Juvenile Criminal Law
Course title | Juvenile Criminal Law |
Chair of Criminal Law Sciences | |
Number of ECTS credits | 6 |
Lecturer | izv.prof.dr.sc. Barbara Herceg Pakšić |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 64/13 |
Telephone | +385 31 224 564 |
barbara.herceg@pravos.hr | |
Lecturer | izv.prof.dr.sc. Ante Novokmet |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 57 |
Telephone | +385 31 224 557 |
ante.novokmet@pravos.hr | |
Lecturer | izv.prof.dr.sc. Zvonimir Tomičić |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 9/17 |
Telephone | +385 31 224 581 |
tomicic.zvonimir@pravos.hr |
Course content |
The content of the course is aimed at introducing students to the development and contemporary knowledge of juvenile criminal law in the Republic of Croatia, acquiring knowledge of basic concepts and determinants of juvenile criminal law, presenting the latest research and case law and international standards in the field juvenile criminal law, developing basic critical analysis skills. The content of the course includes analysis of the following topics: 1. Historical development of juvenile criminal law. 2. JUVENILES: Criminal law provisions (general provisions, educational measures, juvenile imprisonment, security measures, provisions on the statute of limitations for criminal proceedings and material expediency) 3. Provisions on courts and criminal procedure provisions: juvenile courts (general provisions, organization, jurisdiction and composition of juvenile courts), treatment of minors (general provisions, separate and single procedure, measures to ensure the presence of minors and other measures, preliminary procedure, proceedings before a panel, legal remedies, proceedings for the subsequent imposition of juvenile imprisonment and erasure of conviction). 4. Provisions on the execution of sanctions (educational measures, juvenile imprisonment). 5. YOUNGER ADULTS.: application of criminal law, criminal procedure provisions, execution of sanctions 6. CRIMINAL PROTECTION OF CHILDREN: international standards of conduct in cases of criminal offenses to the detriment of the childn, United Nations standards. Council of Europe standards. Conventions and guidelines international organizations and associations. Criminal offenses of sexual abuse of children (rate, movement and peculiarities of the perpetrators of these criminal offenses and individual criminal offenses in this sphere, criminal offenses against, marriage, family and children (rate, movement and peculiarities of perpetrators of these criminal offenses and individual offenses from these spheres), other criminal offenses against children (rate, movement and characteristics of perpetrators of these criminal), offenses and individual offenses in this sphere, peculiarities of criminal proceedings to the detriment of children victims of criminal offenses and the injured party (general provisions on the conduct of the proceedings, the rights of the children of the victims and the injured party according to Croatian regulations, questioning of child victims in pre-trial and criminal proceedings, support for child victims). |
Course learning outcomes |
After completing and passing the course, the student will be able to: List and analyze universal standards on the protection of children and minors from neglect and miscellaneous form of abuse, Define basic terms specific to juvenile criminal law, Categorize and interpret individual criminal offenses in this area of juvenile criminal law, Discuss and interpret the research conducted in field of juvenile criminal law, |
☑ Lectures ☐ Seminars and workshops ☐ Exercises ☐ Independent tasks ☐ Multimedia and internet | ☐ Distance education ☐ Office hours ☐ Laboratory ☐ Field work ☐ Mentoring work ☐ Knowledge test |
☑ Oral exam ☑ Written exam ☐ Colloquium |
Other: |
Students are required to participate in 70% classes at least |
Required reading |
Vladimir Ljubanović, Ante Novokmet, Zvonimir Tomičić. Kazneno procesno pravo - izabrana poglavlja. 2020. Pravni fakultet Osijek |
Božica Cvjetko, Mladen Singer. Kaznenopravna zaštita djece. 2013. Globus |
Lana Petö Kujundžić. Djeca u kaznenom pravu - počinitelji i žrtve. 2019. Školska knjiga |
Barbara Herceg Pakšić. Mamljenje djeteta za zadovoljenje spolnih potreba. 2019. Virtualna komunikacija i izazovi kaznenog prava novog doba // Izazovi digitalnog svijeta / Velki, Tena; Šolić, Krešimir (ur.). Osijek: Fakultet za odgojne i obrazovne znanosti i Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, |
Barbara Herceg Pakšić, Azra Salitrežić. Odnos kaznenih djela na štetu djeteta i poduzimanja mjere lišenja roditeljske skrbi. 2014. Represivne mjere za zaštitu osobnih prava i dobrobiti djeteta. Interdisciplinarni, komparativni i međunarodni osvrti / Rešetar, Branka; Aras, Slađana (ur.). Osijek: Pravni fakultet u Osijeku |
. Zakon o sudovima za mladež. 2019. Narodne novine br. 84/11, 143/12, 148/13, 56/15,126/2019 |
Optional reading |
Ante Carić. Mlađe osobe u kaznenom pravu (počinitelji i žrtve). 2002. Pravni fakultet Zagreb |
Zvonimir Tomičić, Ante Novokmet, Mirjana Kondor-Langer. Nestanci djece i prava djece žrtava kaznenih djela prije i tijekom kaznenog postupka. 2019. Prekogranično kretanje djece u Europskoj uniji (ur. M. Župan), Pravni fakultet Osijek |
Melita Božičević-Grbić, Sunčana Roksandić Vidlička. Reforma maloljetničkog kaznenog prava i sudovanja,. 2011. Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu, vol.18, 2/2011 |
Dalida Ritossa, Melita Božićević Grbić. Zakon o sudovima za mladež-reformski zahvati i praktične dileme. 2012. Hrvatski ljetopis za kazneno pravo i praksu, vol. 19, 2/2012 |
Barbara Herceg Pakšić. A Contribution to Slavery Debate: Domestic Labor of Migrant Children in Focus. 2021. Zbornik radova, LIII (2019), 4 |
Barbara Herceg Pakšić, Eugen Jakopović. Sakaćenje ženskih spolnih organa: pojavni oblici, medicinska obilježja i kaznenopravna regulacija. 2015. Pravni vjesnik, God. 31 (2015), 2/2015 |