Djelatnici Dunja Duić

  • Hrvatski
  • English

aktivni radni odnos

Ustrojstvena jedinica:
Katedra ustavnog i europskog prava

Telefon :
+385 31 224 500

Ured (prostorija):

Termin konzultacija:
ponedjeljak 10-11 h

  • Centar za mir, nenasilje i ljudska prava
  • The European Law Institute (ELI)
  • European Network for Clinical Legal Education ( ENCLE)
  • Hrvatsko-Poljske Znanstvene Mreže
  • Hrvatskog instituta za lokalnu samoupravu (HILS)
  • Academy of Law and Migration (ADiM)
  • UACES (University Association of Contemporary European Studies)

Dunja Duić rođena je u Osijeku. Osnovnu školu i srednju školu (III. gimnazija) završila je u Osijeku, gdje 2002. godine upisuje Pravni fakultet. Nakon Diplome Pravnog fakulteta u Osijeku, 2008. godine upisala je poslijediplomski sveučilišni studiji na Sveučilištu u Gentu (Belgija), smjer: Advance Master of European and Comparative Law. U vrijeme trajanja poslijediplomskog studiji na Sveučilištu u Gentu u studenom 2008. godine zapošljava se na Pravnom fakultetu, Sveučilišta J.J Strossmayera u Osijeku i to kao znanstvena novakinja/ asistentica na predmetu Europsko javno pravo. U srpnju 2009. godine završava poslijediplomski studij na Sveučilištu u Gentu (LLM diploma cum laude). U rujnu 2009. godine upisuje Poslijediplomski sveučilišni doktorski studij iz europskog prava na Pravnom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, gdje je 2014. godine doktorirala na temu „Pravni aspekti Zajedničke vanjske i sigurnosne politike EU s posebnim osvrtom na problem koherentnosti“ pod mentorstvom Iris Goldner Lang. Na Pravnom fakultetu u Osijeku zaposlena je kao izvanredni profesor na Katedri za upravno i europsko pravo i obnaša dužnost Prodekanice za znanost, međunarodnu suradnju i poslijediplomske studije ( 2020.-2024.) Stručno se usavršavala na Pravnom fakultetu u Zaragozi, Pravnom fakultetu u Linzu i na Pravno fakultetu Como (Isumbria). Do sada je aktivno sudjelovala na devet znanstvenih projekta bila voditeljica NATO projekta - NATO SPS. ATC. G5617 - Science for Peace and Security, Advance Training Course “Toward effective cyber defense in accordance with the rules of law . Od 2016. godine vodi organizacijski odbor međunarodne konferencije EU and comparative law issues and challenges i glavna urednica serijske publikacije EU and comparative law issues and challenges ( ECLIC) koja je indeksirana u bazama Wos i HeinOnline. Od 2019. godine ovlaštena je trenerica Vijeća Europe u programu HELP čiji je cilj edukacija širokog kruga pravnika iz područja zašite ljudskih prava putem učenja na daljinu.

Stručni prijediplomski studij Upravni studij

Stručni diplomski studij Javna uprava

Sveučilišni specijalistički studij Ljudska prava

  • izvanredna profesorica (izv. prof. dr. sc.) 2021.
  • docentica (doc. dr. sc.) 2016.
  • doktorica znanosti (dr. sc. ) 2015.
  • LLM 2009.
  • magistar prava (mag.iur.)-2008.

Duić, Dunja, Vanjska i sigurnosna politika EU , Narodne novine, Zagreb, 2018

Duić, Dunja, The EEAS as a Navigator of EU Defence Aspects in Cyberspace, (2021), 26, European Foreign Affairs Review, Issue 1, pp. 101-114,

Duić, Dunja. Member of the European Parliament // Dictionary of Statuses within EU Law / Bartolini, Antonio ; Cippitani, Roberto ; Colcelli, Valentina (ur.). Cham : Springer, 2019. 377-382

Duić Dunja, Chapter 22TEU on Decisions on the Strategic Interests and Objectives of the Union, in Smit & Herzog on The Law of the European Union, Peter Herzog ,Christian Campbell, Gudrun Zagel , 2022,

Employment Status:
active employee

Telephone :
+385 31 224 500

Office (room):

Office hours:

  • Centar za mir, nenasilje i ljudska prava
  • The European Law Institute (ELI)
  • European Network for Clinical Legal Education ( ENCLE)
  • Academy of Law and Migration (ADiM)
  • UACES (University Association of Contemporary European Studies)

Dunja Duić, LLM ( Ghent), PhD works as Associate Professor at the Faculty of law Osijek where she is Vice dean for science, international cooperation and postgraduate studies. Professional orientation towards EU law derives from Postgraduate Mater of Advance studies in European and Comparative Law at Faculty of Law Gent, Belgium, LLM and Post-graduate Study of European Law at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb, Croatia,PHD. Main professional interests include EU Law, External relations of EU, EU institutions and comparative politics, migration and human rights. She is teaching EU law at the Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate University Studies Postgraduate doctoral studies and at the Department of cultural studies. She has participated in several international and scientific projects, and she was project director of NATO SPS. ATC. G5617 - Science for Peace and Security project titled : “Toward effective cyber defense in accordance with the rules of law” In 2014, she was Erasmus visiting professor at Johannes Kepler University in Linz and University of Zagagoza and she has been visiting scholar at University of Insubria in 2017 and University of Perugia in 2022. Since January 2019, she is the Council of Europe HELP trainer certified to provide distance learning courses . She is a book editor and series editor of EU and comparative law issues and challenges series that is indexed in WoS and Heinonline.

Professional Undergraduate Administrative Study Programme

University Specialist Study Programme in Human Rights

  • Associate Professor 2021
  • Assistant Professor: 2016
  • PhD: 2015
  • LLM ( Ghent) 2009 - second LLM
  • Master of law 2008

Duić, Dunja, Vanjska i sigurnosna politika EU , Narodne novine, Zagreb, 2018

Duić, Dunja, The EEAS as a Navigator of EU Defence Aspects in Cyberspace, (2021), 26, European Foreign Affairs Review, Issue 1, pp. 101-114,

Duić, Dunja. Member of the European Parliament // Dictionary of Statuses within EU Law / Bartolini, Antonio ; Cippitani, Roberto ; Colcelli, Valentina (ur.). Cham : Springer, 2019. 377-382

Duić Dunja, Chapter 22TEU on Decisions on the Strategic Interests and Objectives of the Union, in Smit & Herzog on The Law of the European Union, Peter Herzog ,Christian Campbell, Gudrun Zagel , 2022,