Administrative Law

Course titleAdministrative Law
Chair of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences
Number of ECTS credits10 Boris Ljubanović
Office AddressRadićeva 13
Telephone Ana Đanić Čeko
Office AddressRadićeva 13 38
Telephone+385 31 224 586 Ana Đanić Čeko
Office AddressRadićeva 13 38
Telephone+385 31 224 586 Boris Ljubanović
Office AddressRadićeva 13
Course content

On the establishment and development of Croatian administrative law - theoretical and legal-scientific background Public services and institutions State administration system Concessions Expropriation Croatian citizenship Sources of administrative law Administrative act and legality of administrative action Exceptional conditions Administrative Procedure Administrative dispute

Course learning outcomes

define, explain and distinguish basic administrative-legal concepts and institutes, differentiate and connect the theoretical settings of individual institutes with practical examples, to compare administrative and other branches of law and different models of judicial supervision of administration, describe the course of the administrative procedure and the administrative dispute, systematically and meaningfully argue points of view on the given topic of discussion, analyze and correctly interpret certain legal provisions for the corresponding special administrative areas and institutes, analyze the relevant judicial practice of the administrative courts of the Republic of Croatia and the practice of public law bodies,

☑ Lectures
☐ Seminars and workshops
☑ Exercises
☐ Independent tasks
☐ Multimedia and internet
☑ Distance education
☐ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☐ Mentoring work
☐ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☑ Colloquium
Students are obliged to attend classes regularly with active participation in accordance with the lecture schedule. Attendance and participation of 70% in class are prerequisites for signing off as properly completed student obligations and the possibility of taking the exam through two colloquiums (after 50% of the subject lectures have been held). In the case of a longer period of inability to attend classes, students are obliged to justify their absences to the relevant professor. Students can take the entire exam (written and oral exam) on the available exam dates (students can take the oral part of the exam with 16 points out of a total of 30, if they get 18 or more points on the written exam and do not pass the oral part of the exam, it is possible on the next during the exam period, take the exam only orally) or, in case of fulfillment of the requirements of the Department for access to colloquia, take the exam through two colloquia (written exam of 30 questions). Students who take the exam through colloquiums and successfully pass them, this creates the basis for forming the final exam grade, and students do not have to take the oral part of the exam. In exceptional situations and when justified, colloquiums and exams will be held online using available platforms (ZOOM, Merlin, Microsoft Teams, Moodle).
Required reading
Babac, B.. Upravno pravo - odabrana poglavlja iz teorije i praxisa, osim gradiva pod toč. označenim 'Sažetak' te 'Zaključne prosudbe i rasčlambe', kao i gradiva pod toč. 2.5., 3.5., 7.. 2004. Sveučilište Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, Pravni fakultet u Osijeku, Osijek
Ustav Republike Hrvatske. Narodne novine 56/90, 135/97, 8/98, 113/00, 124/00, 28/01, 41/01, 55/01, 76/10, 85/10, 05/14. 2022.
Zakon o sustavu državne uprave. Narodne novine 66/19. 2022.
Zakon o ustrojstvu i djelokrugu tijela državne uprave. Narodne novine 85/20. 2022.
Zakon o lokalnoj i područnoj (regionalnoj) samoupravi, . Narodne novine 33/01, 60/01, 106/03, 129/05, 109/07, 125/08, 36/09, 150/11, 144/12, 19/13, 137/15, 123/17, 98/19, 144/20. 2022.
Zakon o Vladi Republike Hrvatske. Narodne novine 150/11, 22/12, 119/14, 93/16, 116/18, 80/22. 2022.
Zakon o ustanovama. Narodne novine 76/93, 29/97, 47/99, 35/08, 127/19. 2022.
Zakon o koncesijama. Narodne novine 69/17, 107/20. 2022.
Zakon o hrvatskom državljanstvu. Narodne novine 53/91, 70/91, 28/92, 113/93, 4/94,130/11, 110/15,102/19, 138/21. 2022.
Zakon o izvlaštenju i određivanju naknade . Narodne novine 74/14, 69/17, 98/19. 2022.
Optional reading
Đerđa, D.. Osnove upravnog prava Europske unije. 2012. Pravni fakultet, Rijeka
Đerđa, D.. Opći upravni postupak u Republici Hrvatskoj. 2010. Inženjerski biro, Zagreb
Staničić, F; Britvić Vetma, B., Horvat, B., . Komentar Zakona o upravnim sporovima. 2017. Narodne novine, Zagreb