Mirela Župan
aktivni radni odnos
Ustrojstvena jedinica:
Katedra međunarodnog privatnog prava
E-mail :
Telefon :
+385 31 224 500
Ured (prostorija):
S. Radića 17
Termin konzultacija:
srijedom 10-11
u drugo vrijeme uz prethodni dogovor
- Nagrada za izvrsnost u znanstvenom radu 2019/2020 i izvrsnost u prijavi i provedbi projekata 2019/2020, Pravni fakultet Osijek
- Surandja sa Pravosudnom akadijom RH, ERA Trier, EJTN, Udrugom hrvatskih sudaca
Mirela Župan redovita je profesorica na Pravnom fakultetu Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku i voditeljica doktorskog studija prava. Njezini glavni profesionalni interesi uključuju međunarodno privatno pravo, osobito obiteljskih odnosa, djece i starijih, ali i pitanja nasljeđivanja, ugovoran i izvanugovornih odnosa u prekograničnim stvarima. Bavi se problematikom utjecaja informacijsko-komunikacijskih tehnologija na pravo, digitalizacijom pravosudne surandje u građanskim stvarima. Promiče i istraživanja o pravnim odnosima u vezi kućnih ljubimaca.
Dobitnica je stipendije za doktorsko i postdoktorsko istraživanje Max-Planck Instituta, koje je provedeno na Max Planck institutu za komparativno i međunarodno privatno pravo u Hamburgu. Kao članica više znanstvenih grupa organizirala je i sudjelovala na konferencijama, seminarima i radionicama, te objavila niz knjiga, poglavlja i radova. Djelovala je kao članica Stručne skupine Europske Komisiji pri preinaci Uredbe Bruxelles IIa te je imenovana nacionalnom izvjestiteljicom za nekoliko studija Europske komisije.
Sudjeluje u nekoliko europskih i nacionalnih istraživačkih skupina.
Sveučilišni integrirani prijediplomski i diplomski studij Pravo
Sveučilišni diplomski studij Socijalni rad
Sveučilišni specijalistički studij Ljudska prava
- 2009 doktor pravnih znanosti
- 2004. magistar pravnih znanosti
- 2000. diplomirani pravnik
odabir iz 2022-2021
Katarina Trimmings, Anatol Dutta, Costanza Honorati and Mirela Župan (eds), Domestic Violence and Parental Child Abduction (Intersentia 2022) open access -
Barbić, J., Župan, M., (eds.) "Identitet u prekograničnim privatnopravnim odnosima (Identity in private international law), HAZU (Croatian Academy of Science), Zagreb 2021.
Župan, M. (ed.), “Prekogranično kretanje djece u EU” (Cross-border movement of a child in the EU), Faculty of Law in Osijek, Osijek 2019. (p. 413 in Croatian) available for download at
Župan, M., On line legal education in Croatia, in M. Ibusuki, L. Nottage (eds.) Online Legal Education, Intersentia, 2022. (u postupku objave, prihvaćeno), rad priređen za International Academy of Comparative Law’s 2022 Congress Asuncion), na
Župan, Mirela, Drventić Martina, Gender Issues in Private International Law, autori Mirela Župan i Martina Drventić, u Gender and Law, G. Figlia, Lj. Kovačević, E. Kristoffersson (eds.) , Springer 2022 (prihvaćeno za objavu)
Župan, M., Mrčela, M., Implementation of cross-border protective measures in return proceedings: problems of evidence under national procedural law", Protective measures in cross-border proceedings, Intersentia, 2022 (otvoreni pristup)
Župan, Mirela, Osobni statut u funkciji kontinuiteta fizičkih osoba, u Identitet u prekograničnim privatnopravnim odnosima / Barbić, Jakša ; Župan, Mirela (ur.). Zagreb: HAZU, 2021. str. 77-113
Župan, M., The New Croatian Private International Law. Something old, something new and much borrowed. Yearbook of Private International Law, Volume 22 (2020/2021), pp. 381-404.
Župan, M., Hoehn, Ch., Kluth, U., Central Authority Cooperation under the Brussels II ter Regulation.Yearbook of Private International Law, Volume 22 (2020/2021), 183-200.
Župan, M., Kunda, I., Poretti, M., Judicial Training in European family and succession matters, u Thomas Pfeiffer/Quincy C. Lobach/Tobias Rapp (eds.), Facilitating Cross-Border Family Life: Towards a Common European Understanding, Heidelberg University Publishing, 2021.
Župan, M., International sales of pets – is EU ahead to common welfare standards?, in A. Poščić, D. Martinović eds. Exploring the Social Dimension of Europe, Essays in Honour of Nada Bodiroga-Vukobrat. Verlag Dr. Kovač, Hamburg 2021, p. 513-524.
Employment Status:
active employee
Organizational unit:
E-mail :
Telephone :
+385 31 224 500
Office (room):
S. Radića 17
Office hours:
- Awarded for Excellency in scientific work ac.year 2019/2020 and Excellency in application and implementation of scientific projects ac.year 2019/2020, Faculty of Law Osijek 2020.
- Judicial Academy Croatia, ERA, EJTN, Association of Croatian judges
Mirela Župan is a Full Professor at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Faculty of Law, and Head of the PhD Programme in Law. Her main professional interests include private international law of family and contractual matters, as well as the impacts of ICT on law and the protection of the vulnerable (children, adults, companion animals). She was awarded the Max-Planck Society Doctoral and Postdoctoral Grant from the Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law in Hamburg. As a member of several research groups, she has organised and participated in conferences, seminars and workshops, and has published a number of books, chapters and papers. She has acted as a member of the Expert Group assisting the Commission on the Recast of the Brussels IIa Regulation and was nominated as a national reporter for European Commission studies.
Social Work
University Specialist Study Programme in Human Rights
- 2009 PhD
- 2004 LLM
- 2000 graduate lawyer
odabir iz 2022-2021
Katarina Trimmings, Anatol Dutta, Costanza Honorati and Mirela Župan (eds), Domestic Violence and Parental Child Abduction (Intersentia 2022) open access -
Barbić, J., Župan, M., (eds.) "Identitet u prekograničnim privatnopravnim odnosima (Identity in private international law), HAZU (Croatian Academy of Science), Zagreb 2021.
Župan, M. (ed.), “Prekogranično kretanje djece u EU” (Cross-border movement of a child in the EU), Faculty of Law in Osijek, Osijek 2019. (p. 413 in Croatian) available for download at
Župan, M., On line legal education in Croatia, in M. Ibusuki, L. Nottage (eds.) Online Legal Education, Intersentia, 2022. (u postupku objave, prihvaćeno), rad priređen za International Academy of Comparative Law’s 2022 Congress Asuncion), na
Župan, Mirela, Drventić Martina, Gender Issues in Private International Law, autori Mirela Župan i Martina Drventić, u Gender and Law, G. Figlia, Lj. Kovačević, E. Kristoffersson (eds.) , Springer 2022 (prihvaćeno za objavu)
Župan, M., Mrčela, M., Implementation of cross-border protective measures in return proceedings: problems of evidence under national procedural law", Protective measures in cross-border proceedings, Intersentia, 2022 (otvoreni pristup)
Župan, Mirela, Osobni statut u funkciji kontinuiteta fizičkih osoba, u Identitet u prekograničnim privatnopravnim odnosima / Barbić, Jakša ; Župan, Mirela (ur.). Zagreb: HAZU, 2021. str. 77-113
Župan, M., The New Croatian Private International Law. Something old, something new and much borrowed. Yearbook of Private International Law, Volume 22 (2020/2021), pp. 381-404.
Župan, M., Hoehn, Ch., Kluth, U., Central Authority Cooperation under the Brussels II ter Regulation.Yearbook of Private International Law, Volume 22 (2020/2021), 183-200.
Župan, M., Kunda, I., Poretti, M., Judicial Training in European family and succession matters, u Thomas Pfeiffer/Quincy C. Lobach/Tobias Rapp (eds.), Facilitating Cross-Border Family Life: Towards a Common European Understanding, Heidelberg University Publishing, 2021.
Župan, M., International sales of pets – is EU ahead to common welfare standards?, in A. Poščić, D. Martinović eds. Exploring the Social Dimension of Europe, Essays in Honour of Nada Bodiroga-Vukobrat. Verlag Dr. Kovač, Hamburg 2021, p. 513-524.