Pravni fakultet Osijek, u suradnji s Hanns Seidel Stiftung, Predstavništvom Europske komisije u Hrvatskoj te Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti, organizira 9. međunarodnu konferenciju EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges (ECLIC), koje će se održati 12. i 13. lipnja 2025. u Dubrovniku, sa središnjom temom „Strong and Secure
Europe: Legal and Economic Aspects“.
Sukladno Strateškom programu EU za razdoblje 2024. – 2029., ovogodišnja konferencija ima za cilj istražiti probleme s kojima se suočava Europska unija, predstaviti rješenja za otpornost, jedinstvo i globalnu konkurentnost. Osim toga, preispitat će se i strategije, politike i zakonodavni okvir usmjeren postizanju otporne, održive i uključive Europe. Neka od tematskih područja (koja nisu ograničena) su:
suverenitet i strateška autonomija EU, digitalna transformacija i sigurnost, ekonomsko upravljanje i financijska stabilnost, ljudska prava i vladavina prava u sigurnoj Europi, uloga EU u globalnom poretku.
Sažetke je potrebno dostaviti do 31. siječnja 2025. godine putem aplikacije dostupne na sljedećem linku:
Ističemo i da je zbornik radova konferencije ECLIC indeksiran u bazama Web of Science i HeinOnline.
Više informacija o konferenciji možete saznati na sljedećem linku:
The Faculty of Law Osijek, in cooperation with the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the Representation of European Commission in Croatia and the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, organizing the 9th International Conference EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges (ECLIC), which will be held on June 12 and 13, 2025 in Dubrovnik, with the central topic “Strong and Secure Europe: Legal and Economic Aspects”.
In accordance with the EU’s Strategic Agenda for 2024-2029, this year’s conference aims to explore the problems facing the EU, present solutions for resilience, unity and global competitiveness. In addition, the strategies, policies and legislative framework aimed at achieving a resilient, sustainable and inclusive Europe will be critically examine.
Some of the thematic areas (which are not limited) are: EU Sovereignity and Strategic Autonomy, Digital Transformation and Security, Economic Governance and Financial Stability, Human Rights and Rule of Law in a Secure Europe, EU’s Role in the Global Order.
Abstracts must be submitted by January 31, 2025 via the application available at the following link:
Proceedings of the ECLIC conference is indexed in the Web of Science and HeinOnline.
More information about the conference at the following link: