✔️Na Pravnom fakultetu Osijek 13. lipnja 2024. održat će se prva po redu Doktorska konferencija ECLIC- EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges (ECLIC), sa središnjom temom „EU at the crossroads – ways to preserve democracy and rule of law“.

✔️Ovogodišnja konferencija ima za cilj istražiti društvene i ekonomske čimbenike koji pridonose otpornosti demokratskih vrijednosti te raspraviti strategije za poticanje tih izazova.

✔️Sažetke je potrebno dostaviti do 16. siječnja 2024. godine putem e-maila: eclicdocos@pravos.hr.

✔️Ističemo i da je zbornik radova konferencije ECLIC indeksiran u bazama Web of Science i HeinOnline.

✔️Više informacija o konferenciji možete saznati na sljedećem linku: 🔗https://eclic-conference.com/.


[Predoctoral Conference ECLIC – “EU at the crossroads – ways to preserve democracy and rule of law” – CALL FOR APPLICATIONS]

✔️On 13 June 2024, the first Predoctoral Conference ECLIC – EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges (ECLIC) conference will be held at the Osijek Faculty of Law, with the central topic “EU at the crossroads – ways to preserve democracy and rule of law”.

✔️This year’s conference aims to explore the social and economic factors that contribute to the resilience or erosion of democratic values, and discuss strategies for fostering these challenges.

✔️Applications must be submitted by 16 January 2024 via e-mail: eclicdocos@pravos.hr.

✔️Proceedings of the ECLIC conference are indexed in the Web of Science and HeinOnline.

✔️More information about the conference at the following link: 🔗https://eclic-conference.com/.

#pravos #eclic