Environmental Law

Course titleEnvironmental Law
Chair of Economic Sciences
Number of ECTS credits3.5
Lecturerprof.dr.sc. Rajko Odobaša
Office AddressRadićeva 13 soba 23/17
Telephone+385 91 2245 506
Lecturerizv.prof.dr.sc. Ana Đanić Čeko
Office AddressRadićeva 13 38
Telephone+385 31 224 586
Course content

1. Introductory and fundamental issues of environmental law (the concept of environmental law and its place in the legal system, definitions, contemporary understanding of the environment and environmental protection, principles of environmental law, sources of environmental law, institutions for environmental protection...) 2. Protection of some parts of the environment in the Croatian legal system (protection of particularly valuable parts of nature: national parks, nature parks, strict reserves, special reserves, park-forests, protected landscapes, natural monuments and monuments of park architecture; protection and improvement of forests; Protection and improvement of agricultural land, air pollution protection, noise protection 3. Civil-law environmental protection (civil-law environmental protection as an instrument for realizing the principle of prevention: neighborhood rights and real-legal protection against immissions, civil-law environmental protection through so-called negative lawsuits, civil-law environmental protection through property protection, civil-law environmental protection covered through liability for damage, repair of damage and environmental lawsuit 4. Criminal-legal environmental protection (criminal offenses against the environment: environmental pollution, endangering the environment with noise, endangering the environment with waste, bringing radioactive or other hazardous waste into the Republic of Croatia, endangering the environment with waste, endangering the environment with devices, transmitting infectious diseases of animals and plants, production of harmful means for animal treatment, negligent provision of veterinary care, illegal hunting, illegal fishing, animal torture, forest devastation) 5. International legal aspects of environmental protection and preservation (development of international environmental law, basic principles of international environmental protection and preservation, "soft law" in the field of environmental protection and preservation, customary international law in the field of environmental protection and preservation, the most important international treaties dedicated to the protection and environmental protection, protection of the atmosphere, protection of the marine environment, protection of international watercourses, protection of biological diversity, cross-border transport of hazardous waste, environmental protection policy and environmental law in the European Community (European Union) 6. Administrative-legal aspects of environmental protection (principles of environmental protection, entities of environmental protection, documents of sustainable development and environmental protection, instruments of legal protection, right to access to information and access to court (judiciary) in the field of environmental protection, public participation in environmental issues, special administrative procedures and adoption of decisions in the field of environmental protection, competent state administration bodies in the implementation of a special administrative procedure, administrative-judicial protection, the role of administrative courts in the Republic of Croatia in disputes regarding the provision of judicial protection in procedures for the management of protected areas) 7. Concluding considerations: the role and significance of environmental law in contemporary environmental protection

Course learning outcomes

After successfully completing the lectures and passing the course, the student will be able to: 1. Describe and analyze the basic concepts of environmental protection and environmental law and define environmental protection and environmental law as a legal branch; 2. Differentiate among environmental protection instruments and describe the method of legal regulation of the area of environmental protection; 3. Recognize and analyze regulations of domestic and international legislation dedicated to environmental protection, especially EU environmental law; 4. Describe, compare and interrelate the elements of legal environmental protection from the discourse of different legal branches - general law, civil law, administrative law, criminal law and international law; 5. To judge the effectiveness of environmental protection with the help of various protection instruments and to recognize the idea, goals and instruments of sustainable development as a development concept, strategy and social practice.,

☑ Lectures
☐ Seminars and workshops
☑ Exercises
☑ Independent tasks
☑ Multimedia and internet
☐ Distance education
☑ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☑ Mentoring work
☑ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☑ Colloquium
Required reading
Lončarić-Horvat, O., Cvitanović, L., Gliha, I., Josipović, T., Medvedović, D., Omejec, J., Seršić, M.. Pravo okoliša. 2003. Organizator, Zagreb
Zakon o zaštiti okoliša,. Narodne novine, br. . 2024. 80/13, 153/13, 78/15, 12/18, 118/18
Zakon o zaštiti prirode, . Narodne novine, br. . 2024. 80/13, 15/18, 14/19, 127/19, 155/23
Đanić Čeko, Ana . Upravno-pravni aspekti prava na pristup informacijama o okolišu, u: Zakonodavstvo zaštite okoliša i održivi ekonomski razvoj u EU; Duić, D.; Ćemalović, U. (ur.), . 2022. Pravni fakultet Osijek, Osijek
Đanić Čeko, Ana, Senjak Krunić, Kristina . POSEBNI UPRAVNI POSTUPCI PROCJENE UTJECAJA ZAHVATA NA OKOLIŠ S OSVRTOM NA UPRAVNO-SUDSKU PRAKSU // Okrugli stol HAZU . 2024. Očuvanje načela zakonitosti u postupcima prostornog uređenja i gradnje, HAZU, Okrugli stol (u objavi)
Optional reading