Globalni socijalni rad i društveni razvoj

  • Obavijesti
  • Datoteke
  • Hrvatski
  • English
  • Rezultati ispita
Naziv kolegijaGlobalni socijalni rad i društveni razvoj
Katedra radnopravnih i socijalnih znanosti i socijalnog rada
Broj ECTS bodova5
Nositelj Eric Kyere
Zgrada, kabinetRadićeva 13
Nositelj Katarina Marošević
Zgrada, kabinetRadićeva 13 K-67
Telefon+385 31 224 567 Anita Barišić
Zgrada, kabinetRadićeva 13 Rektorat/ prizemlje
Telefon+385 31 224 526
Sadržaj kolegija

Kolegij se temelji na shvaćanju kako su zajednica i društveni razvoj glavni čimbenici za jačanje lokalnih kapaciteta kao odgovora na lokalne izazove koji imaju posljedice po nacionalnu i globalnu dobrobit, te će kao takav upoznati studente s poviješću društvenog razvoja i međunarodnom praksom socijalnog rada. Cilj mu je jačanje kompetencija u područjima teorije i prakse u odnosu na društveni razvoj i razvoj zajednice u globalnom kontekstu. Kolegij će studentima pružiti priliku da istraže višedimenzionalnu prirodu razvoja i različite indikatore društvenog razvoja unutar okvira ljudskih prava i socijalne pravde. S pomoću kulturnog relativizma, kulturne poniznosti te moći dijaloga za promicanje pozitivne transformacije, kolegij će osigurati okruženje za razvijanje kompetencija za holističku procjenu socijalnog rada i intervencije u okviru globalnog konteksta. Cilj kolegija je pripremiti studente za rad sa zajednicama u globalnom kontekstu.

Ishodi učenja kolegija

Kritički analizirati globalizaciju i njezin utjecaj na lokalni kontekst , Prepoznati i analizirati lokalne kapacitete i pristupe razvoju , Prepoznati, analizirati i razviti demografski profil zajednice , Procijeniti kako demografski, politički, socijalni i ekonomski kontekst utječe na odabrano pitanje vezano uz zajednicu , Odabrati područja od najvećeg interesa u sklopu pitanja zajednice , Koristeći okvir za ljudska prava, primijeniti koncepte kulturne poniznosti i kulturalno osjetljive prakse na zajednicu i globalna pitanja , Usporediti i dogovoriti alternativu za društveni razvoj na razini zajednice/na globalnoj razini , Razviti intervencije s pomoću teorije zajednice i globalne teorije , Kritički analizirati utjecaje odabrane intervencije,

☑ Predavanja
☑ Seminari i radionice
☐ Vježbe
☑ Samostalni zadaci
☑ Multimedija i internet
☑ Obrazovanje na daljinu
☑ Konzultacije
☐ Laboratorij
☑ Terenska nastava
☑ Mentorski rad
☑ Provjera znanja
☑ Usmeni
☑ Pismeni
☐ Kolokvij
Dodatne činjenice
Studenti imaju mogućnost položiti kolegij putem brojnih samostalnih i timskih radova i zadataka te zadaća u kojima se u nekima zahtjeva i samostalno definiranje i davanje rješenja za određene društvene situacije, kako bi se studente motiviralo na potpuni angažman u rješavanju društvenih izazova u (lokalnoj) zajednici.
Obvezna literatura
Kingsbury, D., McKay, J., Hunt, J., McGillivray, M., & Clark, M. . International Development: Issues and Challenges . 2016. Palgrave/McMillan Education
Ife, J. . Human rights from below. Achieving rights through community development. . 2009. Cambridge University Press
Reisch, M. & Garvin, C. . Social Work and Social Justice: Concepts, Challenges and Strategies. . 2016. New York: Oxford University Press.
Fonseca, X., Lukosch, S., & Brazier, F. . Social cohesion revisited: a new definition and how to characterize it. 2019. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 32(2)
Healey, L. M.. Universalism and cultural relativism in social work ethics. . 2007. International Social Work, 50 (1)
Alkire, S. & Foster, J. . Understandings and misunderstandings of multidimensional poverty measurement. 2011. The Journal of Economic Inequality, 9(2)
Hoffman, A.J. . Understanding conflict and the role of community development: Is building a peaceful society within our reach?. 2017. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 37
Beauchamp, T. L. & Childress, J. . Principles of Biomedical Ethics. 1983. New York: Oxford University Press
Fisher-Borne, M., Cain, J. M., & Martin, S. L. . From mastery to accountability: Cultural humility as an alternative to cultural competence. 2015. Social Work Education, 34(2)
Izborna literatura
Healy, L.M. & Link, R. . Handbook of International Social Work. 2012. Oxford University Press
Mapp, C.S. . Human rights and social justice in a global perspective: An Introduction to international social work. 2014. New York, NY: Oxford University Press
Zavirsek, D., & Zorn, J. . Chapter 28: Ethnic Conflicts. In Handbook of International Social Work, Human Rights, Development and the Global Profession . 2012.
Midgley, J. . Global inequality, power and the unipolar world: Implications for social work. 2007. International Social Work, 50(5)
Marošević, K. . Regionalni razvoj I neravnoteže u Republici Hrvatskoj. 2021. Pravni fakultet Osijek, Krešendo, Osijek
Course titleGlobal Social Work and Society Development
Chair of Labour and Social Security Law Sciences and Social Work
Number of ECTS credits5 Eric Kyere
Office AddressRadićeva 13
Telephone Katarina Marošević
Office AddressRadićeva 13 K-67
Telephone+385 31 224 567 Anita Barišić
Office AddressRadićeva 13 Rektorat/ prizemlje
Telephone+385 31 224 526
Course content

The course is based on the understanding that community and social development are the main factors for strengthening local capacities as a response to local challenges that have national and global consequences well-being, and as such will acquaint students with the history of social development and international practice of social work. Its goal is to strengthen competences in the areas of theory and practice in relation to the social development and community development in a global context. The course will provide students with the opportunity to explore the multidimensional nature of development and various indicators of social development within the framework of human rights and social justice. With the help of cultural relativism, cultural humility and the power of dialogue for promoting positive transformation, the course will provide an environment for developing competencies for holistic assessment of social work and intervention within the global context. The aim of the course is prepare students to work with communities in a global context.

Course learning outcomes

Critically analyze globalization and its impact on the local context, Recognize and analyze local capacities and approaches to development, Identify, analyze and develop the demographic profile of the community, Assess how the demographic, political, social and economic context affects the selected issue related to the community, Select areas of greatest interest within community issues, Using a human rights framework, apply the concepts of cultural humility and culturally sensitive practices to community and global issues, Compare and agree on alternatives for social development at the community/global level, Develop interventions using community theory and global theory, Critically analyze the impacts of the chosen intervention,

☑ Lectures
☑ Seminars and workshops
☐ Exercises
☑ Independent tasks
☑ Multimedia and internet
☑ Distance education
☑ Office hours
☐ Laboratory
☑ Field work
☑ Mentoring work
☑ Knowledge test
☑ Oral exam
☑ Written exam
☐ Colloquium
Students have the opportunity to pass the course through a number of independent and team works and assignments, some of which require independent definition and provision of solutions for certain social situations, in order to motivate students to fully engage in solving social challenges in the (local) community.
Required reading
Kingsbury, D., McKay, J., Hunt, J., McGillivray, M., & Clark, M. . International Development: Issues and Challenges . 2016. Palgrave/McMillan Education
Ife, J. . Human rights from below. Achieving rights through community development. . 2009. Cambridge University Press
Reisch, M. & Garvin, C. . Social Work and Social Justice: Concepts, Challenges and Strategies. . 2016. New York: Oxford University Press.
Fonseca, X., Lukosch, S., & Brazier, F. . Social cohesion revisited: a new definition and how to characterize it. 2019. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, 32(2)
Healey, L. M.. Universalism and cultural relativism in social work ethics. . 2007. International Social Work, 50 (1)
Alkire, S. & Foster, J. . Understandings and misunderstandings of multidimensional poverty measurement. 2011. The Journal of Economic Inequality, 9(2)
Hoffman, A.J. . Understanding conflict and the role of community development: Is building a peaceful society within our reach?. 2017. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 37
Beauchamp, T. L. & Childress, J. . Principles of Biomedical Ethics. 1983. New York: Oxford University Press
Fisher-Borne, M., Cain, J. M., & Martin, S. L. . From mastery to accountability: Cultural humility as an alternative to cultural competence. 2015. Social Work Education, 34(2)
Optional reading
Healy, L.M. & Link, R. . Handbook of International Social Work. 2012. Oxford University Press
Mapp, C.S. . Human rights and social justice in a global perspective: An Introduction to international social work. 2014. New York, NY: Oxford University Press
Zavirsek, D., & Zorn, J. . Chapter 28: Ethnic Conflicts. In Handbook of International Social Work, Human Rights, Development and the Global Profession . 2012.
Midgley, J. . Global inequality, power and the unipolar world: Implications for social work. 2007. International Social Work, 50(5)
Marošević, K. . Regionalni razvoj I neravnoteže u Republici Hrvatskoj. 2021. Pravni fakultet Osijek, Krešendo, Osijek