Social Work with a Group

Course titleSocial Work with a Group
Chair of Labour and Social Security Law Sciences and Social Work
Number of ECTS credits5
Lecturerdoc. Ilija Krišto
Office AddressRadićeva 13
Associate Suzana Tomašević
Office AddressRadićeva 13 Rektorat-prizemlje
Telephone+385 31 224 500
Course content

Conceptual determination of the group as a social, social and psychological phenomenon. Theories of the origin, development and functioning of groups. Types of groups according to the criterion of purpose of action, size, composition, theoretical-therapeutic concept, casuistry of members and goals. Historical development of group social work. Approaches in group social work. Creating groups from defining the need for them, through creating a team for their management, gathering members and leading the group. Stages of group development and their differences depending on approaches. Group processes with emphasis on group cohesion, dynamics, group pressure and outcomes. The role of the social worker in leading groups of different composition, purpose, theoretical orientation and approach. Monitoring and evaluation of group social work. Supervision of social work with groups.

Course learning outcomes

Explain the concept of group, theoretical assumptions about their origin and development, Interpret approaches in group work, their specificities, purpose and effects of action, Explain the principles of starting, gathering members and creating a group, Understand and identify the stages of group development, the factors of their flow, intensity and quality, Present the key processes in the group, their starting conditions, direction possibilities and effects of action,

☑ Lectures
☐ Seminars and workshops
☑ Exercises
☑ Independent tasks
☑ Multimedia and internet
☑ Distance education
☐ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☐ Mentoring work
☐ Knowledge test
☐ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☐ Colloquium
Required reading
Ajduković, M.. Grupni pristup u psihosocijalnom radu. 1997. Društvo za psihološku pomoć
Bion, W. R.. Iskustva u radu s grupama i drugi radovi . 1983. Naprijed
Southgate, J., Randall, R. . Cooperative and Community Group Dynamics. 1980. Barefoot Books
Flaker, V. . Teams as Means of Intedisciplinary collaboration: Developing Community Mental Health in Slovenia. U: Berkowitz N. Humanistic Approaches to Health Care: Focus on Social Work. . 1996. Venture Press
Lewin, K.; Lippitt, R.; White, R.K. . "Patterns of aggressive behavior in experimentally created social climates". 1939. Journal of Social Psychology 10 (2)
Lewin, K.. "Frontiers in Group Dynamics: Concept, Method and Reality in Social Science; Social Equilibria and Social Change". . 1947. Human Relations
Freire, P.. Pedagogija obespravljenih ( . 2002. ODRAZ
The Icarus Project . Prijateljstvo je najbolji lijek: Vodič za osnivanje mreža podrške za psihičko zdravlje unutar zajednice. Ludruga, Zagreb dostupno na: 2014. -
Flaker, V. . Grupa kao moment osnaživanja – zapisi, 2019. Bilješke s predavanja
Optional reading
Giacomucci, S. . Social work, sociometry and psychodrama ( . 2021. Springer nature
Žižak, A. . Izazovi grupnog rada s djecom, mladima i odraslima u riziku. 2009. Sveučilište u Zagrebu, E.R.F.
Janković, J. . Male kreativne socijalizacijske skupine. 2012. Poticaj
Elezović, S. i Janković, J.. Dinamika malih edukativnih skupina studenata socijalnog rada u Mostaru. 2015. Socijalne teme
Moreno, J.L. . Osnove sociometrije. 1962. Savremena škola Beograd
Guattari, F. . Molecular revolution. 1984. Penguin Books
Janković, J., Begić, A., i Krišto, I.. Grupna dinamika Malih edukativnih skupina. 2014. Socijalne teme 1(1)