Administrative Law - Seminar

Course titleAdministrative Law - Seminar
Chair of Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences
Number of ECTS credits4 Ana Đanić Čeko
Office AddressRadićeva 13 38
Telephone+385 31 224 586
Associate Josip Plišo
Office AddressRadićeva 13
Telephone Marko Sukačić
Office AddressRadićeva 13 51/13
Telephone+385 31 224 500
Course content

To prepare students for improvement and improvement of communication and presentation skills, concise and concise transmission and adoption and understanding of relevant and key information/data from selected areas of administrative law and administration, academic writing and preparation of seminar papers, proper search of available sources (scientific literature) and citation with the study of selected institutes of public administration and administrative law, legal regulations and judicial practice of administrative courts, the High Administrative Court of the Republic of Croatia, the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia (selected administrative matters) and others. In addition to writing and producing classic seminar papers on selected topics, the goal is to encourage students to other forms of fulfilling the seminar obligation - analysis of a selected body of state administration, public institutions and institutions, agencies, selected units of local and regional (regional) self-government, etc. The goal is to students to lay the foundations of legal reasoning, oral and written expression, and meaningful argumentation of their own positions.

Course learning outcomes

define, explain and distinguish basic administrative-legal concepts and institutes, interpret and logically connect basic administrative-legal concepts and institutes, describe the course of the administrative procedure and the administrative dispute, meaningfully argue points of view on a given topic/area of discussion, create a written seminar paper on the chosen topic and present it orally with appropriate attachments, analyze the content of the submission, administrative act and administrative-judicial decision, analyze legal provisions and court practice for the respective special administrative areas and institutes,

☐ Lectures
☑ Seminars and workshops
☐ Exercises
☑ Independent tasks
☐ Multimedia and internet
☑ Distance education
☐ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☐ Field work
☐ Mentoring work
☐ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☐ Written exam
☐ Colloquium
Students are obliged to regularly attend seminar classes with active participation. Attendance and participation of 70% in the seminar classes are prerequisites for the distribution of signatures as properly completed student obligations and the possibility of taking the exam early. In the case of a longer period of inability to attend classes, students are obliged to justify their absences to the seminar leader. Students are required to prepare a written seminar paper/critical review/analysis of selected practice of administrative/administrative-judicial or other procedures (administrative matter)/analysis of the selected body and present it orally through a presentation and related attachments for the organization of work in groups. In exceptional situations and when justified, seminar classes will be held online using available platforms (ZOOM, Merlin, Microsoft Teams, Moodle).
Required reading
Babac, B.. Upravno pravo-odabrana poglavlja iz teorije i praxisa. 2004. Sveučilište J. J. Strossmayera Pravni fakultet u Osijeku, Osijek
Borković, I., . Upravno pravo, (str. 3.-186., 221.-260., 357.-398., 585.-618.). 2002. Narodne novine, Zagreb
Đerđa, D.. Opći upravni postupak u Republici Hrvatskoj. 2010. Inženjerski biro, Zagreb
Staničić, F.; Britvić Vetma, B.; Horvat, B.,. Komentar Zakona o upravnim sporovima . 2017. Narodne novine, Zagreb
Zakon o sustavu državne uprave. Narodne novine 66/19. 2022.
Zakon o Vladi Republike Hrvatske. Narodne novine 150/11, 22/12, 119/14, 93/16, 116/18, 80/22. 2022.
Zakon o općem upravnom postupku. Narodne novine 47/09, 110/21. 2022.
Zakon o upravnim sporovima. Narodne novine 20/10, 143/12, 152/14, 94/16, 29/17, 110/21. 2022.
Zakon o strancima . Narodne novine 133/20. 2022.
Optional reading
Zakon o ustanovama. Narodne novine 76/93, 29/97, 47/99, 35/08, 127/19. 2022.
Zakon o koncesijama. Narodne novine 69/17, 107/20. 2022.
Zakon o hrvatskom državljanstvu. Narodne novine 53/91, 70/91, 28/92, 113/93, 4/94,130/11, 110/15,102/19, 138/21. 2022.
Zakon o međunarodnoj i privremenoj zaštiti . Narodne novine 70/15, 127/17. 2022.
Zakon o osobnom imenu. Narodne novine 118/12, 70/17, 98/19. 2022.
Zakon o pučkom pravobranitelju. Narodne novine 76/12. 2022.
Zakon o izvlaštenju i određivanju naknade. Narodne novine 74/14, 69/17, 98/19. 2022.