Social Security Law

Course titleSocial Security Law
Chair of Labour and Social Security Law Sciences and Social Work
Number of ECTS credits5 Anton Petričević
Office AddressRadićeva 13 Stjepana Radića 13, kabinet 56
Telephone+385 31 224 556
Course content

Since its founding in 1919, the International Labor Organization has been supporting member states in construction national social security systems. National social protection policies therefore have an extremely important role in the realization of the fundamental human right to social security, because recent statistical analyzes speak of only 27% of the world's population enjoys full access to the social security system, while the rest of population partially or does not enjoy social protection at all (World Social Protection Report 2014/15, Building economic recovery, inclusive development and social justice, ILO, Geneva 2014). The content of the course will include the thematic units necessary to achieve the goals of the course in terms of determining concepts and institutes of social security (philosophy and policy of social law); historical development of the social security system at the universal level (from the beginning of the 20th century to the present), through discourse of systematization of public social systems; social protection of women, children and families (the role of social protection in realization of children's social rights; benefits in the context of child and family protection, the impact of fiscal consolidation on the child and family protection system), protection of women and men in the world of work (protection of the unemployed,protection in case of injury at work, occupational disease and disability, protection of motherhood and parenthood– international, European and national context), protection of elderly persons (types of pensions system, pension system of the Republic of Croatia, prevention of the risk of poverty at the time of retirement - decline in the value of pensions and protection of social cases); health care and health insurance (public and private levels health care) and particularities of the system of coordination of legal rules of the social security system in the EU as the consequences of a person's/worker's freedom of movement (conceptual context, relevant legislation and scope of rights).

Course learning outcomes

Identify and define the fundamental institutes and peculiarities of the development of the social security system in the universal, European and national context., Explain the historical development of the social security system in the world, the EU and Croatia, including concepts of social security system and the relationship between international, European and national standards, Understand the peculiarities of the social security system in the EU as a consequence of the freedom of movement of persons/workers (relevant legal framework, coordination of legal rules, scope, methods and conditions for exercising rights), Interpret the relevant national legislation in the area of the social security system (scope and conditions of use of rights , users, obligations,), Demonstrate necessary knowledge in the national social security system and apply them to simpler cases from practice (applicable law, applicable legal institute), Analyze the difficulties in achieving legal protection of vulnerable groups (women, children, users from the social welfare system, disabled, elderly people),

☑ Lectures
☐ Seminars and workshops
☐ Exercises
☑ Independent tasks
☐ Multimedia and internet
☑ Distance education
☐ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☐ Mentoring work
☑ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☑ Colloquium
Other: studenti u okviru kolegija pišu esej na zadanu te3mu
Students should be enrolled in the third year of undergraduate university study of social work
Required reading
Anton Ravnić. Osnove radnog prava (stranice: 207-252; 279-302.) . 2004. Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu,Zagreb
Ivana Vukorepa,. Mirovinski sustavi. 2012. Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu, Zagreb
-. Uredba (EEC) 1408/71.. 1971. -
-. Uredba (EEC) 574/72.. 1972. -
-. Uredba (EC) 883/2004.. 2004. -
-. Uredba (EC) 987/2009.. 2009. -
-. Uredba (EC) 988/2009.. 2009. -
-. Uredba (EU) 1244/2010.. 2010. -
-. . Uredba (EU) 465/2012.. 2012. -
-. Uredba (EU) 1224/2012.. 2012. -
. Zakon o tržištu rada . 2023. Narodne novine 118/18, 32/20,18/22,156/23
. Zakon o socijalnoj skrbi . 2023. Narodne novine 18/22, 46/22,119/22.,71/23.,156/23
. Zakon o doplatku za djecu . 2023. Narodne novine 94/01, 138/06, 107/07 i 37/08, 61/11, 112/12),82/15,58/18.,156/23
-. Zakon o mirovinskom osiguranju . 2022. Narodne novine 157/13, 151/14, 33/15, 93/15, 120/16,18/18,62/118, 115/18), 102/19, 84/21, 119/22
-. Zakon o obveznom zdravstvenom osiguranju . 2023. Narodne novine 80/13, 137/13, 98/19,33/23
-. Zakon o rodiljnim i roditeljskim potporama. 2022. Narodne Novine 152/22
-. Zakon o zdravstvenoj zaštiti . 2024. Narodne novine 100/18, 125/19, 147/20, 119/22, 156/22, 33/23.,36/24
-. Zakon o zaštiti na radu . 2018. Narodne novine 71/14, 118/14, 154/14,94/18, 96/18.
-. Zakon o provedbi uredbi Europske unije o koordinaciji sustava socijalne sigurnosti. 2013. NN 54/13
-. Nastavni materijali i bilješke s predavanja.. 2022. -
Optional reading
-. World Social Protection Report 2014/15, Building economic recovery, inclusive development and social justice,. 2014. ILO, Geneva