Politička ekonomija
Naziv kolegija | Politička ekonomija |
Katedra ekonomskih znanosti | |
Broj ECTS bodova | 7 |
Nositelj kolegija | prof.dr.sc. Rajko Odobaša |
Zgrada, kabinet | Radićeva 13 soba 23/17 |
Telefon | +385 91 2245 506 |
rajko.odobasa@pravos.hr | |
Nositelj kolegija | izv.prof.dr.sc. Katarina Marošević |
Zgrada, kabinet | Radićeva 13 K-67 |
Telefon | +385 31 224 567 |
katarina.marosevic@pravos.hr |
Sadržaj kolegija |
1. Uloga ekonomskih disciplina u obrazovanju pravnika i multidisciplinarnost pravnog studija; 2. O porijeklu naziva „Politička ekonomija“ i promjenama u nazivlju; 3. Predmet i metode Političke ekonomije, karakteristike Političke ekonomije kao znanosti i položaj Političke ekonomije među drugim ekonomskim disciplinama 4. Teorija potreba i zakon oskudnosti; 5. Kratka ekonomska povijest i povijest ekonomske misli; 6. Uvod u ekonomski proces: 7. Proizvodnja kao prva faza ekonomskog procesa 8. Uloga i značaj ljudskog faktora u fazi proizvodnje - Uloga i značaj znanstveno-tehničkog napretka u proizvodnji; - Uloga i značaj prirodnih resursa i prirode/okoliša u proizvodnji; - Uloga i značaj poduzetništva i managementa u proizvodnji; - Uloga i značaj organizacije i djelovanja poduzeća u proizvodnji; - Mjerenje rezultata proizvodnje na razini poduzeća i elementi teorije troškova, - Mjerenje rezultata proizvodnje na društvenoj razini (BDP, DP, ND, HDI); 9. Raspodjela kao druga faza ekonomskog procesa – karakteristike, mehanizam i kontroverze primarne, sekundarne i tercijalne raspodjele - Oblici dohotka vlasnika proizvodnih čimbenika (profit/dividenda, kamata, renta), - Najamnina kao dohodak od ljudskog rada; 10. Razmjena kao treća faza ekonomskog procesa - Povijesni oblici i tržišni mehanizam, - Novac – pojava općeg ekvivalenta, razvoj oblika novca i kreditno-monetarna politika, - Međunarodna razmjena – motivi, doktrine i pravila; 11. Potrošnja kao četvrta faza ekonomskog procesa - Osobna potrošnja i potrošnja države - Potrošnja, štednja i investicije; 12. Ekonomski razvitak – činitelji uspješnog razvoja i zapreke ekonomskom razvitku, razvojni problemi Hrvatske |
Ishodi učenja kolegija |
prepoznati i opisati ekonomsku dimenziju života pojedinca i društva, te objasniti njezinu ulogu i značaj u životu ljudi; razumjeti i objasniti ulogu i značaj znanosti Političke ekonomije u ekonomskoj i drugim dimenzijama života društva, njezinu prirodu i odnos prema drugim ekonomskim disciplinama (znanostima) i društvenim znanostima, razumjeti i objasniti strukturu ljudskih potreba te njihovu i ulogu u životu pojedinca i društva, te razumjeti i objasniti djelovanje “zakona oskudnosti”, sažeto opisati ekonomsku povijest ljudske vrste, identificirati glavna razdoblja u okviru ekonomske povijesti i njihove karakteristike, prepoznati najvažnije pravce razvoja ekonomske misli kroz povijest, te najvažnije ekonomske teoretičare (ekonomiste) i škole ekonomskog mišljenja, razumjeti proces materijalne reprodukcije društva (ekonomski proces) i identificirati osnovne elemente svake od četiriju faza u okviru materijalne reprodukcije društva (ekonomskog procesa), razumjeti i objasniti ek. pojave, procese i odnose u fazi proizvodnje, razumjeti i objasniti ek. pojave, procese i odnose u fazi raspodjele, razumjeti i objasniti ek. pojave, procese i odnose u fazi razmjene, razumjeti i objasniti ek. pojave, procese i odnose u fazi potrošnje, prepoznati i izraziti ekonomske i druge činitelje uspješnog ekonomskog razvoja društva, kao i zapreke snažnom ekonomskom razvitku, razumjeti, prosuditi i vrednovati nacionalnu i globalnu razinu trenutno dosegnutog stupnja ekonomskog (privrednog, gospodarskog) razvoja., |
☑ Predavanja ☑ Seminari i radionice ☐ Vježbe ☑ Samostalni zadaci ☑ Multimedija i internet | ☐ Obrazovanje na daljinu ☑ Konzultacije ☐ Laboratorij ☐ Terenska nastava ☑ Mentorski rad ☑ Provjera znanja |
☑ Usmeni ☑ Pismeni ☑ Kolokvij |
Ostalo: |
Dodatne činjenice |
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Obvezna literatura |
Stjenko Vranjican. Politička ekonomija. 2007. Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu |
Izborna literatura |
Rajko Odobaša. Kompendij iz Političke ekonomije. 2021. on-line udžbenik |
Course title | Political Economy |
Chair of Economic Sciences | |
Number of ECTS credits | 7 |
Lecturer | prof.dr.sc. Rajko Odobaša |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 soba 23/17 |
Telephone | +385 91 2245 506 |
rajko.odobasa@pravos.hr | |
Lecturer | izv.prof.dr.sc. Katarina Marošević |
Office Address | Radićeva 13 K-67 |
Telephone | +385 31 224 567 |
katarina.marosevic@pravos.hr |
Course content |
1. The role of economic disciplines in the education of lawyers and the multidisciplinarity of legal studies; 2. About the origin of the name "Political economy" and changes in the nomenclature; 3. Subject and methods of Political Economy, characteristics of Political Economy as a science and the position of Political Economy among other economic disciplines 4. Theory of needs and the law of scarcity; 5. Brief economic history and history of economic thought; 6. Introduction to the economic process: 7. Production as the first stage of the economic process 8. The role and importance of the human factor in the production phase - The role and significance of scientific and technical progress in production; - The role and significance of natural resources and nature/environment in production; - The role and significance of entrepreneurship and management in production; - The role and significance of the organization and activities of companies in production; - Measurement of production results at the enterprise level and elements of cost theory, - Measurement of production results at the social level (GDP, DP, ND, HDI); 9. Distribution as the second phase of the economic process - characteristics, mechanism and controversies of primary, secondary and tertiary distribution - Forms of income of owners of production factors (profit/dividend, interest, rent), - Rent as income from human labor; 10. Exchange as the third stage of the economic process - Historical forms and market mechanism, - Money - the emergence of a general equivalent, the development of the form of money and credit-monetary policy, - International exchange – motives, doctrines and rules; 11. Consumption as the fourth stage of the economic process - Personal consumption and government consumption - Consumption, savings and investments; 12. Economic development - factors of successful development and obstacles to economic development, development problems of Croatia |
Course learning outcomes |
recognize and describe the economic dimension of the life of an individual and society, and explain its role and significance in people's lives; understand and explain the role and significance of the science of Political Economy in the economic and other dimensions of society's life, its nature and relationship to other economic disciplines (sciences) and social sciences, understand and explain the structure of human needs and their role in the life of an individual and society, and understand and explain the operation of the "law of scarcity", briefly describe the economic history of the human species, identify the main periods within economic history and their characteristics, recognize the most important trends in the development of economic thought throughout history, and the most important economic theorists (economists) and schools of economic thought, understand the process of material reproduction of society (economic process) and identify the basic elements of each of the four stages within the material reproduction of society (economic process), understand and explain ek. phenomena, processes and relationships in the production phase, understand and explain ek. phenomena, processes and relationships in the distribution phase, understand and explain ek. phenomena, processes and relationships in the exchange phase, understand and explain ek. phenomena, processes and relationships in the consumption phase, recognize and express economic and other factors of successful economic development of society, as well as obstacles to strong economic development, to understand, judge and evaluate the national and global level of the currently reached level of economic (economic, economic) development, |
☑ Lectures ☑ Seminars and workshops ☐ Exercises ☑ Independent tasks ☑ Multimedia and internet | ☐ Distance education ☑ Office hours ☐ Laboratory ☐ Field work ☑ Mentoring work ☑ Knowledge test |
☑ Oral exam ☑ Written exam ☑ Colloquium |
Other: |
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Required reading |
Stjenko Vranjican. Politička ekonomija. 2007. Pravni fakultet u Zagrebu |
Optional reading |
Rajko Odobaša. Kompendij iz Političke ekonomije. 2021. on-line udžbenik |