On January 29, 2024, the Jean Monnet Module – European Support for Children at Risk of Poverty (EU_SHINE) started with a  kick-off meeting. The successful launch of the project brought together project manager Dinka Caha and members of the project team (Sanela Bašić, Olja Družić Ljubotina, Andreja Juričević Petričević, Marijana Kletečki Radović and Nikica Torbica) and student Barbara Orešković.

The goal of the meeting was to create a joint understanding of the goals and activities that the Erasmus + project will implement and to coordinate project tasks and the implementation of project activities. The meeting began with a brief presentation of the project’s official website and a working version of the EU_SHINE visual identity. Next, the project team discussed the planned activities during the three-year cycle, its working methods, and the dates of future meetings, selected a working platform for planning and organizing activities, and the date of the first project activity was specified (a summer school in Osijek from September 2 to September 6, 2024).

We congratulate our consortium on the successful project launch and look forward to the EU_SHINE implementation!

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