Društveni položaj starijih osoba kroz povijest
Naziv kolegija | Društveni položaj starijih osoba kroz povijest |
Katedra pravne povijesti i rimskog prava | |
Broj ECTS bodova | 4 |
Nositelj kolegija | izv.prof.dr.sc. Nikol Žiha |
Zgrada, kabinet | Radićeva 13 44/13 |
Telefon | +385 31 224 544 |
nikol.ziha@pravos.hr |
Sadržaj kolegija |
Cilj predmeta je upoznavanje studenata s promjenama u položaju starijih osoba u pravnim, ekonomskim i socijalnim okvirima kroz povijest te primjeni stečenih znanja radi aktivne podrške ostvarivanju prava starijih osoba. Predmet pruža osnovu za dublje razumijevanje začetaka i razvoja gerontologije. Istovremeno služi i kao povijesno‐analitički okvir za razumijevanje suvremenog položaja starijih osoba i različitih modela državnih/društvenih odgovora na izazove starenja. Znanja stečena na kolegiju služe kao podloga za kritičko vrednovanje problema s kojima se starije osobe susreću danas i modela skrbi u njihovoj zaštititi, te konačno služe razvijanju vještina potrebnih za predlaganje rješenja za postojeće probleme starijih osoba. |
Ishodi učenja kolegija |
objasniti pravne, ekonomske i socijalne promjene u društvenom položaju starijih osoba kroz povijest, identificirati pojavne oblike društvenih nejednakosti starijih osoba u pojedinom povijesnom razdoblju, prepoznati i analizirati suvremene probleme u položaju starijih osoba u društvu , primijeniti znanja iz povijesnih lekcija u procesu podrške ostvarivanju ljudskih i građanskih prava te provođenju pravednih socijalnih politika, osmisliti i predložiti konkretne promjene u postojećem sustavu skrbi u zaštiti starijih osoba, |
☐ Predavanja ☐ Seminari i radionice ☐ Vježbe ☑ Samostalni zadaci ☐ Multimedija i internet | ☐ Obrazovanje na daljinu ☐ Konzultacije ☐ Laboratorij ☐ Terenska nastava ☑ Mentorski rad ☐ Provjera znanja |
☐ Usmeni ☐ Pismeni ☐ Kolokvij |
Ostalo: |
Dodatne činjenice |
Student polaže ispit aktivnim sudjelovanjem na nastavi ili individualnim konzultacijama provođenjem samostalno odabranog istraživanja kojim će stećena znanja primijeniti na rad sa starijim osobama u zajednici uz prezentaciju rezultata i pisani kritički osvrt. |
Obvezna literatura |
Doron, I; Georgantzi, N. (eds.). Ageing, Ageism and the Law: European Perspectives on the Rights of Older Persons. 2018. Edward Elgar Publishing |
Cox, H., Newtson, R.. History of Social Gerontology. 1993. Sociological Practice, Vol. 11, Issue. 1 |
Vincent, J. A.. Inequality and Old Age. 1995. Routledge |
Izborna literatura |
Žiha, N; Sukačić, M.. Roman Views on ‘Active Ageing’–Lessons against Ageism. 2020. EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges Series (ECLIC) 4 |
Finley, M. I.. The Elderly in Classical Antiquity. 1981. Greece & Rome, Vol. 28, No. 2 |
Gilleard, C.. Aging and old age in medieval society and the transition of modernity. 2002. Journal of Aging and Identity, Vol. 7, Iss. 1 |
Course title | Social Status of the Elderly throughout History |
Chair of Legal History and Roman Law | |
Number of ECTS credits | 4 |
Lecturer | izv.prof.dr.sc. Nikol Žiha |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 44/13 |
Telephone | +385 31 224 544 |
nikol.ziha@pravos.hr |
Course content |
The objective of the course is to familiarize students with the changes in the position of the elderly in the legal, economic and social contexts throughout history and to apply the acquired knowledge to actively support the exercise of the rights of the elderly. The course provides a basis for a deeper understanding of the beginnings and development of gerontology. It also serves as a historical and analytical framework for understanding the contemporary status of older persons and the different models of state / social responses to the challenges of aging. The knowledge gained during the course serves as a basis for the critical evaluation of the contemporary problems of the elderly and the models of care in their protection, and ultimately assists in development of the skills needed to propose solutions to the existing problems of the elderly. |
Course learning outcomes |
explain the legal, economic and social changes in the social position of the elderly throughout history, identify the manifestations of social inequalities of the elderly in a particular historical period, identify and analyze contemporary problems in the position of the elderly in society, apply knowledge from historical lessons in the process of supporting the realization of human and civil rights and the implementation of equitable social policies, devise and propose concrete changes to the existing system of care for the protection of the elderly, |
☐ Lectures ☐ Seminars and workshops ☐ Exercises ☑ Independent tasks ☐ Multimedia and internet | ☐ Distance education ☐ Office hours ☐ Laboratory ☐ Field work ☑ Mentoring work ☐ Knowledge test |
☐ Oral exam ☐ Written exam ☐ Colloquium |
Other: |
Required reading |
Doron, I; Georgantzi, N. (eds.). Ageing, Ageism and the Law: European Perspectives on the Rights of Older Persons. 2018. Edward Elgar Publishing |
Cox, H., Newtson, R.. History of Social Gerontology. 1993. Sociological Practice, Vol. 11, Issue. 1 |
Vincent, J. A.. Inequality and Old Age. 1995. Routledge |
Optional reading |
Žiha, N; Sukačić, M.. Roman Views on ‘Active Ageing’–Lessons against Ageism. 2020. EU and Comparative Law Issues and Challenges Series (ECLIC) 4 |
Finley, M. I.. The Elderly in Classical Antiquity. 1981. Greece & Rome, Vol. 28, No. 2 |
Gilleard, C.. Aging and old age in medieval society and the transition of modernity. 2002. Journal of Aging and Identity, Vol. 7, Iss. 1 |