2017), 2 |
Robert Veatch,, Lainie Friedman Ross. Defining death : the case for choice. 2016. Washington, Georgetown University Press |
UNESCO. The Bioethics Core Curriculum. 2016. |