Djelatnici Emina Jerković

  • Hrvatski
  • English

aktivni radni odnos

Telefon :
+385 31 224 500

Ured (prostorija):
S. Radića 17

Termin konzultacija:
utorkom 9:30-10:30

  • Članica Udruge Alumni diplomiranih pravnika Pravnog fakulteta Osijek.

Emina Jerković (rođena Konjić) rođena je 28. ožujka 1983. u Osijeku. Pravni fakultet u Osijeku upisala je 2001. te diplomirala 2006. godine. Tijekom studija korisnica je stipendije Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i športa RH.

Na Pravnom fakultetu u Osijeku zaposlena je od 1. siječnja 2007. godine kao asistentica, a od ožujka 2014. kao viša asistentica-poslijedoktorandica na Katedri financijskih znanosti.

U rujnu 2009. upisuje Poslijediplomski doktorski studij iz financijskopravnih znanosti “Fiskalni sustav i fiskalna politka” na Pravnom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Doktorsku disertaciju naslova „Razvoj sustava i modeli oporezivanja dohotka“ obranila je na Pravnom fakultetu u Zagrebu 7. ožujka 2014. pod mentorstvom Renate Perić.

Profesionalna aktivnost pristupnice zapaža se i kroz njezin rad na znanstveno-istraživačkom projektu "Europeizacija hrvatske lokalne i regionalne samouprave". U okviru znanstvenoistraživačkog rada sudjelovala je i na 3 međunarodna znanstvena projekta:

1. EUNICOP, Pravni aspekti međugranične suradnje i EU integracija: Mađarska- Hrvatska, Pečuh-Osijek 2011., EUNICOP, IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Croatia, Pravni fakultet Osijek, Pravni fakultet Pečuh;

2. SUNICOP: Projekt Jačanje sveučilišne suradnje Osijek – Pečuh (Strengthening UNIversity Cooperation Osijek-Pécs);

3. DUNICOP Pravo-regije-razvoj, DUNICOP, IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Hungary-Croatia, Pravni fakultet Osijek, Pravni fakultet Pečuh.

4. „Providentia Studiorum Iuris“ (2019. – 2022.)

Godine 2008. završila je program stručnog usavršavanja iz engleskog jezika za pravnike – English for EU law, u okviru Tempusovog projekta „Strani jezici u području prava“. U srpnju 2010.godine stručno se usavršavala na CEE Vienna Tax Law Summer School na Institutu za austrijsko i međunarodno porezno pravo na Sveučilištu u Beču u Austriji (Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law at WU, Austria). Godine 2012. završila je pedagoško-psihološku i didaktičko-metodičku izobrazbu na Učiteljskom fakultetu u Osijeku. Godine 2014. završila je stručno usavršavanje unutar programa cjeloživotnog obrazovanja za pravnike-lingviste na Pravnom fakultetu u Osijeku (engleski, njemački, francuski jezik).

Kontinuirano je uključena je u aktivnosti popularizacije znanosti (Festival znanosti, dani Europe)

Predsjednica je Odbora za završne i diplomske radove Pravnog fakulteta Osijek. Članica je Udruge Alumni diplomiranih pravnika Pravnog fakulteta Osijek.

Članica je uredništva časopisa za pravna i društvena pitanja Pravnog fakulteta Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku „Paragraf“ (godišnjak najboljih studentskih radova) od 2017. godine.

Aktivno je sudjelovala u osnivanju Zelene pravne klinike Pravnog fakulteta Osijek

U Upisnik znanstvenika, kojeg vodi Ministarstvo znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske upisana je pod matičnim brojem znanstvenika 294102.

Stručni diplomski studij Javna uprava

Jerković, Emina, Lifelong learning in the function of development of Eastern Croatia, 7th International Scientific Symposium "Economy of Eastern Croatia – Vision and Growth", Economy of Eastern Croatia – Vision and Growth: 7th International Scientific Symposium / Mašek Tonković, Anka ; Crnković, Boris - Osijek : Faculty of Economics in Osijek, 2018., str. 310.-318., ISSN 1848-9559

Jerković, Emina, REDUCING THE TAX COMPLIANCE GAP BY IMPROVING TAX ADMINISTRATION, IMR Interdisciplinary Management Research XIV, the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economic in Osijek, Croatia, Hochschule Pforzheim University, Osijek, 2018., str. 983.-1001., ISSN 1847-0408

Jerković, Emina, LEGAL CHALLENGES OF REDUCTION OF THE TAX BURDEN ON LABOUR IN THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA, International Scientific Conference „EU and Member States – Legal and Economic Issues“ in Osijek, 6-7 June 2019 ECLIC 3, Faculty of Law, Josip Juraj Strossmayer, University of Osijek ISSN (Online), str. 1008.-1030., ISBN 978-953-8109-28-7 (CD-ROM), ISBN 978-953-8109-29-4 (online)

Jerković, Emina, THE LEGAL SIGNIFICANCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL TAXES IN THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA, 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Arts and Humanities 2019, SGEM Florence, Conference Proceedings, Volume 6, Issue 2 / - Sofia, Bulgaria, 2019, 133.-140. SWS International Scientific Conference on Arts and Humanities 2019, ISBN 978-619-7408-96-6

Činčurak Erceg, Biljana ; Jerković, Emina, Sustainable Transport – Legal and Financial Aspects, 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Arts and Humanities 2019, SGEM Florence, Conference Proceedings, Volume 6, Issue 2 / - Sofia, Bulgaria, 2019, str. 85.-92., ISBN 978-619-7408-96-6

Perić, Renata; Jerković, Emina - The impact of COVID-19 on tax administration in the republic of Croatia // EU and comparative law issues and challenges series ECLIC 5: International Scientific ConferenceEU 2021 – The future of the EU in and after the pandemic / Duić, Dunja ; Petrašević, Tunjica (ur.), Osijek: Faculty of Law, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, 2021. str. 659.-687., ISBN 978-953-8109-39-3

Employment Status:
active employee

Telephone :
+385 31 224 500

Office (room):
S. Radića 17

Office hours:
ponedjeljak -petak

  • Member of the Alumni Club of the Faculty of Law Osijek.

Emina Jerković (née Konjić) was born on March 28, 1983 in Osijek. She entered the Faculty of Law in Osijek in 2001 and graduated in 2006. During her studies, she received a scholarship from the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia.

She has been employed at the Faculty of Law in Osijek since January 1, 2007 as an assistant, and since March 2014 as a senior assistant-postdoctoral student at the Department of Financial Sciences.

In September 2009, he enrolled in the postgraduate doctoral study in financial and legal sciences "Fiscal system and fiscal policy" at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb. She defended her doctoral dissertation entitled "System Development and Models of Income Taxation" at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb on March 7, 2014 under the mentorship of Prof. Dr.Sc. Renate Perić.

The applicant's professional activity is also noticeable through her work on the scientific research project "Europeanization of Croatian local and regional self-government". As part of her scientific research, she participated in 3 international scientific projects:

1. EUNICOP, Legal aspects of cross-border cooperation and EU integration: Hungary-Croatia, Pécs-Osijek 2011, EUNICOP, IPA Cross-border Cooperation Program Hungary-Croatia, Faculty of Law Osijek, Faculty of Law Pécs;

2. SUNICOP: Project Strengthening University Cooperation Osijek-Pécs (Strengthening UNIversity Cooperation Osijek-Pécs);

3. DUNICOP Law-regions-development, DUNICOP, IPA Cross-border Cooperation Program Hungary-Croatia, Faculty of Law Osijek, Faculty of Law Pécs.

4. "Providentia Studiorum Iuris" (2019 - 2022)

In 2008, she completed the professional training program in English for lawyers - English for EU law, within the Tempus project "Foreign languages ​​in the field of law". In July 2010, she received professional training at the CEE Vienna Tax Law Summer School at the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law at the University of Vienna, Austria (Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law at WU, Austria). In 2012, she completed pedagogical-psychological and didactic-methodical training at the Faculty of Teachers in Osijek. In 2014, she complete

She is continuously involved in science popularization activities (Festival of Science, Days of Europe)

She is the president of the Committee for final and graduate theses of the Osijek Faculty of Law. She is a member of the Alumni Association of Law Graduates of the Faculty of Law in Osijek.

She is a member of the editorial board of the magazine for legal and social issues of the Faculty of Law of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek "Paragraf" (a yearbook of the best student papers) since 2017.

She actively participated in the establishment of the Green Law Clinic of the Faculty of Law in Osijek

She is registered in the Register of Scientists, which is maintained by the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Croatia, under the identification number of scientists 294102.

Public Administration

Jerković, Emina, Lifelong learning in the function of development of Eastern Croatia, 7th International Scientific Symposium "Economy of Eastern Croatia – Vision and Growth", Economy of Eastern Croatia – Vision and Growth: 7th International Scientific Symposium / Mašek Tonković, Anka ; Crnković, Boris - Osijek : Faculty of Economics in Osijek, 2018., str. 310.-318., ISSN 1848-9559

Jerković, Emina, REDUCING THE TAX COMPLIANCE GAP BY IMPROVING TAX ADMINISTRATION, IMR Interdisciplinary Management Research XIV, the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Economic in Osijek, Croatia, Hochschule Pforzheim University, Osijek, 2018., str. 983.-1001., ISSN 1847-0408

Jerković, Emina, LEGAL CHALLENGES OF REDUCTION OF THE TAX BURDEN ON LABOUR IN THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA, International Scientific Conference „EU and Member States – Legal and Economic Issues“ in Osijek, 6-7 June 2019 ECLIC 3, Faculty of Law, Josip Juraj Strossmayer, University of Osijek ISSN (Online), str. 1008.-1030., ISBN 978-953-8109-28-7 (CD-ROM), ISBN 978-953-8109-29-4 (online)

Jerković, Emina, THE LEGAL SIGNIFICANCE OF ENVIRONMENTAL TAXES IN THE REPUBLIC OF CROATIA, 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Arts and Humanities 2019, SGEM Florence, Conference Proceedings, Volume 6, Issue 2 / - Sofia, Bulgaria, 2019, 133.-140. SWS International Scientific Conference on Arts and Humanities 2019, ISBN 978-619-7408-96-6

Činčurak Erceg, Biljana ; Jerković, Emina, Sustainable Transport – Legal and Financial Aspects, 6th SWS International Scientific Conference on Arts and Humanities 2019, SGEM Florence, Conference Proceedings, Volume 6, Issue 2 / - Sofia, Bulgaria, 2019, str. 85.-92., ISBN 978-619-7408-96-6

Perić, Renata; Jerković, Emina - The impact of COVID-19 on tax administration in the republic of Croatia // EU and comparative law issues and challenges series ECLIC 5: International Scientific ConferenceEU 2021 – The future of the EU in and after the pandemic / Duić, Dunja ; Petrašević, Tunjica (ur.), Osijek: Faculty of Law, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, 2021. str. 659.-687., ISBN 978-953-8109-39-3