Basics of Labour and Social Law

Course titleBasics of Labour and Social Law
Chair of Labour and Social Security Law Sciences and Social Work
Number of ECTS credits7 Anton Petričević
Office AddressRadićeva 13 Stjepana Radića 13, kabinet 56
Telephone+385 31 224 556
Course content

Within the scope of the Basics of Labor and Social Security Law course, the content of the general theoretical part of the course is focused on determining the basic concepts of labor law, the definition, subject and names of labor law, relations with other legal branches, sources of labor law, and criteria and method of periodization of the historical development of labor law. Within the framework of the general theoretical part, special attention is paid to the introduction to international labor and European labor law (EU and Council of Europe). The positive legal part of labor law includes individual labor law and collective labor law. The content of individual labor law is aimed at prohibition of discrimination in employment and work, conclusion of employment contracts, legal status of minor workers, protection of life, health, privacy and dignity of workers, education and training for work, working hours, vacations and holidays, night work, maternity protection, salary issues, protection of workers who are temporarily or permanently unable to work, inventions and technical improvements of workers and prohibition of competition with the employer, compensation for damages, termination of the employment contract and exercise of rights and obligations from the employment relationship and the role and importance of temporary employment agencies. Collective labor rights include participation of workers in decision-making, trade unions and trade union associations, the importance of collective bargaining and collective agreements,strike and settlement of collective labor disputes. Social law is focused on knowledge of the basics of pension, disability and health insurance and the content of social welfare in the Republic of Croatia

Course learning outcomes

explain the basic institutes of labor and social security law in the state as a polyvalent phenomenon, define public administration as a set of administrative organizations in which workers perform their work (state administration, territorial self-government and public services), differentiate the hierarchy of labor law regulations, differentiate which legal rules should be applied to specific labor law issues, Differentiate the sources of labor law at the national and international level, describe the historical development of working relations of state and public servants and individual phases of development with their specificity , give an overview of the functioning of labor law relations today, differentiate the powers of state administration bodies, bodies of local and regional self-government units and legal entities that have public powers (public bodies), explain what are the essential elements of the employment relation, to explain that in the public administration the labor relations of employees are not regulated in a uniform manner,

☑ Lectures
☐ Seminars and workshops
☐ Exercises
☑ Independent tasks
☑ Multimedia and internet
☐ Distance education
☐ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☐ Mentoring work
☑ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☑ Colloquium
Other: -
Students must be enrolled in the 3rd year of Professional Administrative Study Programme.
Required reading
Ravnić, Anton. Osnove radnog prava – domaćeg, usporednog i međunarodnog (stranice 67-158, 207-252, 279-302, 459-659, 580-626 i 646-652.) . 2004. Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu
Bejaković, Predrag,Crnkić, Tamara, Cvitanović, Irena et al. Zakon o radu s komentarima i tumačenjima . 2014. Timpress, Zagreb
-. bilješke s predavanja. 2022. -
-. Zakon o radu. 2023. NN. br. 93/14, 127/17, 98/19, 151/22,46/23, 64/23
-. . Zakon o reprezentativnosti udruga poslodavaca i sindikata. 2015. NN. br. 93/14 ,26/15
-. Zakon o rodiljnim i roditeljskim potporama. 2022. 152/22
-. Zakon o suzbijanju diskriminacije. 2012. 85/08, 112/12
-. Zakon o mirovinskom osiguranju . 2022. NN. br. 157/13,151/14,33/15, 93/15, 120/16, 18/18.,62/18.,115/18.,102/19, 84/21,119/22 (članci 1-140)
-. . Zakon o obveznom zdravstvenom osiguranju . 2023. NN. br.80/13,137/13, članci 1.-86. i 119-134., 98/19, 33/23
-. Zakon o dobrovoljnom zdravstvenom osiguranju . 2023. NN. br. 85/06, 150/08, 71/10, 53/20,120/21, 23/23 Članci 1-34.,
Vinković, Mario (ur.); Vasiljević, Snježana; Gović Penić, Iris. Priručnik o diskriminaciji i mobbingu na radnom mjestu, . 2016. Udruga za pomoć i edukaciju žrtava mobbinga, Zagreb, dostupno na:čnik%20o%20diskriminaciji%20i%20mobbingu%20na%20radnom%20mjestu.pdf, 2016.,
Gović Penić, Iris; Koić, Elvira; Vasiljević, Snježana; Vinković, Mario, . Priručnik o diskriminaciji i mobbingu na radnom mjestu (pravna i medicinska motrišta). 2018. Sindikat naftnog gospodarstva i Udruga za pomoć i edukaciju žrtava mobbinga, Zagreb, dostupno na:čnik-o-diskriminaciji-i-mobingu-na-radnom-mjestu-BROŠURA-4.10.2018.pdf, 2018., str. 7-76
Optional reading
Potočnjak, Željko (ur.) et al. . Radni odnos u Republici Hrvatskoj. 2007. Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu i Organizator Zagreb
-. Zakon o osiguranju radničkih tražbina. 2023. NN. br.70/17, 18/23
-. Zakon o blagdanima, spomendanima i neradnim danima u Republici Hrvatskoj. 2019. NN br. 110/19.
-. Zakon o doplatku za djecu . 2023. NN. br. 94/01, 138/06, 107/07 i 37/08, 61/11 i 112/12, 82/15.,58/18.,156/23
-. Zakon o doživotnoj otpremnini odnosno dokupu mirovine. 2013. 153/13
-. Zakon o europskim radničkim vijećima. 2017. NN. br. 93/14, 127/17.
-. Zakon o sudjelovanju radnika u odlučivanju u europskom društvu (SE) i u europskoj zadruzi (SCE) . 2014. NN. br.93/14
-. . Zakon o zdravstvenoj zaštiti. 2023. NN. br. 100/18.,125/19, 147/20, 119/22, 156/22, 33/23
-. Zakon o obveznom zdravstvenom osiguranju i zdravstvenoj zaštiti stranaca u RH. 2022. NN. br. 80/13., 15/18, 26/21., 46/22
-. Zakon o obveznim mirovinskim fondovima, . 2023., 93/15.,64/18.,115/18.,58/20.,156/23
-. Zakon o socijalnoj skrbi. 2023. NN. br. 18/22, 46/22, 119/22.,71/23,156/23