The European Union Criminal Law

Course titleThe European Union Criminal Law
Chair of Criminal Law Sciences
Number of ECTS credits6 Ante Novokmet
Office AddressRadićeva 13 57
Telephone+385 31 224 557 Tunjica Petrašević
Office AddressRadićeva 13 Kabinet br. 46
Telephone+385 31 224 535 Igor Vuletić
Office AddressRadićeva 13 Radićeva 17, prizemlje
Telephone+385 31 224 500
Course content

The subject European Union Criminal Law introduces students to the concept, terms and basic features of development of EU criminal law and its position within the EU legal system.EU powers in the field of criminal law after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaties are being considered mechanisms of the impact of EU criminal law on the legal systems of individual Member States and emphasis is placed on the significance of the direct effect and advantage of EU law over national criminal law. Special emphasis was also placed on criminal law cooperation in the EU by considering the principle of mutual recognition and certain forms of criminal cooperation such as the European Arrest Warrant, the European Investigation Warrant and Joint investigation teams. The bodies of criminal law cooperation in the European Union are analyzed and considered; European Public Prosecutor, Eurojust, Europol, OLAF and the European Judicial Network. The content of the course includes the processing of the following specific topics: 1. Roots, institutional system and legal framework of criminal law cooperation in the EU 2. Changes to the institutional framework of "European Judicial Cooperation" introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon 3. Mutual recognition between Member States in criminal matters 4. Institutions and mechanisms for police and judicial cooperation (role of Eurojust, Europol, European Public Prosecutor 5. Protection of the EU's financial interests 6. The role of the Court of Justice in the field of EU criminal law

Course learning outcomes

After completing the course the student will be able to: 1. Define basic terms and concepts of EU criminal law, Explain the historical development of criminal law cooperation in the EU, Describe the mechanisms of the impact of EU law on national criminal justice systems, Compare the importance of the principle of direct effect and the principle of priority of the application of EU law in relation to the domestic criminal justice system, Evaluate the success of the reform of the Croatian criminal justice system when transposing individual EU directives, Evaluate the success of existing models of judicial cooperation in criminal matters,

☑ Lectures
☐ Seminars and workshops
☐ Exercises
☑ Independent tasks
☐ Multimedia and internet
☐ Distance education
☐ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☐ Mentoring work
☐ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☑ Colloquium
Students are required to actively participate in a minimum of 55% of classes
Required reading
Zlata Đurđević. Lisabonski ugovor: prekretnica u razvoju kaznenog prava u Europi. 2008. Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu (Zagreb), vol. 15, broj 2/2008
Boris Ljubanović, Tunjica Petrašević, Paula Porreti Igor Vuletić, Mirela Župan. Procesno-pravni aspekti prava EU. 2015. Pravni fakultet u Osijeku
Zlata Đurđević. Mehanizmi utjecaja prava Europske zajednice na kaznenopravne sustave država članica. 2004. Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
. Materijali s predavanja. 2021. Katedre za ustavno i europsko pravo i Katedre kazneno-pravnih znanosti
Optional reading
Iris Goldner Lang. Europsko pravo kao okvir pravosudne suradnje u kaznenim stvarima. 2014. Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu (Zagreb), vol. 21, broj 2/2014
Barbara Herceg Pakšić, Igor Vuletić. The Lisbon Treaty as the first step towards the European Criminal Cour. 2011. The role of national criminal law in the European Union area and the alternative resolution of criminal, Section of Criminal Law, Bratislava, Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Law
Tunjica Petrašević. Prethodni postupak pred Sudom EU. 2014. Gradska tiskara d.d
Ante Novokmet. The European public prosecutor’s office and the judicial review of criminal prosecution. 2017. New Journal of European Criminal Law, vol. 8, no. 3, 2017
Zoran Burić. Načelo ne bis in idem u europskom kaznenom pravu - Pravni izvori i sudska praksa Europskog suda. 2010. Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, vol. 60, br. 3