Mreže za podršku obitelji i osnaživanje zajednice

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  • Hrvatski
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Naziv kolegijaMreže za podršku obitelji i osnaživanje zajednice
Katedra radnopravnih i socijalnih znanosti i socijalnog rada
Broj ECTS bodova5
Nositelj Vera Grebenc
Zgrada, kabinetRadićeva 13
Nositelj Amra Šabić
Zgrada, kabinetRadićeva 13
Suradnik Gordana Horvat
Zgrada, kabinetRadićeva 13 18-2
Telefon+385 31 224 550
Sadržaj kolegija

Predmet obuhvaća osnovna znanja o teoriji i praksi mreža za podršku obitelji i jačanje zajednice. Pruža uvid i razumijevanje načela i metoda socijalnog rada i osnaživanja obitelji i zajednice, emancipacije i sudjelovanja korisnika, razvoj kulture koja podržava rad u zajednici, jačanje partnerstva s organizacijama u zajednici i neformalnim mrežama. Predmet daje kritičku perspektivu teorije socijalnog kapitala, socijalnih i rodnih nejednakosti, teorije ljudskih potreba i teorije razvoja zajednice. Fokus predmeta je na razumijevanju svakodnevnog života obitelji i zajednice, značenju lokalnih znanja, dnevnoj rutini i preživljavanju. Studenti će naučiti kako podržati obitelji i neformalnu karijeru koristeći vještine i alate za razvoj zajednice, uključujući istraživanje višestrukih i višeslojnih dimenzija ljudskih potreba, mapiranje obiteljskih mreža i prakse podrške u kontekstu svakodnevnog života obitelji i planiranje akcija za podršku obitelji u zajednici. Cilj predmeta je pružiti osnovne vještine za procjenu osobnih i obiteljskih resursa na razini neformalnih, osobnih veza poput drugih obitelji, prijatelja, internetskih grupa za podršku, profesionalaca (formalni / profesionalni odnos), društvenih organizacija, grupa za podršku, i javne resurse kako bi se isplanirali smisleni odgovori na potrebe ljudi u zajednici.

Ishodi učenja kolegija

Razumjeti izazove rada s obiteljima i u zajednici, dati kritički pregled teorije o socijalnom kapitalu, društvenim mrežama, ljudskim potrebama, brizi zajednice, sudjelovanju i osnaživanju korisnika., Prepoznati značenje i karakteristike svakodnevnog života, lokalno znanje, svakodnevne rutine i strategije preživljavanja za pojedince, obitelji i zajednice., Biti sposoban organizirati, izraditi i prikazati procjenu potreba u obitelji i mapirati mrežu za podršku obitelji., Razumjeti prednosti i prepreke za stvaranje podržavajućih formalnih i neformalnih mreža., Analizirati rezultate procjene, planirati djelovanje u zajednici i demonstrirati praktični rad u zajednici., Kontekstualizirati i vrednovati iskustva istraživanja i akcije u zajednici u skladu s normalizacijom podrške obitelji., Povezati iskustvo s načelima anti-opresivnog socijalnog rada.,

☑ Predavanja
☑ Seminari i radionice
☑ Vježbe
☑ Samostalni zadaci
☑ Multimedija i internet
☐ Obrazovanje na daljinu
☑ Konzultacije
☐ Laboratorij
☑ Terenska nastava
☐ Mentorski rad
☐ Provjera znanja
☑ Usmeni
☑ Pismeni
☐ Kolokvij
Dodatne činjenice
Svaki student (pojedinačno ili u grupi učenika) mora obaviti praktični rad, koji uključuje: procjenu potreba i mapiranje obiteljskih mreža (istraživanje), planiranje zajedničkog projekta za podršku obitelji i provođenje aktivnosti u zajednici na temelju procjene potreba i mapiranja i obiteljskih mreža. Potrebno Potrebno je napisati izvještaj na temelju praktičnog rada.
Obvezna literatura
Janković, Josip. Pristupanje obitelji. . 2004. Alinea
Grebenc, Vera, U: Flaker, Vito (ur.), Schmid, Tom, editor (s). . Procjena potreba u zajednici: što nam zajednice mogu reći. / Von der Idee zur Forschungsarbeit: Forschen in Sozialarbeit und Sozialwissenschaft.. 2006. Wien: Böhlau Verlag, Herbst
Mali, Jana, Grebenc, Vera. . Brza procjena potreba i usluga u dugotrajnoj skrbi. . 2019. Revija za socijalnu politiku. srpanj 2019. god. 26, br. 2, str. 171-187. ISSN 1330-2965., DOI: 10.3935/rsp.v26i2.1603.
Grebenc, Vera, Žganec, Nino. Socijalni rad u zajednici: Vratimo svoju budućnost!. 2016. Dijalog u praksi: međunarodni časopis za socijalni rad. 2016, god. 5 (18), spec. br. 35-41. ISSN 2232-3953.,
Izborna literatura
Bhandari, Humnath & Yasunobu, Kumi. What Is Social Capital? A Comprehensive Review of the Concept. 2009. Asian Journal of Social Science. 37. 480-510. 10.1163/156853109X436847.
Dominelli, L. . Anti-oppressive social work theory and practice.. 2002. Basingtoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Dover, M. A., & Joseph, B. H. R.; T. Mizrahi & L. Davis (Eds.), . Human needs: Overview / The encyclopedia of social work, 20th ed., (pp. 398-406). New York: Oxford University Press and National Association of Social Workers.. 2008. New York: Oxford University Press and National Association of Social Workers.
Doyal, L., & Gough, I. . A theory of human need. 1992. MacMilan: Houndmills.
Glaser,B.G. i Strauss, A.L. . The Discovery of Grounded Theory Strategies for Qualitative Research. 1967. Chicago : Aldine Publishing
Friere, P. . Pedagogy of the Oppressed. 1970. New York: Seabury.
O'Brien, J. . The Principle of Normalization: A Foundation for Effective Services. 1980. Atlanta, Georgia Advocacy Office.
Peeters, J. . The place of social work in sustainable development: towards ecosocial practice. 2011. International Journal of Social Welfare, 21(3), 287–298.
Scott, Jacqueline, Treas, Judith, and Richards, Martin (eds.) . The Blackwell companion to the sociology of families. 2004. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Saleebey, D. (Ed.). The strengths perspective in social work practice . 2013. Boston: Pearson
IFSW . Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development . 2014.
Course titleNetworks for Family Support and Community Empowerment Networks
Chair of Labour and Social Security Law Sciences and Social Work
Number of ECTS credits5 Vera Grebenc
Office AddressRadićeva 13
Telephone Amra Šabić
Office AddressRadićeva 13
Associate Gordana Horvat
Office AddressRadićeva 13 18-2
Telephone+385 31 224 550
Course content

The course offers the basic knowledge of the theory and practice of family support networks and community empowerment. It also provides insights and understanding of social work principles and methods of family and community empowerment, user’s emancipation and participation, development of a culture supportive to work in the community, strengthening partnerships with community organisations and informal networks. Moreover, it gives a critical perspective of social capital theory, social and gender inequalities, theory of human needs and theory of community development. The study focus is on understanding the everyday life of the family and community, meaning of local knowledge, daily routines and surviving strategies. The students will learn how to support families and informal careers by using community development skills and tools, including research of multiple and multi-levelled dimensions of human needs, mapping family networks and practices of support in the context of the everyday life of the family and planning actions for family support in a community. One of the objectives of the course is to provide basic skills to assess personal and family resources on the level of informal, personal connections such as other families, friends, online support groups, professionals (a formal/professional relationship), community organizations, support groups, and public resources in order to plan the meaningful responses to people’s needs in a community

Course learning outcomes

Understand the challenges of working with families and communities, critically apprise theories of social capital, social networks, human needs, community care, user’s participation and empowerment., Recognise the meaning and characteristics of everyday life, local knowledge, daily routines and surviving strategies for individuals, families and communities., Ability to organise, create and demonstrate assessment of needs in a family and mapping family support networks., Understand the strengths and obstacles for creation of supportive formal and informal networks., Analyse the results of assessment, plan community action and demonstrate practical work in a community. , Contextualise and valuate research and community action experience according to the normalisation of family support., Link the experience with the principles of anti-oppressive social work.,

☑ Lectures
☑ Seminars and workshops
☑ Exercises
☑ Independent tasks
☑ Multimedia and internet
☐ Distance education
☑ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☑ Field work
☐ Mentoring work
☐ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☐ Colloquium
Each student (individually or in a group of students) has to perform practical work, which includes: assessment of needs and family networks mapping (research), plan a community project for family support and execution of community action, based on need assessment and family networks mapping. The students will have to write a report on the basis of practical work.
Required reading
Janković, Josip. Pristupanje obitelji. . 2004. Alinea
Grebenc, Vera, U: Flaker, Vito (ur.), Schmid, Tom, editor (s). . Procjena potreba u zajednici: što nam zajednice mogu reći. / Von der Idee zur Forschungsarbeit: Forschen in Sozialarbeit und Sozialwissenschaft.. 2006. Wien: Böhlau Verlag, Herbst
Mali, Jana, Grebenc, Vera. . Brza procjena potreba i usluga u dugotrajnoj skrbi. . 2019. Revija za socijalnu politiku. srpanj 2019. god. 26, br. 2, str. 171-187. ISSN 1330-2965., DOI: 10.3935/rsp.v26i2.1603.
Grebenc, Vera, Žganec, Nino. Socijalni rad u zajednici: Vratimo svoju budućnost!. 2016. Dijalog u praksi: međunarodni časopis za socijalni rad. 2016, god. 5 (18), spec. br. 35-41. ISSN 2232-3953.,
Optional reading
Bhandari, Humnath & Yasunobu, Kumi. What Is Social Capital? A Comprehensive Review of the Concept. 2009. Asian Journal of Social Science. 37. 480-510. 10.1163/156853109X436847.
Dominelli, L. . Anti-oppressive social work theory and practice.. 2002. Basingtoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Dover, M. A., & Joseph, B. H. R.; T. Mizrahi & L. Davis (Eds.), . Human needs: Overview / The encyclopedia of social work, 20th ed., (pp. 398-406). New York: Oxford University Press and National Association of Social Workers.. 2008. New York: Oxford University Press and National Association of Social Workers.
Doyal, L., & Gough, I. . A theory of human need. 1992. MacMilan: Houndmills.
Glaser,B.G. i Strauss, A.L. . The Discovery of Grounded Theory Strategies for Qualitative Research. 1967. Chicago : Aldine Publishing
Friere, P. . Pedagogy of the Oppressed. 1970. New York: Seabury.
O'Brien, J. . The Principle of Normalization: A Foundation for Effective Services. 1980. Atlanta, Georgia Advocacy Office.
Peeters, J. . The place of social work in sustainable development: towards ecosocial practice. 2011. International Journal of Social Welfare, 21(3), 287–298.
Scott, Jacqueline, Treas, Judith, and Richards, Martin (eds.) . The Blackwell companion to the sociology of families. 2004. Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Saleebey, D. (Ed.). The strengths perspective in social work practice . 2013. Boston: Pearson
IFSW . Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development . 2014.